Chapter 14 Aquarium

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Zach finds a parking space close to the front entrance. Malachi blows happy bubbles in response to seeing the tiger picture out the front window. I giggle and hop out letting Zach get him out. 

I walk up to Ash, "I really hope they have jellyfish." 

Summer walks up and smiles, "Yes they have a lot of jellyfish. Malachi loves the aquarium. It's his favorite part." 

Ash laughs, "I bet he does. Especially with all of the colorful fish, it would be my favorite part to."

Malachi claps his hands in his stroller, and Zach shakes his head. Zach shakes his head, "I swear other than the animals, he is going to be staring at every girl that walks by."

Ash laughs, "Well that just means he has good taste for his future. I mean look he is staring at Sage."

I blush and look at Malachi staring at me, "He is so adorable. That cute little face could give me baby fever."

Summer leads us up to the front to pay and get in.  Summer and Zach get through, and before I can step up to the window Ash cuts in front of me. 

Ash pulls out his wallet, "Two tickets for two adults please." 

I put my wrist out so she can put the pass around my wrist, "You didn't have to pay for my ticket."

Ash shrugs and opens the gated door for me, "Well I wanted too."

I blush and walk inside meeting up with Summer who is looking at a map of directions. 

Summer points to a spot on the map, "We will go to the aquarium first since Sage wants to go, and it's Malachi's favorite."

I bounce on my feet back and forth excited, "I can't wait to see all the fish."

Ash laughs and I follow next to him as we walk to the aquarium. Ahead of us Zach is apologizing as Malachi makes noises and is clapping at everyone. Summer giggles, "Malachi is going to be such trouble for us when he gets older. However he takes after his father."

 I laugh, "Well he will definitely have women attracted to him with how cute he is."

Ash looks at some of the moms looking at us, "I am pretty sure he is already getting attention."

We walk into the doors of the aquarium and I stop dead in my tracks at amazement. Both sides are ginormous filled with millions of different kind of fish. I am in shock when I feel someone grasp my hand. I look up and Ash smiles and pulls me forward. 

I follow him unable to peel my eyes away from all the fish. Ash pulls me to a different tank that goes up to the ceiling in the middle of the room. He pulls me close to him and I look at him, "What is it?"

He points and I look, seeing exactly what he was pointing at. All the pretty little jellyfish floating up and down, amongst other fish. I push closer still holding onto Ash's hand, "Their so beautiful." 

Ash squeezes my hand, "Just like you are." 

I look up at Ash to see him staring at me. I blush a bit and bite my lip, "Your quite a romantic you know that?"

Ash shrugs, "I guess but don't tell anyone."

I look back at the jellyfish biting my lip trying to decide if I dare follow my heart. Before I can make a decision Ash's hand is on my chin tipping my head up and then my lips meet his. 

It feels like my entire body is lit on fire, the way he kisses me and pulls me closer. The entire room feels like it disappears and it's just me and him. Ash pulls away and I realize I am breathless. I look up at him and he smiles. 

Ash blushes and looks down, "Sorry, I was going to ask first but I just went for it." 

I raise an eyebrow, "Don't ever apologize for a kiss, because that was amazing." I kiss him on the cheek and he pulls me close. I lean my head on his chest and look at the jellyfish, knowing I will never think of jellyfish the same ever again. 

Ash and I walk to find Summer and Zach hold Malachi in front of the gift shop. Malachi is trying to get out of Zach's arms to reach for the fluffy sea turtle. I giggle and Summer looks over at us. 

Zach looks down at our hands and smiles, "We were wondering where you two wondered off too. Malachi is picking out what stuffed animal he can get."

Ash looks at the sea turtle that Malachi is still staring at, "I think he must of figured it out."

Summer nods, "Yeah and he picked the biggest one too."

Summer grabs the stuffed animal and heads up to the counter to pay for it. Ash squeezes my hand and I look up at him. 

He smiles, "I will be right back I am gonna use the restroom."

I nod and Malachi looks at me from Zach's arms. 

Zach smiles, "It seems you two are hitting it off great. Everything going good?"

I blush and nod, "Yeah I just hope I don't fall to pieces again."

Malachi claps his hands and Zach looks at him, "Well I can promise if he breaks your heart there will be a lot of people mad at him."

Summer comes back and is holding Malachi's sea turtle, "Are we ready to go?"

Zach nods and I turn to see Ash walking back up to us. I smile, "Are you ready to go?"

Ash nods and smiles, "Yep sure am." 

Ash takes my hand again and we follow Zach and Summer. Summer looks back at us, "Are you guys hungry? Do you guys want to go eat lunch with us?"

That's when I realize just how hungry I am, "Yeah that would be great where do you want to go?"

Malachi blows bubbles and we all laugh, Zach shakes his head, "I think Malachi is trying to say we should go eat at Chili's."

We all agree and walk out the gates toward their vehicle. I lean my head up against Ash's shoulder hoping I didn't just make a bad decision. I feel Ash kiss my forehead and I smile hoping that these butterflies in my stomach never go out. 

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