It's not easy

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Cha Hae-in sipped her champagne from the flute, looking around the crowded room: the Hunters Association had organized a ball for Korean Hunters over rank B and so here she was, together with almost all the members of her Guild.

The smell was disturbing, but not overwhelming and she was slightly enjoying the conversation and the food.

Hae-in was standing on a mezzanine near her Guildmaster Choi Jong-in, who was talking to Reapers' and Fame's Guildmasters Lim Tae-gyu and Ma Dong-wook: in the corner of the eye she could see Baek Yoon-ho with a few White Tiger guildmembers wading through the crowd to reach them. She sighed and hoped there won't be any scenes between Choi Jong-in and Baek Yoon-ho: she wasn't in the mood for playing moderator. Unwittingly, her eyes moved to a corner of the ballroom where a tall, dark-haired man was surrounded by a multitude of people: Hae-in frowned as a particularly bold woman entwined arms with the man, but luckily Jin-woo swiftly and subtly freed himself.

The blonde woman averted her gaze and bit her lower lip: she was starting to regret the privacy of their relationship, because she couldn't just go and taking him away from those harpies. Hae-in didn't want to be in a bad mood the whole evening, so she went back to listen to the other S-ranks' conversation.

Music started to resound in the room and many couples started to dance: Hae-in watched them enviously, but shook her head smiling wryly. 'No use hoping for more'.

On the other side of the room, Jin-woo was feeling exasperated by the people constantly clamoring for his attention and the touchy-feely way some of the women were behaving in: Jin-ho was controlling most of the crowd, but still it was a bit too much for him.

The Shadow Sovereign's slate eyes moved upwards to the mezzanine: highly visible, there, were some of his acquaintances and his girlfriend. Hae-in was wearing a scarlet long dress and and her hair was lightly curled: she was like a beacon among the men wearing dark or grey suits.

As a hand grabbed, again, his forearm, Jin-woo glared and lost his patience: he grasped Jin-ho's shoulder and with him flash-stepped closer to the mezzanine, ignoring the younger man crying out "Hyung-nim!". Maybe it was time to publicize his relationship...

Hae-in stiffened when Choi Jong-in, Lim Tae-gyu, Ma Dong-wook, Baek Yoon-ho and the others around them starting greeting someone coming up behind her.

"Good evening Hunter Sung!" Choi Jong-in smiled, extending a hand to him. Jin-woo smiled back and shook hands with him. "Are you fine Master Choi?" "Not bad, thanks."

"Ah, Sung Jin-woo! Nice to see you in Korea for once!" Baek Yoon-ho wrapped a large arm around the other man's shoulders in a friendly way. "I need to come back home sometimes." the black-haired man replied.

Hae-in sipped again her champagne and her lips curled upwards as she watched Jin-woo intreract with the other Hunters: selfishly, she also felt relieved that he got away from the other women. The blonde inwardly groaned: she hated feeling jealous and insecure.

A few notes from a once famous, slow song resounded in the air and Hae-in sighed in longing.

A long-fingered hand appeared in her visual field and she raised her gaze, gaping.

"Want to dance?" Jin-woo grinned knowingly.

It took her a few seconds to understand what was happening, then she smiled bashfully and took his hand. "Yes, please."

"Let's go then." And he guided her to the dancefloor, ignoring completely the incredulous stares around them.

I can't stand to fly

I'm not that naïve

I'm just out to find

The better part of me

Solo Leveling: Sung-Jin-Woo x Cha-Hae-InWhere stories live. Discover now