Chapter 41 Facing The Truth

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Walking out of the restroom and heading towards the lemonade stand, I don't notice Sage in line. Figuring out she already got her lemonade, I head back towards our spot on the beach. A pit enters my stomach when I notice Dalton talking with his sister at a far away table but I shrug it off.

Heading back to our spot, I notice Sage isn't anywhere on site. Heading towards Summer with fear setting into my stomach, "Hey Summer, Did Sage come back here at all within the last few minutes?"

Summer looks at me concerned, "No, I haven't seen her since you both left for the bathroom. Is everything okay?"

I look around the beach hoping maybe she headed back into the water but I don't notice her anywhere. Summer informs Zach of the situation and grabs my arm, "I am going to go check the restroom and make sure she didn't get sick."

Zach comes up beside me, "Hey, I am sure we will find her. I will go get Tryston out of the water."

I nod and can only feel the pit in my stomach growing and suddenly there is anger. Finding myself walking back up to the top and heading towards Dalton. I take a deep breath and approach him, "Did you talk to Sage?"

Dalton looks up at me, "What? Oh, you're her boyfriend. No, I didn't even know you guys were here."

So Sage didn't come over here, and my heart can't take this. I spin around hoping maybe I will catch a glimpse of her and she will be here.

Bianca taps my arm, "Hey is everything ok?"

Before I can answer, Summer runs up to me out of breath, "I looked through every restroom, and have asked every single person. One person said that she was pinned up against a guy walking towards the parking lot."

My heart is beating so fast it's the only thing I can hear, and Dalton jumps up, "What do you mean? Where is Sage, what happened to her?"

I look at him, "I don't know."

It's all my voice is able to answer as my body starts going into shock. No, this can't be happening to us, not now. Without saying a word, I take off towards the lifeguard tower hoping that my life isn't about to crumble at my feet.

I approach a lifeguard at the tower, "Hey, my girlfriend she is super pale, blue bikini, brown braided hair to her shoulders and a big back tattoo. She went missing and we think a guy might of took her. Do you have surveillance cameras?"

The lifeguard nods and takes me to the top of the tower, and as I look back I notice Dalton right behind me.

Frowning and lowering my voice so only he can hear me, "What are you doing?"

Dalton looks at me, "I don't care how much you hate me, yes I did a bad thing. I still want to help you find her."

I shake my head wanting to throw him off the tower but knowing Sage wouldn't want that. The lifeguard sits down at the computer and logs into the video logs.

The lifeguard looks at me, "Where did you say she went?"

Summer speaks up from the back, "In the parking lot, towards the south entrance."

Nodding he pulls up and starts to go through, it's as if this stranger prepared for this. There is like no sign of them anywhere and then I notice it.

"Stop, go back five seconds, and hit play but in slower motion."

I lean towards the screen and Dalton follows in pursuit with Summer peaking over us. There in the far back corner I see her, she almost fakes a trip and looks right at the camera and her attacker comes into view. Smart girl who knows exactly what to do.

I point at the screen, "Right there."

Dalton's hand slams on the table, "That fuck head."

I stand up and stare at him, clueless as to what he is talking about, "What is it?"

Summer crosses her arms as though she doesn't give a trust to him in the world, "Who is that? Do you know who that is?"

Dalton looks between both of us and pulls up a picture on his phone, the attacker and Sage right next to him. I stare at him perplexed almost angry as to why this person would want to take my love out of this world from me.

Dalton looks at me head on, looking almost as angry as me, "That is her ex, her first boyfriend. His name is Devon. He mistreated her and didn't even act like he cared for her."

Summer looks at me, "Sage told me about him. Oh my god. What would he want with her?"

I stare at both of them trying to put together the puzzle, "I have no idea, but we need to go to the cops. I will hunt him down."

********Editor Notes******


If you have read this story so far thank you so much for your interests. I am a first time writer, and I was just inspired by things so I figured I would write a book. I know this last chapter is very short but you  have come to the end of the first book!  The second book will be coming soon!

What do you think Devon will do with Sage? Let's hope Ash can find her, and get her and the baby home safely! What does everyone think Dalton will do about this?

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