Chapter 36: Horus

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Day 45 (Night - Duat)

At first, it was easy to handle five or six demons at the same time. However, when more than ten had confronted him, it was more challenging. Furthermore, he still had to divide his attention to the souls he had saved earlier. Even much worse, as Hathor had said, Apophis had really grown stronger and fiercer. Strangely and fortunately, it did not try to look for him, even though it could smell his energy. If only it decided to target him, then he definitely would not be able to continue the rescue mission.

Horus was finally near his limit when he had saved more than sixty firstborns. At that moment, there were more than twenty demons trying to tear them. He attempted to keep releasing his inner energy through his palm, but it could only delay the demons for a short time. Fortunately, Isis, Nephthys and Hathor unexpectedly came; ten Horus' soldiers accompanied them. Before long, they managed to obliterate all the demons.

"What are you all doing?!" Horus exclaimed as soon as they stood before him.

"We're here to help you, my son," Isis said as she rubbed Horus' face; she then chanted the healing spell to cure the wound on his cheek.

"But father will punish all of you," Horus said; his tone softened.

"We can think about later," Isis said as she smiled.

"My Lord!" two soldiers suddenly lurched towards Horus. "There are more demons approaching!"

"More demons?" Horus responded. "How many did you estimate?"

"More than two hundred!"

"Two hundred?!" Nephthys responded. "How come there are so many of them in such a short time?!"

"It seems Apophis is giving birth to them and the rapid rate is higher than usual."

"We won't be able to handle it," Hathor said. "I think we have to go to The Hall of Ma'at now."

"We won't have enough time to bring them all," Horus said. "I have a better idea."

"What is it?"

"We shall ask father's help."


Moments later, Osiris finally arrived with his chariot. At that moment, everyone was trying to repel as many demons as they could. The Lord of The Underworld immediately got off the chariot and approached the demons. As soon as he got closer, the swarm glanced at him, before they quickly turned to the opposite direction and left the area.

"Thank you for your presence, father," Horus said when Osiris had been standing before him. "I will not ask forgiveness for this violation. All I ask is not to include all of them in it."

"I will not punish them, and I will also not punish you," Osiris said. "For this case, I've decided to bend my own rule."

"Do you mean it, husband?" Isis asked; a relief expression flashed across her face.

"I mean it, wife," Osiris said.

A loud growl suddenly reverberated in the air; it took everyone by surprise that they instantly turned to where the growl originated. As expected, it was Apophis who was approaching slowly. Horus and his soldiers immediately expanded their wings and lurched up, while the other gods boarded their chariot and commanded the rider to bring them up. Nonetheless, the moment they got closer to the serpent, a pillar of light came in between them. It was The Archangel Gabriel.

Gabriel motioned his hand towards Apophis. Surprisingly, the serpent swerved; it then kept flowing further from everyone. When no one could see it anymore without the godly vision, Gabriel turned around and faced everyone. "Let us descend now."

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