Chapter 6

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Today is the case hearing and Siddhant is prepared for it but still not sure what the opponent will present in the court.

After having breakfast he step out from the house, shoving out his car key's and Saw Navedita and her Mother.

"If your Dad will get to know that you have been sent by public transport he will not spare me"

"Maa he worries a lot, when I was doing graduation I used to travel through public transport only"

"Can't you go late for your wor" Aunty's eyes fall on him "Siddhant beta"

"Ji Aunty?"

Navedita also turn around to look at him and he hold's an eye contact with her.

Aunty hold her hand and walks towards him "Can you drop Navi to her Work place? The car has gone for repair and the driver is saying it will take time, Aditya is at his friends house"

He looks at Navedita, she looks at her mother and says "No Maa it's fine I will"

"I have no problem where is your Office?" He ask

She just stares at him and Aunty answered instead "It near..........."

He nod "It's near the place where I am going, If you are comfortable you can come with me"

She looks at him and then her mom.

She finally nods and he pass a small smile.

And before walking towards his car Aunty said "Don't let her father know that you dropped her, I will inform him myself ! And also you Navi"

"Okay Maa"

He open the gate for Navedita and she gets in the car.

"Thank you beta" Said aunty with a sweet smile

He put on his seat belt and then look at her "Shall we go?"

She nods just glancing at him for few seconds.

The drive was getting silent and he wanted to make a little conversation with her "Umm can I ask you something?"

"What?" She blinks fast coming out from her thinking zone, Thinking that how she is in his car and nervous.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Umm Yeah sure"

"You are doing a job but I have heard your father talking about some preparations?"

"Haan I am preparing for Govt exam, I got placement through college so I didn't leave the chance"

He nods "You are happy with your job?"

She think for a while before answering him "I am okay"

She wanted to add that she is scared if she would be able to be an officer or not or if she would be able to make her father proud. He want's to see her as an officer but in real she wants to start up her own Crafts business but her father won't agree to it, She doesn't have the courage.

She can't reveal all this to the paying Guest, they are not even friends.

Siddhant being a lawyer can read her expressions that she wants to say more, scream something but would not tell him.

His phone start buzzing and he picks it up through the bluetooth.


"When you will be in the court Siddhant?"

He looks at the watch "it will take me 45 minutes approx"

"Okay be there on time, today is the first hearing and we can't afford to lose it up in the starting itself"

"I am very well aware of it Abhishek"

"But you are not aware of the fact that our opponent have manipulated one of our witness"

He frowns and part the car at side "What the F*ck ? Dont tell me our important Witness is backing off"

"Unfortunately it is him only, He came to me"

Siddhant's anger starts increasing "And what the hell were you doing? How did you let him go?" His voice increased

"I tried Siddhant but he has been threatened"

"Threatened My foot ! For sure he has been given money! how could you...Argh" His Jaw clench in anger and Navedita is Scared of him that she holds her bag tightly and also a little worried for him.

"Calm down Siddhant"

This irritates Siddhant and he punches the car very hard making Her flinch and a little sound in fear. That time he suddenly gets it that she is with him and is scared because of him.

He close his eyes and look at her, She lower her lashes and looks away.

"I will call you later Abhishek"


He cuts the call and take deep breath's. The drive is silent till her office.

As he stops near her office she pass a small smile and say "Thanks"

He nods and Before she could leave he says "I am Sorry"

She looks at him and mash her lips together "I think someone else deserves this more than me"

He raise his eye brows in confusion

"Your Friend? I am sorry, I know it's your personal matter but in anger you just forgot to show some respect"

He didn't say anything.

"All the best for the case" Saying that she got off the car and leaves.

He drives silently and starts feeling bitter for himself and guilty, She is right !

When he reached the court, which is opposite way to her office, He stepped down and called his friend.

He found his friend and Siddhant is unable to meet his eyes with him.

"Let's go to the court?" Said Abhishek

Siddhant nods and while walking behind him. He started feeling heavy, Why she had to make him realise his behaviour??

"Abhi" He calls him


He tries to gain some courage "I...I am sorry for lashing out on you"

Abhishek Smile and pats his arm "It's okay you were angry"

"But in anger I can't disrespect you. I am very sorry"

"You have shouted on me many times which have been hurtful but what happened today?"

He sigh "Just realised I am an Asshole"

Abhishek laughs and hugs him "It's really a big shock that you realised it and even apologised or else I was thinking to ignore you after this"

"I am really sorry for earlier times as well"

"Okay enough of the sorry, Now let's go the hearing is going to start!"

He nods and they both get to the court and start with the case.

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