Mora Mora

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The group took a moment to compose themselves, (Y/n) getting an in-depth explanation on how Cocogoats don't exist, nor is it short for cocoa mixed goat milk. Things were starting to make a lot more sense to her.

She turned to Childe, who looked like he was finally getting over the situation that unfolded.

He noticed her gaze and quickly composed himself, finding it the right time to finally introduce himself.

"Nice to meet you in person, (Y/n)!" He held out a hand for her to shake, and she reluctantly took it.

The two had a quick but firm handshake, before she retracted her hand and discreetly wiped it off on her clothing.

Unfortunately Aether had seen and was trying his hardest to not burst out laughing.

"So... Where's my money?" She asked, getting straight to the point, crossing her arms sternly. It was clear she didn't really trust him, which was fair, all things considered. (Y/n) gave him a once over, inspecting his formal looking attire. It was quite a lot of grey for a man whom she presumed ran around a lot. To see no stains was a bit impressive.

"Oh, of course." Childe answered, reaching into his pocket and taking out a brown sack. He gently handed it over to the knight, who opened up the bag slightly. She dipped her pointer finger into the bag, shifting around the mora she saw, before pausing.

"This is ten thousand!" She harshly whispered, continuing to count the mora she had just received. She had wondered if she made a mistake with her numbers, but upon a recount she was sure. She had gotten an extra three thousand mora from this man.

"Keep it, I felt it was fair enough to keep the number evened out."

"You call THIS even?"

(Y/n) almost wanted to decline, but the thought of sorting out the money in a random pharmacy to be a little inappropriate. Besides the man looked pretty content with himself. He had a smug grin on his face, as if he won something. It was really hard to get a good read on him.

'Oh... so he's rich-rich.' She mused to herself, her facial expression betraying those very thoughts.

"Of course! I like to take care of every friend I come across, a show of good will." Childe explained, shrugging as if ten thousand mora were just a drop in the ocean for him. The knight supposed that it probably actually was.

"... How much mora do just have laying around..?" (Y/n) asked, her curiosity slipping out before she could stop herself.

"You know, (Y/n), if you actually saved your mora you wouldn't need to leech off others!" Paimon interjected, pointing an accusatory finger towards the woman. Her comment came absolutely out of nowhere, the woman in question turning towards the flying piece of shit. 

"EXCUSE ME?" (Y/n) shot back, deeply offended that was the impression her question gave.

"I know YOU of all people did NOT just say that to me!" She continued, her brows furrowing in frustration. 

She stomped towards Paimon, who was cheekily hiding being Aether. Unfortunately for her, the traveler quickly stepped aside and left his little companion to the fate of the woman who was about to snap her in half.

Bippity Boppity Boo

Hold on

Snoggle changed Snoggle's name to (Y/n)

Tired of that shit

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