Chapter 12

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Navedita and Siddhant are driving back home.

"Please stop the car a street before, I don't want Papa to find me coming with you" Said Navedita

"As You say but we can give him a reason"

"Not a good Idea because then My father will not leave you then"

He frowns "Is it?"

"Yes !"

"I can prove myself Innocent so well"

She looks at him "What do you mean?"

"I mean that now I will park the car just where I park and let your father see that you came with me"

"No you will not do that"

"Yes, I am not scared of your father"

"It's not about being scared of him...It's about him finding a reason to get you out of the house be it like this !"

He parks the car before a street !

He smiles "So you don't want me to leave the house?"

She takes a while to answer "It's not like that but you have helped me and my friend, you are at my house for your work and I will feel guilty if like this you will leave"

Though Siddhant didn't like the reason she gave but he still Nod's

"But I think you are sacred for no reason I should drive .."

"Siddhant" She calls him out and he stops immediately looking at her. She spoke his name for the first time !

She pleads with her eyes "Please Siddhant !" She shook her head

He sigh looking at her "The car is already at halt, where you want to go from"

She looks out and realise that they are already near the house.

She tuck her hair behind her ear "I...I will call you if my father wouldn't be at hall"

He nods.

She leave's and quickly walk to her house, feeling weird and confused.

Siddhant close his eyes and her voice is repeating in his mind...Calling his name. He never knew that there will be a weird effect of someone calling out his name.

Navedita calls him telling that the way is clear, He can come home.


"Yes Mom I am good" He said talking on Video call

"Everyone is treating you well right?"

He smiles "Yes Mom, Everyone is treating me Well, you have been asking me since the day I have been here"

"What to do, You are staying with a family" Said His mother

Then came a voice from behind "Ask him if he is troubling the family"

Siddhant Clinch his Jaw and close his eyes "Mom Tell him not to bother, I don't bother people unless or until they bother me"

His Dad comes on screen "When are you coming home?"

"How does it matter you?"

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