Chapter 28: Set

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Day 42 (Afternoon)

"The Lord of the desert, and the abandoned King of Egypt a thousand and three hundred seven years ago," Michael said. "The maker and activator of quicksand magic, after fifty three years witnessing humans getting trapped in the quicksand during their travels," he paused momentarily. "I have to say I'm impressed with the success of replicating what Yahweh has created."

"So your power is also knowing everything," Set said.

"I know a lot of things, but not all of them," Michael said. "It's Yahweh who knows everything in this galaxy or other galaxies, including things that are possible to happen in the future."

"The All-knowing Lord of All."

"Our God could see exactly every outcome from all possible choices. He's truly disappointed that you and your people have chosen this path."

"Rather than talking too much, I'd choose to fight you know," Set said as he raised his spear.

Michael said nothing as a response, but he also raised his sword. At that moment, six of Set's soldiers lurched towards him; two of them had been ready to target Michael's wings. Unexpectedly, Michael managed to turn around and duck down; he slashed the two soldiers with his sword, chopping them into two on the waist area. Quickly he leaped backward as the remaining four were so close to strike him. Upon landing back on the ground, he swung the sword again and beheaded two, then he proceeded with a quick stab on the throat of the last two.

"I knew that you trapped your brother Osiris in a coffin and drowned him in the water that had been poisoned with anything that could kill an immortal. I also knew that you chopped him into 42 pieces when his wife and your wife had finally recovered his body."

"What's the point of repeating my past glory?"

"Just like a parent will always be a role model for their children, so a lord will always be a role model for their soldiers," Michael said. "You will always do anything to achieve what you want, and you do not care if you have to go down a cunning path in order to get it."

"I don't even listen to my father Geb and mother Nut, what makes you think I will listen to you?"

"You don't have to listen to me," Michael said. "You just have to listen to Yahweh."

"I've had enough with your babble!" Set exclaimed as he lurched towards Michael. Without him having to give direct command, twelve of his soldiers also did the same.

Michael also lurched forward. But he maneuvered and slashed the feet of a soldier, then he turned around and pierced another soldier in his heart. The other soldiers swiftly followed the archangel wherever he moved; unfortunately, the soldiers targeted by him would either be stabbed or had their limbs chopped off when he passed through. After eight of them fell and were left with incapacity to proceed in the battle, he beheaded two who had just thrown a spear at him. Furious upon witnessing his soldiers suffer humiliating defeat and death, Set commanded every soldier nearby to bring Michael's head to him.

The soldiers did as they were instructed; they surrounded Michael and approached him with their spears. To their surprise, his wings expanded larger and slash to two everyone coming from the front. He then swiftly turned around and swung his right arm, tossing away those who were still stunned upon seeing this trick.

Set ran towards Micahel and chanted the spell of floating daggers; he wanted to cut the wings as now the archangel was standing with his back to him. Astonishingly, all those daggers dropped to the ground when they were flying towards him. Confused as this never happened before, Set repeated the spell again. Instead of moving again, flame emerged from their surface and burnt them to ashes. At that very moment, Set felt heat flowing throughout his body.

As the heat became more intense, Set fell to the ground and began to roll from left to the right. Some of his soldiers intended to assist him, but they were scorched to ashes as soon as they touched their master's body. The phenomenon clearly terrified the remaining soldiers, as none of them made a hostile movement against the angels. Michael then approached Set and knelt on the ground with one knee.

"Have you decided to surrender to Yahweh?"

"I... will... NEVER... SURRENDER!" Set exclaimed as he attempted to endure the pain.

Michael sighed in disappointment. "Do you know that this pain you're suffering is actually the pain you brought on yourself?"

Set opened his eyes and clenched his teeth; he wondered what Michael just meant.

"The blades are part of your divine power," Michael said. "That's why after I burnt them with Yahweh's flame, you will also feel the inside of your body being burnt."

Michael stood up and observed Set's soldiers; fear was still etched on their faces. "As to why some of your soldiers burn when they're trying to help you, it's actually because you attempted to release the heat, in the same way you attempted to release your inner energy. You did this subconsciously, hence you were not aware of this action."

"How can...," Set paused momentarily; he shut his eyes and clenched his teeth tightly. "... you... know this?"

I've told you that Yahweh is The Lord of All, The All-Knowing Master, haven't I?" Michael responded as he looked back at Set. "I strongly suggest you to surrender now, or the next one who will slash down your entire army is not me or the other angels, but Yahweh himself."

"I... WILL.. NOT...," Set could not continue his words, as the heat got fierce every time he muttered a word.

"Your foolishness was the very thing that robbed the throne of Egypt from you. Right now, you simply repeated it."

The sound of mountains of sand poured down suddenly came from everywhere. Set opened his eyes again and observed his surroundings; his soldiers were surprisingly not there anymore. Instead, there were piles of black sands scattered everywhere. As the angels were flying back to the sky, Set was made aware that all of his soldiers had just been turned into sands by Yahweh. Anger instantly inundated him, and he expressed it by a roar. It unfortunately made his remaining strength diminished even faster. He then laid back on the sand and closed his eyes, waiting for death to claim not only his dream, but also his life.

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