Chapter 20: Nut

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Day 34 (Around after midnight)

The moment Nut looked over her shoulder at Nephthys, who were rushing towards the front doors with teary eyes, she experienced guilt washed over her. While she knew that she did not want to hear the name Yahweh, she felt like she should not be that reactive, especially to her own flesh and blood who was showing deep concern to her. She started thinking whether she should just pay a visit to Nephthys, with the purpose to apologize, and probably have dinner together. Nevertheless, being aware that temporary self-isolation might be better to console her, she sighed and looked back at the city landscape across her.

Her stomach suddenly growled again, beckoning her to be stuffed in with food. Ever since she woke up, weakness was all she could feel, followed by starvation soon after that. However, being reminded of what happened to Geb, and how everyone always failed in restoring him, made her appetite lose. Now as she could no longer hold the hunger, she grabbed the bread on the table and attempted to munch it.

As she was struggling to ignore the rejection to keep eating, she looked at the stars. She was then reminded of the moment when Ra separated her and Geb by force, due to the sun god's fear that their future children would overthrow him from the throne of Egypt god-king. The pain of the separation could never be gone, and it never came to her mind that such pain would repeat now. To make it worse, accompanying it was the thought that Geb would not survive. Both haunted her, and it eventually made her angry and crushed the wine grail.

A determination to deliver a payback was born inside of Nut. Rushing to the stable, she commanded her rider to carry her to the human realm. Like what everyone would do when their master gave them an order, he hurriedly prepared the chariot and brought the goddess to the surface.

Nut ordered the rider to carry her to the land between Goshen and Pi-Ramses; she told him to stay afloat above them. She then began chanting the spell that would summon flies to her. Before long, the swarms started coming from all of Egypt's domains, followed by those originating from their neighboring lands.

It was not that long until the sun had finally appeared on the horizon. Without waiting until The Hebrews left their houses for work, Nut muttered the spell that would make the flies lurch towards Goshen. Nonetheless, the insects remained floating with her. She instantly realized that Yahweh must have tampered with her spell again. Glaring at the sky, she spoke profanity against Him.

"My Lady!" the rider suddenly exclaimed.

"WHAT??" Nut shifted her attention to him.

"The flies... ," the rider pointed at Pi-Ramses; at the same time he was trembling. "are flying to the city..."

Nut's eyes widened. She immediately commanded the rider to bring her to the city, and she muttered the spell that would scorch the insects. However, unexpectedly one of the swarms made a quick turn around and blanketed her and the rider. The sky goddess tried to mutter the spell that would drive them away. Astonishingly, that spell also did not work, unlike when Heqet applied it to the frogs. Realizing this spell must have been tampered by Yahweh too, she frantically patted her face, arms and everything still within her reach. Eventually, as her effort seemed to not reduce the number of flies, she expanded her pair of wings, and then she leaped from the chariot.

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