Chapter 2: Horus

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Day 0

Horus clenched his fish as he stared at the sky. He knew he had to confer this matter with the others as soon as possible. However, knowing that Ra was the only one who had ever directly dealt with Gabriel, he went to him first.

Horus plunged from his statue. Lurching towards the ground, he went beneath it. Soon the darkness surrounding him was replaced by red and blue smokes floating in the midst of the gray sky. He then landed on one of the rocky mountains, and he observed his surroundings. There was no sight of Mesektet, the boat Ra would ride during the night. Horus shut his eyes, concentrating on capturing any sound aside from the souls' cries of horror. Upon hearing the sound of rock crumbling down, he jumped and flew towards the origin.

As he got closer, he saw many damaged mountains, resulting in smaller rocks blocking some paths for the soul's final journey. There were also a few souls hiding and cowering. Horus sped up, as he knew that he was heading into the right direction. Moments later, he finally saw the Mesektet and Apophis.

Apophis spurted spikes from its mouth, which were blocked by the magical shield generated at the boat's bow. When the enormous serpent finally stopped, Ra touched the Benben in front of him; instantly a beam of ray was blasted from that pyramid-shaped object. While the serpent growled in pain and anger, the beam still had not wrecked Apophis' fangs, showing that the battle might not have been that long.

Atum and Bastet repeatedly threw their lances to the area below the serpent's jaw, while Kephri motioned his hand, summoning a swarm of scarab to bite the area behind the head. Sekhmet was riding her own chariot; she slashed the serpent's body on random spots as she controlled the vehicle. There was no method or pattern that could deliver instant death to the beast, hence what the five gods had to do was just repeat their attack. Realizing it still took quite some time to finish the battle, Horus summoned the wind that tossed the rocks from the ground to Apophis.

Apophis growled in pain again as the rocks hit its body at random spots. Rain of spikes simultaneously spurted again from its mouth; this time the serpent did it haphazardly in every different direction. The sharp objects managed to impale a few unfortunate souls, making them vanish. Ra blasted a beam of ray again from his Benben, successfully making Apophis fall to the ground and stop spurting the spikes. As Apophis was wriggling and destroying the rocks around it, Ra channeled his sun energy to the still-standing rocks. After muttering his very own crafted spell, the rocks became glowing with white sunlight. Cracks later appeared on the surface; soon they broke into floating smaller pieces. The pieces then lunged towards Apophis. Upon contact, they instantly burnt its entire body.

Mesektet sailed down, followed by Sekhmet who parked the chariot near a river. Atum and Bastet leaped out of the boat and pierced Apophis' lower body with their unlimited lances. Kephri, on the other hand, summoned again the swarm of scarabs to wound Apophis' middle body, as it started to give birth to scorpions and spiders twice the size of a cattle. While the swarm was biting and scratching that part, Kephri took out his swords and helped Sekhmet slashed the giant scorpions and spiders newborn, and also those who were already born the day before. As for Ra, he was still on the boat. Light spheres materialized in his palms; he then tossed the spheres to Apophis' head. This time, it managed to blow up almost all of the fangs. Ra repeated throwing the spheres, until finally the serpent dropped its head.

Atum and Bastet somersaulted onto the head. Raising their lances, he pierced the left eye, while she went for the right eye. Apophis growled, but the lances had not yet pierced through. Both gods had to repeat it six times until they finally managed to blind the two eyes, causing Apophis to instantly throw back its head and growl in pain. The sudden movement tossed them away, but they still managed to somersault in the air and step safely on the ground. Eventually, Apophis dropped its head, producing a thud that reverberated in the whole area. Before long, the serpent dematerialized into ashes.

"All these years you rarely come to witness the battle between me and Apophis," Ra said after he went down from the boat. "Even if you come...," he said as he stomped his staff. "You only watch from above, not giving the slightest care of assisting me. But today you came and assisted me. I know there must be something behind this unexpected gesture. Spill it now."

"The angel Gabriel came."

"Yahweh's Messenger?" Ra frowned. "What message did he bring?"

"Yahweh wants us to free The Hebrews from this land."

Ra was instantly stunned. "Yahweh wanted to free The Hebrews?"

"That's what Gabriel said. We have to prepare for the battle between us and them. Your weapon Benben will surely be able to obliterate their troops."

"Horus," Ra said as he stared sharply at him. "We shall obey Yahweh's command."

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