Chapter 26: Set

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Day 37 (Afternoon)

Satisfaction overwhelmed Set's heart upon seeing Horus laid on the ground with his back to the sky. Soon temptation to decapitate his nephew replaced the first feeling, but his brain immediately reminded him of the vows he made earlier. Unwilling to return to the hellhole, he pulled back his spear and stomped it on the ground.

"Yahweh wouldn't be pleased with this," Jehoel said as he held Nuriel.

"Go and inform your Master that I challenged Him and His squads," Set said. "The time will be five days later after mid-day. If you refuse to show up, don't ever dare to ask these low slaves to leave my land."

"You will regret saying that," Jehoel said as he glared.

"Leave now, or I won't show any more mercy after this."

Pillar of light suddenly came onto the ground, blanketing the two angels. When it was pulled up onto the sky again, they were no longer there.

"Prisoner Set has escaped!" a soldier of Horus suddenly exclaimed soon after that.

Set turned around and faced these soldiers. With one swing of his spear, he wounded four soldiers on their chest; they all dropped on their bottom. Some of them immediately moved to the front with their swords, while the rest attempted to aid their fallen comrades.

"It's Lord Set to you!" Set bellowed. "And soon I shall be the next king of Egypt! No longer Horus, or his descendants, or other puny humans!"

"Our command comes only from Lord Horus!"

Set clenched his teeth. "Soldiers! Come out now!"

Thirty two soldiers belonging to Set immediately leaped from the ground. While their body was still being materialized from a transparent to a solid form, they already aimed their spears at Horus' soldiers, ready to pierce them to death at any time. Set moved forward and said, "I have awakened more of them, and I can summon them here only to give you an everlasting nightmare."

None of the soldiers responded to it, but they were still anticipating the possible sudden attack.

"You don't have to come to join me in the battle tomorrow," Set said. "All you have to do is just stay away and don't do anything funny and unnecessary. If you dare to do it, you can imagine what I will do once I am crowned as the king."

"Horus will awake soon if you're only showing off like this."

Set turned around; it was Nut who was standing near Horus.

"I'm going to chant the spell to make him sleep for ten straight days," Set said as he approached Horus. He then knelt down before him and started chanting the said spell. Once he was done, he ordered a nearby chariot rider to carry Horus back to Aaru.

"A hundred of your soldiers have taken humans in Aaru as hostages," Nut said. "I heard some of them were the great kings and generals of the past. It's surely a cunning strategy, but I have to admit it's a smart move."

"If I don't implement this strategy, how can I defeat thousands of soldiers ready to answer to Horus at any time?" Set responded. He then approached another chariot rider.

"Are you going back to Aaru?"

"No," Set said as he sat. "I'm going to visit my dear old brother."


Arriving at the Hall of Ma'at, Set approached the gates. The souls queuing for the judgment process immediately dropped to their knees and bowed down, making Set smirk as he could not wait until the living humans also paid the same respect to him. He stood before the gates, and he pushed them with only his right arm. Standing across him were Thoth and Ma'at, while Osiris was sitting on his throne behind them. While Thoth and Ma'at were astonished, Osiris remained calm. Set stretched both of his arms to the left and right. "How are you, my dear brother?"

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