Chapter 3 New Home, New Beginnings

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Waking up I look at my phone and notice some text messages from my family. I immediately open up the one from my dad and smile when I see a picture of my dog laying with him on the couch. I feel bad that I left her behind in Kansas, but I wanted to get settled in before I traveled with her. I text back my dad to make sure he spoils her for me, and to tell her that I love her. 

I yawn and stretch and smile looking out the window looking at the beautiful blue sky. I change into some jean shorts and put on a loose yellow shirt. I frown looking in the mirror because I have lost weight due to not eating much. However, I am still chubby and curvy and my dyed brown hair is falling below my shoulders. I brush my hair and fix my grandmas necklace on my neck. I put my phone in my pocket and head out the door. 

I am immediately greeted by the smell of pancakes. I smile and walk into the kitchen just as Trish puts food in front of Nadia. 

"Good morning, I hope the bed was comfy enough. Did you sleep okay?" I walk next to her at the stove and look at her heart shaped pancakes and smile. 

"I slept great last night actually. Are those heart shaped?" She giggles and grabs another plate and puts some on it. Handing it to me, I take them just as my stomach grumbles. 

"Yes, Nadia requested we should do it for you. She wanted sprinkles but I told her she didn't need that. Eat up girl, because I made plenty." I laugh and sit next to Nadia at the table. I fix my pancakes just the way I like them, surprised I am even hungry. 

"Daddy said he would help with furniture when he comes back from work," Nadia giggles as she chews on her pancakes. I can't help but giggle at her cute little face.

"That is so kind of your daddy, do you like your mom's pancakes." She nods and shoves another piece in her mouth. I smile as Trish sits next to me and hands me a cup of orange juice. 

"How is your family taking everything since you decided to move Sage?" 

I look up at her and take a deep breath. 

"Well, my dad was not to happy that another one of his kids moved states away. My mom was just happy I was doing something for myself. Other than that, I don't think they quite understand why I moved so far." She nods in understanding and feeds Olive some tiny pieces of pancake.

"Well, I came from Tennessee so I understand what's it's like to have to move your life. If you need any help adjusting don't be afraid to reach out. How are you though, since everything?" 

She looks at me curiously, and once again I feel that pang in my chest. 

"Honestly, just feel lost with love. I don't want to love and get hurt again. I was willing to do anything to make it work with him, but he wanted me happy. So even though it extremely hurts I have to move on." I push the remainder of my food around on my plate and sigh. 

"Besides it's not like he misses me any, he told me we couldn't be friends with distance."

She reaches out and holds my hand tightly. "Well, healing and finding you is all you need to worry about right now. The right person will fall into your lap out of no where."

Feeling some of the weight come off my chest I smile and squeeze her hand tightly. 

A while later, I step outside into the sun and bask in the warmth. After helping Trish get the kids laid down for a nap, I decided I would walk across the street to the place I would call mine. I walk across the street and stop in the yard and look up. Looking at the 2 bedroom blue house that I can call my new place to live, I smile as I look at the front porch. I can already hear my dad in my head teasing me about all the books I will read. 

I head up to the door and enter the code  that the landlord gave me and walk in. I walk in to the living room and just make a small happy noise of glee and walk around checking everything out. I go to the kitchen counter and open the amazon boxes that Tryston brought in, that I already ordered. 

A few minutes later and I am already hanging up my bright blue curtains in the window, when I hear the door open. Just as soon as I look down, I see Nadia running around with her princess tiara and Trish walks behind her holding Olive. 

"I see you got distracted with your curtains." She giggles and sets Olive down on the floor to crawl around. I climb down the later and stand next to her as I adore my work. 

"Yes I did, and I don't care what anyone says, but I love the blue." Trish elbows me and laughs, just as Nadia runs around like an airplane. I giggle and chase after her and throw her up into the air and catch her. 

"I think the blue you picked out is the pretty blue and not the annoying blue, however I did see the furniture truck coming up the road. So, I wouldn't be surprised if it's for you." Just as she finishes her sentence, the doorbell goes off. I go up to the door to see a guy holding a clipboard in a very bright yellow shirt.

"Hello, are you Sage William?" He looks down at his clipboard and back up at me. I try not to cringe at the bright yellow shirt and nod.

"Yep, that's me." He taps his pen on his clipboard as he looks at the list. 

"It looks like you ordered a large L couch, two chairs and then a king bed as well. Is that correct?" He jots down a note and looks back up at me to confirm. 

I get excited and beam out, "Yes that is my new furniture!" He raises an eyebrow and flips the page and hands me the clipboard.

"If you could just sign, where it is marked. Then we can unload the boxes into the house for you." I eagerly sign my name and hand it back to him. He hollers to his assistant who opens the door on the back of the truck. 

"Come here Nadia, let's stand out of the way while the nice men put my boxes inside." She comes up and holds my hand, as Trish grabs olive. We step back and watch as they unload the huge boxes. In amazement, I am so glad I am not the one moving those heavy boxes. 

A few hours later and Trish is helping me unpack the new dishes in the kitchen when we hear the front door. Without having to ask who it is, I hear Nadia yell, "Daddy!"

I hear Tryston laugh as Trish and I round the corner, and see Nadia jumping onto Tryston and his buddies come walking in behind him. 

Tryston goes over and kisses olive on the forehead, and hugs Trish. I look away and look at the two other men standing in my living room. Tryston points to each of the boys starting with the taller one, "This is Ash, and that is Levi. Guys this is Sage. I asked them to come over and help me set up the furniture tonight, and to drink since we get extra days off this week." 

I roll my eyes and Trish laughs, "What else should I expect from you." 

They all laugh at that and get to work trying to put the furniture together. Trish and I decide to order pizza for all of us. Trish and I laugh as Nadia makes it harder for the boys to put the furniture together. 

The taller one who Tryston pointed out as Ash, looks up at me with bright green eyes "Is there a reason for such a ginormous couch?" 

I shrug as Trish giggles next to me, "Well a girl has to have her needs, plus friends, and plenty of space for when I am video gaming." 

Tryston starts laughing as the other boys look up at me in surprise when I said that. I smile at Trish and lean my head on her shoulder knowing that this fresh start is exactly what I needed. 

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