Chapter 16

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In the middle of the night Siddhant got a call from Abhishek, so he left. Before leaving he calls uncle and ask him to open the door and he urgently had to leave..

He has packed clothes for some days as they have to go somewhere to collect proof's!

"Thanks Sir and sorry for disturbing" He quickly rush to his car and tuck in the seat belt.

He drove away to where Abhishek has sent the live location.


Navedita woke up having a romantic dream in which Siddhant was her romantic partner.

She smiles remembering last night, him holding her hand, ghosh butterflies are tittering in her stomach wildly.

Freshening up quickly she rush to the breakfast table, feeling nervous, Feeling shy. Also she is still shocked sharing something very personal thing to him but she is feeling so nice that at least He knows.

She sat on the breakfast table waiting for him, the time is clicking but he is not there.

"What happened Beta?" Asks her father


She complete her breakfast. As she goes up, she decide to knock on his door but there was no response. So she leaves and gets ready for office.

After dressing up for office, she once again knock on his door and then she notice that it is locked.

Where did he go ? She thought.....Maybe for case !

She sigh and reach her work place thinking about him.
Maybe at night she might be able to meet him.


She is back from coaching and she run's to the upper floor to see if he came but still his room is locked.
She is taking deep breath due to running fast.

Why is she thinking so much about him but she is also scared today a little.

Everything will be fine.

She skips the dinner as she isn't in mood, she calls Aditya in hope to know about Siddhant but Aditya didn't mention about him even once.

After talking to Aditya, She decides to message Siddhant himself or else desperation will kill her.

'Hope you are fine' She type and close her eyes.

While sleeping, every half an hour she was waking up to see if he saw the message or not but he didn't.

Soon Sleep consumed her and she slept.

On the other hand Siddhant in the hospital getting a cut aided. He got into a fight with a criminal who was escaping and so he caught him as Police was just little away.

The criminal cut his arm and was about to shove the knife in his stomach as well but Inspector Rohit came on time and saved his cousin..Siddhant

Siddhant's phone got crushed in the fight as well.

Then He helped Rohit and ACP Aryan in catching up other criminals as well.

(Uff...that feeling - Aryan's love story ! Cuffed Suddenly in love - Rohit's Love story)

Now in the Hospital Aryan and Rohit has come to meet him.

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