the proposal

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Ashton's proposal


Ashton had been making it pretty obvious he was going to propose to Luke, constantly saying "I propose we go out for dinner" and "I propose we watch this film, not mean girls for the fiftieth time" and he'd even asked for Luke's ring size. It was honestly ridiculous.

They were cuddling on the sofa, Aria sitting on the floor as she played with her blocks. Ashton's lips were on Luke's neck, soft kisses being pressed to his soft skin. He giggled as Ashton's teeth nibbled slightly, and he shied away from him.

"Daddy?" Aria called, from the floor.

"Hm." Luke hummed.

"What time is mummy coming for me?" she asked.

"In a few hours baby, why?" Luke questioned.

"Because I know you want alone time with Ashy." She smiled sweetly and Luke chuckled shaking his head at her. She stood up and left her blocks before climbing on the sofa, sitting on Luke's lap, Ashton beside him. "Did you know mummy met someone?" She asked Luke.

"No, who is he?" Luke asked, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear.

"It's a she, her name is Jessy and she's really nice and she buys me cute headbands." She grinned and Luke looked at Ashton in surprise.

"Mummy has a girlfriend?" Luke continued and she nodded eagerly. "Have they been on dates?"

Aria nodded again, "Mummy and Jessy have been talking and giggling and they go out a lot and mummy says that I might have to stay over with Ashy more so she can have alone time with Jessy."

"I don't mind looking after you more." Ashton smiled, and Aria climbed in to his lap, lying on his chest. Ashton gave Luke a grin and wrapped his arm around Luke's shoulders and the three of them lay there and cuddled for a few hours before the doorbell rang.

Aria got up and ran to the door, standing on her tip toes from where Luke could see and opened the door. "Mummy and Jessy are here!"

Luke stood up and Ashton slapped his bum before Luke giggled and went to the door. He grabbed Aria's shoulders, "Baby go get your bag, yeah? And don't forget Ashy's teddy for you."

Aria ran off and Ashton went to help her so Luke turned to Willow and a brunette girl, her hair red at the ends. "Hi." Luke smiled. "I'm Luke." He said to the brunette.

She smiled, "Jessy."

Their hands were entwined and Luke smiled, before smirking to Willow. "So you like girls now? You ventured to the dark side."

Willow rolled her eyes, "Give me my child Luke Hemmings." She said playfully. "Is Ash still teasing you with proposing?" She changed the subject making Luke pout.

"Oh gosh, he won't stop with the puns. He's clearly going to do it but he's being an asshole about it." Luke frowned. "I don't know if he's doing it to think he will and then won't or he's just really obvious."

Ashton came up behind Luke suddenly, wrapping his arms around the blondes waist. "So I'm an asshole?" He whispered, kissing Luke's love bitten neck, and he blushed. "Soon baby, I like teasing and making you wait."

Luke rolled his eyes but pushed him away and picked up Aria, who came running towards them, she giggled and kissed Luke's cheek. "See you soon, princess." Luke cooed and kissed his nose. "I love you."

"I love you too Daddy." She smiled and hugged her dad. "Love you too Ashy." She made grabby hands for his boyfriend and Luke handed her over, letting her hug Ashton tightly. Ashton put her down after a cuddle and she walked to her mum, grabbing Willow's hand before they waved goodbye and the three of them left.

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