Chapter 2

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He handed out all his documents to the owner of the house who indeed looked like an officer. Mr.Karun Yadav and his wife Seeta Yadav.

Aunty looked very sweet and kind as compared to uncle.

"Read it and Sign here"

"Yes sir" Siddhant takes the paper in his hands read it carefully and then did the sign.

"Your Dada ji said you are a criminal lawyer"

"You heard it right sir"

"Hmm then it should not cause a trouble to my family. Your profession"

Siddhant shooks his head "It won't. I will take care of it and I won't let anything happen to your family. I will leave if I would feel any kind of danger"

Mr.Karun nods his head.

A 16-17 year old boy brings in a cup of tea and offers it to Siddhant.

"Thank you" Siddhant said with a smile

"He is Aditya our son. He will leave for college next week" Said Aunty

"What are you studying?" Siddhant asked

"Commerce ! Want to start my business"

Business! The word Siddhant hates the most. He forced a smile and nodded.

Uncle then clear his throat "Before Aditya shows you the room Siddhant I want you to keep one thing in mind"

Siddhant looks at him, waiting for his other words to flow.

"Maintain a decent distance with my daughter"

"Sorry sir?" He frowned

"I am a concerned father. I wouldn't have kept a male person as the paying guest due to my daughter's safety as society is cruel, it is difficult to trust anyone but...I do respect my teacher and this is the one favour he asked me and assured me that you are a gentleman"

So they have a daughter ! Flashed his mind. He wanted to tell him that he is not looking out for girls nor he is a creep who will try to be close to his daughter.

"You can count on me sir. I am here just for some months and complete my case that's it"

He nods and Aunty pass a smile to Siddhant.

Aditya takes him to the rent room.

"This is your room"

Siddhant glanced in and found it extremely spacious with a balcony good view of the city, attached bathroom and...and a bookshelf with books.

"Are these yours?" Siddhant asked

"No, my sisters. The Shelf was going to be shifted in her room but that one is already filled with her course and exam books, but this she will empty in the weekend probably but she is lazy so it will take her a month!"

He nods and look at the books. They are of variety! Mystery, Self improvement, emotional ones and Romance as well.

"Warning that don't touch them or let them happen anything, she might kill you. She is very dangerous...She is a witch, But Lovely also but She fights with me but yet good, Good Sister...I Shouldn't appreciate her more" He shrugged at the end and Siddhant smile a bit.

"I should leave and Dinner is at 8pm"


He left and Siddhant pick up his bag and set the room. He quickly call his Dadaji and Thank him. He asks about the family.

"It's good but your student thinks that I might do something to her daughter"

Dadaji laughed "Possessive Father. Even I was"

"Acha Dada ji. As I am very good looking, what if his daughter come close to me. Then what will your student do"

"Then he will see you only. Father's you know"

"That's not right, it won't be my mistake"

"I know. Have you seen her"

"His daughter?"


"Not yet"

" you should focus on your work not his daughter Siddhant"

"Dada ji. Why would I ? I am not interested in any one you know that" I lat on the bed

"I know, I know very well"

Then his Dadi took the phone and talked to him. Siddhant felt happy talking to them. He cuts the call and rest for sometime before starting to study the case file once again.


He rubs his eyes and close the file. A knock and his eyes snap at the wall clock. 8PM

Opening the door he saw Aditya "Bhaiya Dinner"

"I will be there in 5 minutes"


Siddhant wash his face and in his mind only the case is revolving.

He gets out of his room closing it when he saw A girl, her back facing him talking on phone and walking towards a room. A waist length professional but not so professional coat and tight bell bottom jeans and that made her very attractive. Like He found it attractive, her curves.

He slaps his mind and shook his thoughts but he couldn't deny she is looking sexy from behind which made him curious to look at her face ! She has to be the daughter of this house.

He walks down when she gets in her room. Aunty pass a smile to him and Sid did the same.

He sits beside Aditya. They serve themselves food and while having it Mr.Karun Asks his son "Aditya where is your sister?"

"She just came from the coaching Papa, she will have the food late"

"Okay but she should have food on time"

Siddhant Silently eats his food which is very delicious.  After food he wash his plate's as he didn't wanted to let them have any complaints. He gets back to his room and make few calls regarding the case.

He got some pictures as some kind of proof and he carefully analyse them and after some time he drifts into a deep sleep.

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