chapter twenty (+)

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by this chapter school has finished for Christmas break and Ashton is herreeeee


Today I was picking Ashton up at the airport, he was coming home with Jack and Niall and I was sitting with Ben near the entrance of the security gate so as soon as they were out I could hug Ashton.

"So, what are you doing for Christmas?" Ben asked me.

"Just gonna spend it with Ash and Mike." I shrugged, "Have dinner, go see Ashton's family, not much."

"You could come home." Ben said, nudging me. "Mum misses you and it's lonely." Ben sighed sadly, I could tell he was putting it on. "I hang out with Lauren more at her's than at home."

"Really?" I asked.

Ben nodded, "Yeah, even Ethan misses you."

"I'm living at Ashton's now, and we're having a family. That's not changing." I said, "It's better for the baby." I said putting my hands on my bump.

"How far along are you?" Ben asked.

"Four months-ish, we're going to find out the gender tomorrow." I told him smiling.

"What are you hoping for?" He asked.

"I want a girl, but Ash wants a boy." I giggled, "He's already got a list of names."

"Of course he has." Ben shook his head.

I looked up from my stomach and my eyes caught on to Ashton. He was staring at me and I stood up, before slowly walking towards him. He came through the security and then he smiled and I ran towards him, my arms wrapping around his waist and he held me tightly.

My head lay on his chest and I could hear his heart beating quickly. "Oh baby." Ashton squeezed me before I pulled away and leaned up to kiss him on the lips. "I missed you so much, princess."

I peppered him in kisses before wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him deeply. "I love you." I mumbled against his lips, "Love you so much." I sighed.

"I love you too." He kissed me again, "Should we get my bags and go home?" He asked and I nodded.

Ashton took my hand in his and we headed to baggage claim after I hugged Niall and my brother. We got in to my car and Ashton took the front passenger seat. But before we drove off he pulled me close to him and kissed me making the three boys in the back scoff. "Just drive please." Niall said.

I drove everyone home and then back to Ashton's and sadly for Ashton, Michael was home and well you know what Ashton wanted to do. Michael and Ashton hugged and then Ashton picked up Alex, "Oh baby, you've grown up so much." He cooed.

Alex let out a giggling sound and we all sat down on the sofa and I cuddled in to Ashton and he held Alex on his lap, who was teething at Ashton's hand. I kissed Ashton's cheek and pulled away, resting my chin on his shoulder, so he faced me. "Hi." He whispered.

"Hi." I smiled, "We can do it tomorrow." I told him.




We were seated at the private clinic with Anne and William, waiting our turn with Doctor Thompson. The waiting room was white with photos of small children on the walls along with a coffee table with flowers on it, with pamphlets about pregnancies. It was a nice place.

"Luke Hemmings?"

I stood up at my name and Ashton followed. "Good luck." Anne smiled and I thanked her before we followed the nurse, who showed us the room to Dr Thompson.

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