Chapter 5

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A little bit of comments can really boost my will to write ! Because without response it's like I don't know what I am writing is good or not..


Everyone was there for breakfast except Siddhant, so Aditya is going to knock once on his door to ask if he will have it now or later.

Navedita looks at her paratha and thinks how to skip eating it as it will lead to more weight gain.

"Why aren't you eating?" Asked her mother

"Hmm? No I-I am"

Her Father looks at her "are you dieting again beta?"

She shooks her head furiously "" She has a bite of Paratha and smiled.

Aditya came back and sat back on his seat "He just woke up and will be here soon"

Siddhant got down to the breakfast table, tired.

"You look stressed Siddhant beta. Didn't sleep well?" Her mother asked him and Navedita looks at him when he sat on his chair "I was up almost whole night because of work"

"I am sorry Beta, Next time I will keep your food stored so that you can have it later"

He smiled and Navedita got mesmerised. She looked at his father if he is watching her ogling at Siddhant but he is busy eating food !

Siddhant also started having his breakfast when Aditya asked "Bhaiya you are criminal lawyer so your life must be at risk right?"

"I have protected myself very well till now, but nothing has actually happened and when we feel unsafe, we can ask for security"

He spare a glance at Navedita and she immediately lower her lashes .

"Navi You won't go for work?" Her dad asked

"No Papa, Today we have break from work"

After finishing her food she gets up to her room to complete her work. She plugs in the earplugs in her ears and complete her file which is given to her.

She then thinks of reading something, so bobbing her head with the song she goes to the room where she has kept her books. She is in her own world, opening the door she walks straight up to the book shelf looking for a romance novel to make her have those butterflies. She bends down to look at the books at bottom.

Meanwhile Siddhant gets back in his room after ending his call on the terrace. He was at first confused if he closed the door or not cause it is slightly open. He shooked his head and got in closing the door. He removes his shirt and Vest, opening his cupboard to take out his clothes he heard someone humming.

He frowns and slowly turns around walking slowly towards the voice and he saw her kneeling down and then she got up.

She turns and gasp looking at him.

He raise his brows at her and she gulp's.

She remove her headphones and gaze at his body. So Fit ! She thought.

Bringing her focus back on his face she bite her lower lip before speaking "Needed a Book" She points out at the shelf awkwardly "Sorry, I forgot you stay in this room" She holds the book tightly

"It's Okay" He said smiling lightly

They stood there in silence.

"You need another book?" He asked

"No aaa I will leave"

He moved aside and she walks out looking down. He moves behind her to close the door but she turns around as she forgot her phone.

She bumps into him and looks up at his face moving back slightly.

"M-my phone"

He moves aside and she rush in the room picking up her phone which slides from her hand again falling on the bed, She grints her teeth's and pick it up smiling sheepishly at him while he folds his arm's. His Aura is so intimidating and yet attractive as hell.

"Sorry" She move out quickly from the room.

She hit the book on her head and strides to her room, closing the door she takes a deep breath !

His room is Hot like him she thought. Jumping in her bed she read the title of the book "Love studying the Lawyer!" (random name ! There is no such book !)

As she start reading, The male lead is just like Siddhant and she is just imagining him only while herself as the lead !

She immediately close the book "No ! No Navedita first exam then can't afford distractions, plus papa will kill you"

She makes herself understand that he is just good looking nothing more and decide to distract herself from his thought by watching a comedy series.

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