Chapter 3

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She picks up her books and neatly keep them on the table. Then she goes to do her skin care which is of no use. The dark spots which she has on her forehead and are just not going and it's true she isn't consistent while applying the cream which she brought from the dermatologist.

She stands infront of the mirror and look at herself. Rolling the sleeves of her shirt till her shoulder she watch her big fat arm's. Then her thick thighs. Her hips. Having a pear shaped body is fine but not the fat which she tried to get rid of but failed every time.

While coming back from coaching she checked her weight on street hoping that it might have reduced but it was same 68 Kg. After that she was silent !

Her stomach was fill with the weight itself. She smiled at the mirror and tried to accept her body but instead she remembered how a girl in a fun way called her body builder and many other humiliation.

And why she doesn't say anything?  because she knows she is overweight and to speak anything against someone she have to be heartless like them and she is not like that nor she want to be as in the end she would not feel good.

Disappointed in herself and just turns around and do her skin care and yet again a thought why am I not pretty?

Sometimes she likes herself but some days she just hates herself. She don't want this drop and fall of confidence in herself. When someone compliments about her figure she feels so happy and shocked at the same time but when someone calls her something she starts doubting if people where just being nice to her or is she really sexy in the body she have.

After a skin care she goes to sleep so that she can wake up early and atleast walk on the terrace and then go to study ! This much she has to do to be fit !

After getting fresh and brushing her teeths she walks to the terrace with a bun and some hairs flickering out infront of her face. The way her hairs her lossing, she fears if there will be any left in some years.

She plugs in her earphones when she slepts to the terrace and walks gazing at the sunrise. She wobble her head with the beats of the song and grooves slowly and her playlist is jumbled so now from peaceful one it has changed to a dance one.

Slowly her body starts grooving a bit more as she knows the step of the song as well and her mind is dancing so well in her mind with a fantastic senarios. She moves her lips accordingly to the lyrics inaudible.

On the hook up line she does the step or try to but fails then she just changes the song and rather a very funny one but she still likes it which is "Tera Isqh bara teekha" of Rowdy Rathore

She still walks with a romantic senario playing in her mind where she is dancing with her lover but Damn it, she doesn't have any.

Her Bluetooth battery gets over but still she wanted to walk. So she removes her headphone and a sweet song gets played "Teri Tasveer" one of her favourite by bayaan.

It was taking time to play and she saw birds drinking water which she kept in a bowl on the terrace and even some grains. She smiles and slowly moves closer to them and bend bends down looking at the cute birds.

Light wind was blowing, rather very soothing when the song began to play with a humming. Perfect, she felt the moment perfect.

Siddhant took a bath and washed his clothes as well but he is thinking where to hang them. In the balcony there is no rope. He thinks of drying his clothes on the terrace or today and thought that later he will ask aunty for a rope if she allows.

Before taking his clothes he thought of checking whether there is any place he can hang his clothes on the terrace. Ruffling his hairs as they are wet he steps towards the terrace.

When he was closer he heard a guitar tune and when he stepped there humming voice started and...and he saw a rather beautiful view. A smile adoring her lips, the way she was looking at the birds with innocence.

As she felt a gaze on her she turned her head in that direction and her smile was slowly dropping and He felt a tickle in his belly when she looked at him with her confused innocent eyes. She slowly got up and looked at him from top to bottom. Their gaze was on each other when she was trying to figure out who he was, when he somehow understood with her expressions.

So he parted his lips and spoke "Paying Guest"

The slight frown which was there now disappeared and she acknowledges his words with a nod. She turns her gaze back to the bird and she pause the song as well. Rather feeling nervous with his presence.

"Umm excuse me" He moved a step closer to her and she again looked at him.

"Can I dry my clothes on this rope?" He pointed out and she shift her eyes to the rope and then back at him.

She nods again and now she wants to go away from here. Her father said that he will not allow any unmarried or single man old to be a paying guest then how did he allow a handsome man to be one? And why no one informed her that he has already shifted in the house?

She saw him walking back down and she took a good breath. She also after sometime stepped down but saw him approaching towards the stairs of the terrace. Their steps slow down and have a glance of each other and walk in opposite sides in different directions. She felt her cheeks warm up when they move passed each other.

For how many months he is here??? She rush to her mother who is in her room.

"Maa Maa!"

Her mother turns around after putting on a bindi on her forehead.

"Haan, kya hua?" (What happened?)"

"Maa, we have a paying guest in the house? Since when? Why didn't no one tell me?"

"He came yesterday in the afternoon and when you came you directly went to your room"

"But at least I should have been aware of it and" She lower her voice "How did Papa Agree for a male paying guest?"

"He is your father's college teachers Grandson and as he asked your father to give a space to his grandson, so he is here"

Her mouth let out an Oh Voice.

"But your father has warned him to stay at a good distance with you"

She frown "Why?"

"He is your father and very possessive!"

She smiled "Then He must be a possessive Husband also"

Her mother blushed "Stup up and go prepare the breakfast"

"Aditya will make omelettes. I am in no mood to make anything"

"Why aren't you ready? Not going to work?" Her mother raised her brows

"It's at 10:30 today"

Her mother nods and then a question arose with in her "Do we have to prepare food for the paying guest also?"

"He can cook for himself also but he is more like a guest as well and he is paying for food as well so...Yes"

"Acha, for how long is he here?"

"6 months at least"

She nods "Okay Maa. I am going to get ready then"

By the time she got ready it was already time so she took her tiffin box and ran out of the house to her work.

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