Chapter 25: Nut

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Day 36 (Evening to Night)

(Much earlier than Horus visiting Ramses).

"Land the chariot here," Nut said to her rider, not too long after they left Aaru.

"Here, my Lady?" The rider responded confusedly.

"Yes," Nut said. "Do it now."

"Right away, my Lady," the rider said, before he controlled the wind horses to pull the vehicle down. After they finally made a safe land, Nut immediately stepped off from it.

"You may leave now," Nut said. "And don't tell everyone I'm here, or your head will be the cost."

Fear flashed across the rider's face; he bobbed his head down and left soon after that. When he was no longer in her normal vision range, Nut turned to the trees at her left; they were so dense that there was no way for the souls to walk through it, or for the gods if they intended to enter in a human way. She glanced to the left and right, ensuring no souls were approaching. She then started chanting the spell that made the trees move to the left and right, carving a path between them.

A thunderous roar from the distance was suddenly heard, shaking the trees and the rocks. Apophis had just been reborn; its battle against Ra would commence in no time. Surely Nut was not worried about the serpent, as its sole target would only be the sun god and his squad. It was the demons born from its flesh and blood that would annoy her. Moreover, whenever the serpent rose up again, these demons would grow faster and more vicious; they were even unafraid of the gods. Nut immediately turned to the rock wall a few meters in front of her. As she walked towards it, she chanted the spell to make the trees close the path as she moved forward.

The roars had been repeated for a few times when Nut finally arrived in front of the rock wall. It was at this moment that she hoped she was laying on her bed, even though she knew she still would not get a sound sleep due to Geb's absence. If only Horus did not make the decision to free The Hebrews, no matter whether or not he would put lies in the story, she would not be there now. At this moment too, if the demons sensed her presence, they could simply destroy the sea trees to get to her. She had to do this quickly. Taking and releasing a deep breath, she began to chant a spell.

Cracks appeared on the rock wall; soon the left and right part were separated. The inside was illuminated only by wooden torches, decorated by spiders' web, and filled by a rotten smell that almost made Nut puke. She decided to chant the spell that would filter any unpleasant smell from entering the nose. Most of the time she took this spell for granted. Now she was thankful to Thoth who composed this spell, and to his daughter Nephthys who managed to activate it.

Nut went deeper into the cave. Before long, she reached a prison bar. A man was sitting against the wall; he was biting a fruit that seemed to be an apple. The man was then made aware of her presence. He stood up and walked closer to the bar.

"Long time no see, mother," the man said; smirking. "It's been...," the man left his words hanging. "Eight hundred years? A thousand years?"

"I honestly didn't count, Set," Nut said.

Set shook his head and chuckled. "Of course you would never count it, mother," he said. "Ever since I was banished here, you only ever visited me once."

Set bit his apple again. He then extended his arm and offered it to her. "Want to try it? Surely it isn't that sweet, and the aroma is like a cow that is not bathed for two days. But for hundreds of years, they have helped in keeping me alive."

"I don't want any of your fruits."

"Of course you wouldn't want it. I could even see you're using the spell my ex-wife activated."

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