Chapter 10: Horus

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Day 21: Early in the morning (9 to 10 A.M in modern time)

Upon receiving news that Aaron and Moses had returned, Horus, Geb and Nut decided to leave Hattusa at once. The trip with the purpose of asking support from The Hittites gods had ended in vain. They would rather break the peace treaty and fight The Egyptian gods once again, than to seek trouble with Yahweh. Even after Geb expressed his anger by shaking the ground of their realm, they remained persistent in their decision. Teshub, the one who ruled the sky and weather, even said this to his face.

"Should the conflicts between us erupt again, we could be the victor this time. In case you wonder the reason, then I shall remind you that your forces will be split to deal with two opponents."

Geb considered the words as humiliation. On the way back to Goshen, his anger never melted from his face. For sure Horus was also furious with The Hittites. But as he was able to contain the wrath, it did not affect his rationality at all.

The same thing might not apply to Geb. Horus feared that he would unleash the emotion by slaying Aaron and Moses, and certainly it would not be a prudent war movement. To prevent this from happening, he told him to just return to Aaru. Nevertheless, because Geb strongly refused it, Horus had no other choice but to use his authority as the king of the gods.

Arriving in Goshen, precisely above Aaron's house, a soldier informed Horus that Aaron and Moses were already summoned by Ramses. Instantly befuddled with what's happening, Horus decided to just lurch to the palace.

The two Hebrews were found waiting in front of the throne hall, surrounded by human soldiers, five angels, and five of Horus' soldiers. Horus shifted his focus to Moses, and he really could not believe that the ex-prince of Egypt could change drastically. While wondering why Yahweh would pick someone like him, a human soldier called Urhiya stepped forward from the line and approached Aaron and Moses. "Raise both of your arms. I'd like to inspect both of you once more."

"But we've been inspected at the front."

"I don't trust you. You might carry a small dagger behind your shabby robe."

"Are you saying you don't trust your fellow friends who inspected us?"

"Shut your mouth and do as I say!"

"You just don't like us, do you?"

"B.e.. brother... let's just... do what he asked," Moses said; simultaneously he raised both of his hands. Aaron sighed, but he ended up raising his hands too.

"I really don't know how the king can know both of you are here," Urhiya said as he started inspecting Aaron's robe. "I spent my entire night imagining your execution, but suddenly I have to cancel it because of the king's order."

"It proves only one thing. Yahweh still wants me to do something for Him."

"I'll let you know something, Aaron," Urhiya said, locking eyes with him. "Once Your Highness has done with you, I will enjoy teaching you a lesson," he pushed Aaron until he almost lost his balance.

Moments later, the gates were opened from the other side. Three guards approached Moses and Aaron once the gates had been wide opened.

"Are both of you the guests who want to meet Your Highness?" the one standing in the middle asked.

"Yes," Aaron nodded.

"Follow me," the guard said. "However, I have to confiscate your friend's rod now," he continued as he eyed Moses' rod.

"The guards we met earlier didn't say anything about the rod. Why do you want to snatch it away now?" Aaron boldly asked.

"It's for the safety of Your Highness."

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