Chapter 16Butterfly Feelings

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Slowly waking up I become aware that I am sprawled out on top of Ash, and I can feel his hand tracing circles on my back. I don't want to move as I feel comfortable and safe, plus I don't want to alert Ash that I am awake yet. Ash wraps his arms around my back and leans his head against mine. 

"I can tell your awake," Ash whispers softly into my ear. I giggle with his breathe tickling my ear and snuggle closer not wanting to get up.

Running my fingers down his arm, I chew at my lip and ask curiously, "How did you know I was awake?"

Ash presses a kiss to my temple, "Your breathing pattern changed. I thought you were going to sleep the rest of the day away. However, it is almost 6:30pm."

I move a bit and turn my head opening my eyes, "I probably could continue too. However, now that I am awake, I am so very hungry." 

Ash chuckles and moves my hair away from my eyes, "Well I can text Levi to come pick us up, and we can go get something to eat."

I smile, "On one condition."

Ash raises an eyebrow, "What is that?"

I giggle and get up off Ash stretching, "That we go get Texas Roadhouse for food."

Ash pulls out his phone to text Levi, "I am good on that condition, because I have never been there before."

I gasp, "Oh my goodness, you are going to love their food. It is so amazing."

Ash chuckles, "Levi said  he will be here in thirty minutes to pick us up, and I placed a reservation for us online." 

I rub my eyes, "I am so ready for some of their rolls, your going to love it. Are you okay if I go take a shower real quick?"

Ash puts his arms behind his head, "That is fine with me. Trystan asked me to call him so I might do that real quick."

I smile and head back to my room and shut the door. I let out a long sigh and look at the mirror and see how rosy my cheeks are. My phone dings and I pull it out of my pocket. 

Trish: Hey, Summer told me you had an amazing day. 

*Summer has been added to your chat*

Summer: Hey guys!

Me: Haha, what did she all tell you. Yes it has been an amazing day.

Summer: Only that I am pretty sure that I saw sparks flying in the back of our vehicle today.

Trish: You owe us all the details.

Me: Well he asked me out and I said yes. However, if I fall to pieces you guys are going to pick it up right. 

Summer: We got your back girl. However, I have known Trystan and Ash for a long time. Ash would not want to do that to you. 

Trish: Ash would not ask you out unless he is really sure, he has avoided girls for the past two years. 

Me: Wow. I am going to go hop in the shower. We are going to Texas Roadhouse tonight. 

Trish: Trystan just informed me that we are joining you, so I will see you there. 

Summer: We will meet you guys as well.

I smile and head to the shower. Taking in the warmth of the water, I close my eyes reminiscing. No one has ever held me like that without me having to ask or beg for it. I just hope that this isn't some play, and that this is genuinely true. However, deep inside myself I can feel his emotions and that he is absolutely terrified of the same thing.

I finish up my shower, and wrap myself in a towel. Opening my closet, I peak at my clothes wondering what I should put on. Taking a small risk, I pull out a simple blue flower dress and put it on. I brush out my hair and put on some roll on perfume. Slipping on my white sandals, I grab my phone and wallet.

Heading back out to the living room, I look around and don't see Ash. Suddenly a pair of arms sneak around my waist and hug me. 

Ash leans his head against mine, "I promise I didn't run away, I was just outside on the phone with Trystan. They are going to join us at Texas Roadhouse."  

I lean back against him and close my eyes, "Yeah Trish texted me, when will Levi be here?"

"He should be here in about five minutes," Ash spins me around and I laugh. 

He smiles, "Are you good at dancing?"

I shrug, "Depends, why are you asking?"

Ash chuckles and puts his hands in his pockets, "Well Summer was the one asking, I think she has an idea for all of us tonight. However she wouldn't tell me and she said it was a surprise."

I roll my eyes, "I love her. She reminds me of me when I am all energetic and happy."

Ash looks to the window, "I think that is Levi's truck. Are you ready to go?"

I nod and grab my jacket just in case, "All ready."

Ash opens the front door holding it open, "After you my lady."

I giggle and roll my eyes, "You don't have to do that. However, thank you."

Ash hops in the passenger seat, and I hop in the back seat behind him. 

Levi looks back at me, "Hey Sage, I am so glad you convinced him to try Texas Roadhouse."

I laugh, "Well it's my favorite so he is going and has no choice."

Levi laughs and takes off driving us too the restaurant. Levi glances over at Ash, "So what have you guys been up to? I notice you didn't come home the other night." 

Ash kinda chuckles, "Yeah, I asked Sage to hangout since you had a friend over, and I ended up just staying the night. Then Summer and Zach included us in their trip to the Zoo today."

I scoot over to the middle and lean forward, "The best part of it was the aquarium where I got to see the jellyfish." 

Levi smiles, "Have you seen jellyfish before?"

I shake my head, "Nope never been to an aquarium before. So it was super amazing."

I blush a bit, because the kiss was probably my most favorite part however I will not say that out loud. 

Ash and Levi start talking about their work schedules this week and I lean back. I stare at Ash taking in his features, and try not to stare to much at how much I love the color the of his eyes. It's like I am drawn into them, I just don't know why.

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