Chapter 24 Fire Among The Walls

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Finishing up the last of my pancake, I look up at Ash. I can't help but feel at home with the fact that he is picking up our trash and cleaning up from eating.

Giving him my plate I look up at him, "You know I can clean this up you don't have to."

Ash shrugs, "Well you deserve to relax before your busy week of starting a new job."

I smile and watch as he puts everything away. He cleans up the kitchen table and puts dishes in the dishwasher, and then he walks to me holding out his hand.

He looks at me curiously, "Either we can go lay in bed and cuddle going to bed early, or we can go watch a movie."

I take his hand standing up from the chair, "I choose to go to bed early and take all your cuddles."

Ash smiles, "Sounds like a plan to me."

I head to the bedroom and Ash locks the front door, turning off all the lights on his way to my bedroom. I turn on the fairy lights and turn off the overhead lights. I grab some pajamas and go into the bathroom real quick.

I change into some shorts and a tank top that is more comfortable. I come back out and find Ash already laying in bed scrolling through his phone.

I crawl into the bed and curl up laying my head on Ash's chest. As soon as I lay down Ash wraps one arm around me and puts his phone down.

Ash kisses the top of my head, "Did you enjoy your pancakes?"

I look up at him, "They were so amazing. I honestly could eat pancakes any day."

Ash brushes my hair out of my face, "I am glad you like the pancakes baby. Are you excited for girls day tomorrow and getting your new car tomorrow?"

I snuggle closer, "I am more than excited to have my own car tomorrow. Are you ready to go back to work tomorrow?"

Ash shakes his head, "No because then it means I can't spend as much time with you, because I am putting in some extra hours this week."

I pout, "That is sad, however I start work this week too. I promise though we will try to see each other as much as we can."

Ash nods, "Nothing is ever easy, but I believe in us."

I look at his lips and back up into his eyes, and whisper softly, "Will you kiss me?"

Ash nods and dips his head close to me, kissing me gently. I close my eyes and open my mouth inviting him in. I run my fingers up his back as he slides his tongue against mine.

With his body pressed against mine, I am swept away into this kiss. As all my worries and fears melt away, as though the world is melting away and it's only us.

He kisses me so passionately, yet so gentle and as though he is healing every broken piece of me. Ash pulls me as close as possible making sure nothing separates us, he pulls back from the kiss slightly.

Ash kisses my nose, "You are so beautiful, like a sunflower and sunshine mixed together."

I let out a small sigh and look up into his eyes. Running my fingers up his chest, Ash lets out a small moan in response and nuzzles into my neck. I kiss his temple and wrap my arms around him letting his warmth surround me.

I lightly massage his head, "Ash, why do you seem to like my body so much? I ask only because when I was in high school, all I ever got told was ugly. I just don't see how I am even attractive."

Ash picks his head up and looks down at me, "You are the most beautiful thing in my world, and that is the truth. I don't care what other people say, you are perfect the way you are. I love every scar, and appreciate everything about you. I also love you, for who you are inside. There aren't girls out there today like you, you wear your heart on your sleeve and would do anything to help someone. Girl's in today's society care more about themselves or screwing a guy over."

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