CHAPTER-5: Rescued Heart (1)

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"In this world of chaos, rest assured, for as long as I'm by your side, no harm shall befall you."


Dim lights create an intimate atmosphere at the upscale restaurant. Jungkook, usually composed, looks at his watch nervously from a corner table. He's 15 minutes early, as he waits for Y/N.

Y/N enters the restaurant at the exact stroke of 8 PM. She glides in, adjusting her hair with a confident smile.

 She glides in, adjusting her hair with a confident smile

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Jungkook, lost in her charm, shakes himself awake. Jungkook pulls out the chair for her as she takes a seat.

JUNGKOOK: (stoic) Sit.

Y/N: (laughs) Stern, Mr. Jeon?

Jungkook signals the waiter, his expression remaining cold as they wait for their drinks.

JUNGKOOK: (stoic) What will it be?

Y/N: Surprise me. Make it something as mysterious as you.

Jungkook orders the drinks with a nod. The atmosphere is tense as they begin their dinner.

Jungkook returns to his cold attitude as they wait for their drinks and proceeds to eat dinner ..
Jungkook glances at her, his gaze unwavering.

JUNGKOOK: (cold) Mysterious. I can arrange that.

Their dinner progresses with Y/N attempting to break the ice.

Y/N: (playful) You know, Mr. Jeon, I expected the CEO of Jeon Enterprises to have a warmer personality.

Jungkook remains impassive, his cold demeanor intact.

JUNGKOOK: (cool) Business requires focus, not warmth.

Y/N tries to lighten the mood with a joke.

Y/N: (smirking) Is that why you're freezing the entire room?

Jungkook's expression twitches, almost forming a smirk, but he quickly suppresses it.

JUNGKOOK: (icy) It helps in keeping unnecessary emotions at bay.

Y/N: (grinning) Well, Mr. CEO, I must say, you're doing an excellent job at it. But don't you think a bit of warmth would do wonders for your image?

Jungkook raises an eyebrow, slightly intrigued.

JUNGKOOK: (curious) And why is that?

Y/N: (teasing) People might start thinking you're secretly an iceberg.

Jungkook's stoic expression falters for a moment, and Y/N seizes the opportunity.

Y/N: (smirking) Unless, of course, you enjoy being the mysterious, icy CEO. It does have a certain charm.

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