Chapter 15

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Siddhant go to the kitchen and saw Ritesh and Navedita are told to talk in private. So they go to her Room.

Siddhant Smirks for the thing going to happen, He come out of the Kitchen with a glass of water smiling, Her Father looks at Siddhant curiously.

Siddhant points him the Glass of Water and drinks it in front of him.

Ritesh and Navedita are in the room. She is fiddling with her Duppatta.

"Umm You are preparing for government Exams?" He asks


"Too much stress right?"

She nod's

"Do you have a Boyfriend ?" He asks and she looks at him


Her mind repeat's Siddhant voice if he asks about boyfriend or anything like that, Don't tell him that you don't have one. You do Have one okay!

"Aa well" She get stressed and start looking everywhere.

Suddenly the phone began to ring and she takes a deep breath.

"Your phone is ringing!" Said Ritesh and she looks at her phone "No maybe yours"

"Nope my ringtone is not this" He said shoving out his phone

Then on the bed they saw another phone, Dada ji Calling !!!

She contains her smile.

"Oh it is...Siddhant's phone" She said picking it up

"Let me tell his Grand father his phone is in my room"

Ritesh nods slowly.

"Hello Dadaji" She said Sweetly

"Hello Sweetheart, is the plan working?" He ask chuckle

She looks at Ritesh, He is looking around the room.

"I don't know Dadaji, His phone is my room, He so silly Dada ji always forgetting thing's"

"Such a girlfriend kind of dialogue Nice nice" Dadaji laughs and She Blushes

"Okay Dadaji, I will talk to you later" She said

"Okay Beta, bye bye"

She looks at Ritesh and laughs a little "Sorry just"

"It's okay"

There is silence in the room then he ask "Siddhant is Paying guest right?"


"How long he has been staying here?"

"2 months and more"


Then a knock on the door and she opens it. Siddhant contains his smile "I forgot my phone"

She let's him in and he took the phone.

"Sorry Ritesh for coming in between you too" Said Siddhant "She is a very nice girl, So sweet so humble...Sensitive as well. Pure hearted...And also" He chuckles "Naive as well"

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