Chapter 17 Many Surprises

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Pulling up to Texas Roadhouse, I already know what I want to order once we sit down. Ash opens the door for me and I hold his hand climbing out. 

"Don't want the princess falling," Ash smiles looking at me.

I shake my head, "I may fall a lot, but I won't fall climbing out of a truck."

Ash shuts the door and interlocks his fingers with mine. He pulls me with him walking behind Levi, walking up to the front I notice Summer who is talking to Trish. I pull Ash over to them, "Hey girls, how is it going."

Summer looks at me and grins, "Sage! I am so excited for some good steak and beer, and yes I know that isn't girl sounding."

Trish giggles, "I will agree with that statement though Summer. Sage, how are you?"

I see Trish eyes glance down and back up and her grin gets wider. I blush and Ash squeezes my hand speaking up, "Well honestly Sage could have taken a nap the rest of the day, but food is important."

I bump my shoulder into Ash, "Hey I woke up, my brain knew it was time for me to get food. Like you said food is important."

Summer laughs, "I would love to nap all day, however I had other activities that were more important. You know for trying for baby number 2."

Trish snorts, "Summer I don't think Sage needs to know all about your baby making."

I laugh, "Don't worry if you talk about your sex life it is not going to scare me away any."

Trystan walks up to us and grabs Trish's hand, "Hey Sage, I am so glad to see you smiling. However, they are ready to seat us and I am starving."

I pull Ash along with me following them in, the waiter seats us at a big table to fit all of us in. I sit next to Summer, and Ash sits next to me. 

Summer nudges me, "You should have a drink with me tonight."

I look over her shoulder at the drink menu, "I will agree with that, but how about you pick one and I will order the same thing."

Summer smiles, "Deal."

Zach shakes his head, "Oh no, looks like I will be driving tonight."

Ash laughs, "Woman deserve a night where they don't have to be the one driving."

Trystan peaks up from the menu, "I agree with that, because Trish needs her nights to drink wine or she might go crazy."

Trish hits him in the arm, "Hey! I will not, it just soothes the nerves from overstimulation."

The boys laugh at Trystan rubbing his arm and Summer speaks up, "Hey you deserved it, because Zach would agree I need a drink here and there too."

I giggle and shake my head, "I should probably not drink, but oh well."

Ash raises an eyebrow, "Trystan has told me you are energetic drunk."

I blush and Trystan nods, "Sage is a different kind of person when drunk."

We all place our orders and I look over and notice a girl sit down next to Levi. Along with another couple sitting across from them. I look at Trystan confused, and he clears his throat, "Okay so I think we finally have everyone here."

Trystan stands up and points to the girl at the very end with curly black hair and bluish greys eyes, "This is Becca and next to her," he points to a taller brown British looking guy with dark brown hair and greenish eyes, "this is Joshua. They are engaged and have two twins. One boy and one girl."

Trystan points to the girl next to Levi and I recognize her immediately and I scream getting out of my chair, "Oh my god, Elaini!"

Elaini smiles and gets up from her chair and opens her arms as I run into them giving her a hug. Elaini squeezes me really tight, "Sage, I am so happy to see you!"

I pull back and look at her, "How did you get here?"

She grins, "Your friends, well mainly Trystan, are to thank for me getting here. It's a surprise gift for you in honor of a fresh life." 

I giggle and look her up and down and look at her brunette super curly hair cut short, "You look so beautiful and I love your hair cut."

She smiles, "Thank you beautiful."

I go and sit back down next to Ash grinning and Trystan speaks back up, "Now we have our first surprise of the night out of the way, next on the to do list tonight we are going to order our food." 

Trystan sits back down and kisses Trish on the forehead, and I look up as the waitress starts at the end getting our orders. 

Ash reaches under the table and squeezes my hand, "What are you going to get to eat?"

I lay my head on his shoulder looking at the menu with him, "Well this isn't very girl like of me, but I am so going to get a steak and a baked potato." 

Ash chuckles, "That doesn't sound to bad, I might honestly get the same thing."

I smile and giggle, "Well that's because I have good tastes in food, my dad raised his daughter right."

Ash kisses my temple, "I can tell he raised his daughter to be really kind and have amazing taste in food." 

I blush and Ash gives the waitress both of our orders. Right after the waitress leaves to put our order in, Trystan stands up again. 

Trystan claps and gets everyone's attention, "Attention everyone. So, if all the women, including Elaini, close their eyes. Hold out your hands and you will receive the next surprise of the night."

I see everyone following his orders, doing the same, closing my eyes and holding my hands out. I hear Trystan chuckle in front of me, "Ladies, I hope you all enjoy your wonderfully surprises."

I feel a small velvety box be set into my hands, and I open my eyes and see a blue velvet box with a pink bow wrapped around it. 

Ash chuckles, "Open it."

I pull the pink bow off and open the box peaking inside. Inside the box is a rainbow jellyfish necklace with two small pearls on each side of the jellyfish. 

I blink away tears, "Ash this is so beautiful, where did you get this?"

Ash picks up the necklace and helps put it on me, "I got it from the zoo the other day when I kissed you. I figured it suited you and would fit the memory well." 

I look down at the jellyfish hanging on my neck and smile, "I love it so much, it is so beautiful. Thank you so much."

I look over at Ash and he gives me a small kiss, even though it was small I can feel that heat go through me again. Blushing I look over at what everyone else had got. I look and see that Zach had got Summer a necklace with birthstones of his birthday and Malachi's birthday, Trish got a bracelet with the girl's names engraved into it, Becca got a ring with the twins birth stones, and Elaini got a locket with the pictures of her girls inside. 

I smile really big and hear all of the girls excitement and look back up at Ash. 

Ash smiles and kisses me again, "I hope you loved your surprise."

I lean against him grinning, "It is absolutely wonderful, and I am so blessed."

I look over and Trystan stands up still holding Trish's hand, "Before the food comes, there is one more announcement, however this one will come from Summer."

Summer giggles and stands up excitedly, "So I wanted to find something we could all do as a group to bond, so I did a little research. I got all of us paid for, to get into the greenhouse dance club tonight after we get done eating. Surprise!" 

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