Trash In Wangshu

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(Y/n) was back in Liyue. Another business trip where she had to personally oversee a delicate case. It was funny, really. She was the official interrogator, and yet she had to work alongside Albedo for the most part. Investigating a matter where time was literally of the essence.

It made sense, she had quite the eye for small details when it came to people.

Which is why she and Albedo, plus a few other knights, were tracking down a rogue criminal who fled to Liyue after committing several crimes in Mond. Usually it would be something for the millelith to handle, as the guy crossed the border already...

But things could never be that simple.

(Y/n) hummed a tune as she surveyed the surroundings. She had passed by the area before, but had never actually been inside the building itself. Albedo himself had tracked down the man's location and figured he would hide there first.

Wangshu Inn was every bit as beautiful on the inside as it was the outside. The delicate architecture spoke volumes about the ones who put their blood sweat and tears into making it.

She and Albedo were at the receptionist's counter alone. The few knights waiting outside to keep a low profile. The last thing any of them wanted was the criminal noticing and doing something unnecessary. Disturbing the peace was out of the question.

A woman with dirty blonde hair greeted the two, "Welcome to Wangshu Inn, how may I be of help?"

Albedo cleared his throat before speaking, "Just one room. We won't be here long."

The lady seemed to think for a moment before nodding, "Of course. Unfortunately our last room was booked just a few hours ago. You, perhaps, should take up that issue with him." There was a knowing tone in her voice. (Y/n) could even catch a glimpse of wariness- although certainty when she mentioned 'him'.

The woman tapped her fingers on the counter before bringing out a key to a room. A small metal tag on the end held an inscribed seven. Albedo seemed to take the key without complaints, and let out a small "Thank You."

This made her wonder if the receptionist knew more then she let on.

There was no one else in the lounge at present, if there were, no doubt a few eyebrows would be raised.

The two walked away from the woman as she went back to minding her own business, tapping away at her phone. (Y/n) watched her from over her shoulder for a few seconds before turning to Albedo.

"Did you give her a heads up or something?" She whispered, leaning as close to him as possible. (Y/n) didn't really want the blonde lady overhearing her, in case she was wrong.

Albedo shook his head as he climbed the stairs, "Seems she already had an eye on 'Mr. Crow'."

He exhaled softly before glancing at (Y/n). His hair slightly drifted over his eyes as he pushed it back with his unoccupied hand, fiddling with the key in his other. He lightly traced the number under his thumb.

"Whatever you do, don't go too hard on him, please."

(Y/n) Only returned the request with a mischievous smirk.

Bippity Boppity Boo

Guess who I just beat up and detained?!?


My will to live

Oh, Aether you're also in Liyue right?
Did you run into each other?

No but I may or may not have run into some legal trouble

What sort of legal trouble?

Getting accused of murdering Liyue's archon
No big deal



That sounds horrible I'm so sorry


(Y/n) put her phone back in her pocket, a bit miffed her earlier message was brushed over. Though she was far more concerned about the issues Aether was currently dealing with.

She looked over at Albedo who was currently speaking with the knights that joined them, sparing a glance at poor 'Mr. Crow'- whose real name turned out to be Barnaby. He was busy being tied up and sedated with the power of intimidation, as his kicking and screaming lessened considerably.

Barnaby looked over at (Y/n), catching her stare, and sent a strained middle finger her way. Then again it was hardly a threat as it looked like it was taking everything in him to keep his hand in the air. Quite hard when your arms are tied behind your back after all.

(Y/n) only sent an air kiss his way, content that she got to restrain him before he actually tried anything. The man was very slow on the uptake it seemed.

She considered making her way towards wherever Aether might be to check on him. Whatever he was dealing with right now probably wasn't pretty and she wanted to make sure he was okay and not in some holding cell.

Then again this was Aether she was thinking about...

Once she snapped out of her thoughts she noticed the knights, save for Albedo had already left, making a quiet getaway as to not cause a stir between the other guests.

(Y/n) made her way to the door, Albedo waiting for her to catch up.

"Have you checked the groupchat?"

"What? No."

"Do it."


"Do it."


A small ding rung out from (Y/n)'s pocket.

"Oh wait hold on."

1 Message from Unknown

If you hadn't stepped in, I would've.
Thank you for lessening my workload.

Who is this

(Y/n) let out a sigh as she didn't receive a response.

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