Chapter 21

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"How come you took admission in the middle of the course?" Navedita asks Prabhas

"The previous Coaching was not worth it, so I needed to find a new one"

She nods, They both are waiting for Kiran.

"Hey Navi" She hugs Navedita and Say Hi to Prabhas.

"Hello, Umm thank you so much for sharing your notes with me" He said and she smiles at him

"No problem"

Navedita looks at both of them and press her lips tightly together as she can see a chemistry.

"Your Handwriting is reall nice By the way" He takes out her notes


"Actually I didn't understand some things in your notes? Will you be fine explaining it...if no it doesn't waste your time !"

Kiran looks at Navedita and she look up.

"Yeah sure, You can call me at night"

"At Night?" say that Navedita raising brows

"I am free at that time only" She Kiran glaring at Navedita

"I was just confirming"

They all go back in the class and Let Prabhas sit beside Kiran !

Navedita feel so happy being a cupid !


'When will you be back home?' She text Siddhant

'In an hour maybe!'

'Okay be quick I want to share something!'

'Your Bed with me? I am ready 😉'

She shook her head laughing 'Stupid ! Not that...first you come home'

'Okay As You say ❤️'

She lay on bed and smile brightly, She have found someone who is there to listen to her, to make her blush, to make her happy !

She pinch herself and it did pain. Siddhant...You are a blessing from god for me, She said to herself!

Siddhant came home and called Navedita to open the door. She quickly opens the door and he grins looking at her finally after a long day. Right now he want's to hug her.

They both go up stairs and he hold her hand taking her to his room. Her heartbeat increases as he is showing so much desperation.

Closing the door, He hugs her tightly "Gosh, You are so perfect for me and for this comforting hug"

She close her eyes and hug him smiling.

They move back after a minute or so "Though I don't want to leave you but I have to freshen up so I am relaxed with you and can hear you what you want to say !"


She wait for him while he is bathing, She takes a book from her shelf and jumps on the bed, but she isn't interested in reading them.

Then she waits for him and scroll through her phone, His phone pinged a message revealing his wallpaper.

She frown and pick it up and saw her photo. It's her childhood photo, He must have clicked it from the living room where various pictures are hung up.

She sigh and began to feel emotional. She drinks water and smiles. This idiot loves her but still she is scared.

Siddhant came out from the washroom, In shorts and T-shirt wiping his hair, Looking so fresh and hot !

"Close your eyes!" He said


"Close na please"

She close her eyes and he quickly take out lily from his bag which he brought for her.

He lightly touch her forehead with the flower and shw open her eyes.

She smiles brightly and holds the lily, Hugging him immediately "thank you"

"You liked it?"

"I loved it!" She said moving back to look at him

"And the one who brought it?" He raise his eye brows

She kiss his cheek instead.

He sigh, He will not force her to say I love you....he wants her to say when she will say it from heart.

"You won't have dinner?" She ask as he sit beside her on bed"

"I already had it, I already told your mother about it"

"Hmm" She holds his hand and looks at the lily.

"Do you know why I brought lily for you?"


"Because it symbolises purity and you are as pure like this !"

She looks at him "You are giving me a lot of importance"

He tuck her hair behind her ear "You deserve the importance!"

She hugs his arm tightly, to tell him how touched she is.

"So what you wanted to share?"

She grins and sat folding her legs, He chuckles looking at her excitement "So I became a cupid!"


She tells everything about Kiran and Prabhas.

"Ohh...That's nice, Kiran is going to have a good guy in her life finally"

"Yes, I am so happy Siddhant !"

"Waise" He move closer to her "I am also a good Guy!"

"So?" her voice low

"So...whom do you think the girl I love, will be happy with me?"

He holds her waist and she place her hand on his chest, their forehead touching.

"You have no idea how happy she is" Her breath mixing with hers

He grins feeling so happy, he kiss her cheek. Trace his lips lightly on her neck and she shudders.

Her breathing gets heavy but Siddhants phone ring !
He close his eyes tightly and move back.

"Sorry can I take the call?" He ask and she nods

He leaves her and she relax her heartbeats.

Siddhant have got an important call and is very stressed.

Navedita needs to study so she get up but he holds her hand.

"I need to study" She whispers

"Umm can you hold on for 2 minutes?" Said Siddhant on call

"Yeah sure"

Siddhant puts the call on hold and Kiss Navedita's Forehead "Good Night"

She kiss his cheek "Good night"

He kiss his nose tip "Dream about me"

She roll her eyes, He raise his eye brows.

"Bye !

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