Chapter 35 Are You Following Me?

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As we head towards the restaurant, I look outside the window seeing the beach further away. Staring at the ocean, thinking back. Four months ago, I was living in Kansas feeling depressed and dreadful. Kansas had its moments raising me, however the feeling of being stuck always lingered.

Watching the sunset, I repeat that moment from the ER over in my head. The moment Dalton overhead that I was pregnant, and the way he reacted. A bit of sickness turns in my stomach as my heart drops, and my eyes drop to my wrist and my fingers trace my tattoo.

Dalton never wanted kids, and didn't even want marriage, so why was he so upset that I was moving on and becoming happy? Shaking my head and looking up, catching Tryston looking at me in concern in the rear view mirror.

Tryston looks back towards the road, "Are you okay Sage? You have that distant look on your face."

Turning around in her seat, Trish looks at me, "Dalton isn't getting to you, is he?"

I shake my head, faking a small smile, "No, just worried about little bean from today. I hope stress doesn't hurt things too much."

Trish nods in understanding,, "I was freaking out with my first pregnancy. Just remember that you are going to be a great mother."

"Thank you Trish, that means a lot."

Tryston and Trish go into a conversation about their schedule for the week. Looking back towards the sunset, I can't help but wonder back to Dalton's look on his face when he first saw me. To take my mind off it, I place my hand on my belly, closing my eyes thinking of the little bean and how Ash is so protective of us.

Shaking my head out of my thoughts, I focus as we pull into the Italian restaurant's parking lot. Tryston pulls up beside Ash's truck, and in less than a second after parking my door is being opened.

Smiling as I give my hand to Ash, "You seem to always be here on time to open my door for me."

Ash holds my hand tightly as we walk behind Tryston and Trish, "Well a gentleman is going to always make sure his girl is taken care of."

Smiling and leaning my head against him as though he is a giant protective teddy bear. Walking inside the wonderful smell of pasta hits my nose. Looking at their specials and noticing that chicken alfredo is the special today. As if on cue, my stomach growls in response.

Ash leads me to a table where everyone is sitting down, where I take my place and sit next to Summer. In the back of my mind, I wanna talk to her more about what happened today.

Summer smiles at me handing me a menu, "Hopefully you are ready for some italian food."

I nod and look over at Malachi clapping his hands at the waitress, "Italian food is my favorite. So I am more than hungry for some pasta."

Ash laughs, "Your kid is like a chick magnet Summer."

Summer giggles and looks at malachi, "He is most definitely. I just tell people that he gets that from his father."

Zach grins, "That's how I ended up with you babe."

I lean into Ash's arms and look up at him and whisper, "I hope you look at me the way he looks at her."

Ash kisses my forehead, "Oh I most definitely do."

The waitress makes her way to Ash and I, coming over to me first to get my order.

"Can I get the salad and breadsticks for now, and then the chicken and alfredo special with a water."

Ash squeezes my hand and orders the same thing as me, "Add extra breadsticks please."

The waitress nods and moves on to Tryston and Trish, and Ash looks down at me.

He rubs my arms holding me close, "Are you doing okay? I was worried about you."

I smile at him, "I am a big girl, yes I am okay love. How was the rest of your work day?"

Ash groans, "Not the greatest. Within the few hours that I was gone they messed up a project and so I had to make them go back and fix it."

I kiss his shoulder and take a sip of my water, "What are your hours this weekend?"

Ash looks at Tryston and looks at me grinning, "Well, I have to work tomorrow but I got friday off along with the weekend."

Trish looks at Tryston surprised, "Do you get a three day weekend as well?"

Tryston lays back happily relaxed, "I most certainly do thanks to Ash. So that means we should all do something on Friday night. However, Saturday night is just for me and you."

Trish looks at me and I smile, "Well this sounds like it's going to be an interesting weekend."

Summer pokes me, "Hey girl, I am off tomorrow. Since you will be home alone Malachi and I can come over and hang out for the day."

"Summer, that would be really awesome! We can go online and do some pre baby shopping."

Trish does a small squeal, "Oh my gosh baby shopping text me when you're doing it."

The boys all groan and Ash shakes his head, "Oh my here we go."

Tryston chuckles and looks at Ash, "Good luck bud. You're going to have your lap full of baby stuff the next nine months, be prepared."

All the girls including me burst out laughing at the table, earning a giggle response from Malachi. Trish, Summer and I get into a discussion about baby nursery ideas while the guys get into a discussion about a new beer coming out.

Sitting there at the table and I look around the room and feel a sense of belonging. As though all of us are a big family, however my brain doesn't sit for long and it's instantly back to early.

Tapping Summer's shoulder and she looks over at me, "What's up?"

Chewing at my lip, lowering my voice looking at her, "Do you think Dalton is going to try anything now that he knows where I'm at."

Summer lay her hand on mine, "Sweetie, no matter what Dalton does. I am going to be right behind you trying to protect you."

I smile at her hoping the worry eases, "Thank you Summer. I just can't stop thinking about how he was the one who caught me. I thought he didn't care about me at all."

She shrugs, "Honestly, I have no idea either. I am just happy that you are okay."

"Thank you for being there for me Summer. I seriously don't know what I would do without you and Trish."

The waitress shows up with our food and the smell of my alfredo is like heaven. Ash hands me my fork and I dig in, savoring the wonderful flavor. Chowing down on my food and eating almost my entire plate and four breadsticks.

Sitting back after eating, rubbing my tummy and looking up at Ash, "That was amazing. The most amazing italian food ever."

Ash laughs, "Little bean must have really been craving Italian food because you really chowed down."

Tryston nods, taking the last breadstick, "Most definitely, since she almost ate all the breadsticks."

Zach laughs, "Well, Malachi ate almost half my noodles off my plate."

Summer giggles, "Maybe he was just watching Sage chow down on hers."

We all laugh and Malachi claps his hands with a big smile on his face.

Heading out of the restaurant, Ash stops dead in his tracks and tenses up. I step beside him when I notice who he and Tryston were staring at. That's when I notice the long black hair and the motorcycle, Dalton. 

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