Chapter 6 Chocolate Or Strawberry Glaze, Add Whip Cream

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Getting back to the house Trish greets me at the door with a laugh and a hug. Going inside she immediately has to look at my shirt in person. 

"Oh my goodness, they picked out the perfect shirt for you. I would say don't get rid of that. Yay you guys got ice cream." She immediately grabs it out of Tryston's hands and head to the kitchen. I laugh and follow her. 

"Who all want's ice cream?!" She asks everyone as she grabs bowls and spoons. I laugh as all the boys quickly come into the kitchen at the thought of ice cream. I smile leaning back against the wall as everyone gets what they want. 

I watch as Ash gets at least four scoops of chocolate ice cream in his bowl, and he looks up at me and walks over. 

"You doing, okay? Never seen something like that happen to anyone like before. Hopefully you have cheered up a little." He looks at me concerned and I can't help but feel sort of thankful for someone checking in on me. I look over at Trish and Tryston sitting on the couch sharing a bowl of ice cream and smile. 

"Yeah, I will be okay. Life just hasn't been that great the past few months." I look back at him and he nods. 

"I understand that. Life hasn't been so easy for me either. Do you want a bowl of ice cream too?" I nod and walk over to get myself a bowl and Ash picks up the scoop.

"One scoop of chocolate and one scoop of strawberry. It makes the perfect combo." Ash shakes his head and smiles as he does exactly that. 

I take my bowl and head to the living room and sit on the couch and Ash sits next to Levi on the other end. I shove a flavorful bite into my mouth and try not to go to heaven with it. 

Trish sits up and grins, "So who wants to roll the dice next?" 

I laugh and look at the clock on the TV, "It's two am and you two should probably get sleep before the girls wake up tomorrow." 

Tryston nods and pulls out my phone, "I will give this back to you, on one condition. You don't try reaching out to him, okay?" 

I nod and catch my phone as he throws it to me. Trish grabs the dishes from the boys and washes them before heading to go grab the girls to go back to their house. 

Ash looks up at Tryston, "Is there enough room for all of us to crash at your place. Sage bed isn't exactly set up for her." 

Tryston shrugs, "I think there should be enough room on the couch for you and Levi. Sage already has the guest bedroom set up for her." 

Trish hands Oliver to Tryston and picks up Nadia. Ash and Levi help me turn off the lights and lock up house. We walk across the street to Tryston's, and I stop in the middle of the road and look up at the sky. I smile and follow them inside. 

Tryston and Trish head to take the girls to bed and I sit back in the recliner as the boys take the couch.

I pick up the tv remote and pull up Netflix, "What kind of movies do you guys like it?" 

Levi looks up from his phone and rolls his eyes, "No romance movies, but I do like comedy movies."

Ash laughs, "I can agree on the no romance movies."  I roll my eyes at them and shake my head searching for a good movie. Trish and Tryston come back and join us sitting on the floor. 

"Trish what movie should we choose?" She taps her chin and points to the movie Neighbors. I click on the movie and reach up and shut the light switch off. I sit back in the chair and grab a blanket. 

About thirty minutes into the movie and I look over and suppress a giggle as I see Levi slumped oversleep on the end of the couch. Trish notices and giggles a bit too; she pokes at half asleep Tryston. Soon they get up and go to bed. 

I look over at Ash and he is staring at the TV wide awake, he looks over and sees me looking at him. 

"Everything okay?" I fidget with my blanket and sigh. 

"Yeah, just trying to be happy with everyone's happy energy, just still trying to heal with everything that has happened the past year." He looks at me worriedly and curious.

"Can I ask what happened? Tryston just told me you went through a pretty rough time, so you finally made a decision for you and moved here." I look at him and almost don't want to say anything. However, I know I shouldn't shut people out, and I need to make new friends. 

"It's okay you can ask. I moved down here because where I was, it was toxic, and my mental health wasn't doing so great. Basically, fell in love, and then got my heart broken and don't want to believe in love anymore. Just trying to find myself now, I guess. Honestly it was really my fault that I fell down a rabbit hole. " I shrug and rub a bit at my chest. 

"I am sorry you have gone through so much. However, I completely understand the feeling about love. I don't think you should blame yourself for everything. There is always two sides to a story." He smiles at me gracefully and we look over just as Levi rustles awake. He yawns and rubs his face. 

"I'm sorry did I fall asleep?" He looks over at Ash who is now grabbing a pillow and sitting on the floor. 

"Yes, old man you fell asleep like ten minutes into the movie." He laughs as Levi throws his shoe at him. I giggle and laugh at them as Ash throws his shoe right back at Levi. 

"I am not an old man; I was just exhausted because I did all the hard work today." Ash rolls his eyes at Levi's comment and smiles at me. 

"You two boys are something else. Though, I think I am going to go to bed because I am starting to feel tired too." The boys tell me goodnight and I walk down the hallway to the spare bedroom and shut the door. 

I lay back on the bed after changing into sweats and a sweatshirt and pull my phone up. I notice that Tryston has blocked Dalton on all of my apps. I would be mad, but I know I need to move on, and I need to heal. I smile and send my best friend Elaini a good night text and roll over. 

Hopefully tomorrow, I can set up my house and actually have my own place. I close my eyes and drift off into peaceful sleep. 

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