Chapter 33: Osiris

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Day 44 (Evening - Aaru)

The news about Azrael coming to take the lives of The Egyptian's firstborns astonished everyone, including Osiris who expressed the feeling by exhaling a deep breath. Right after Sobek finished conveying Gabriel's entire message, Isis, Nephthys and Tefnut immediately went to Nut's residence to persuade her. Unfortunately, the sky goddess refused to meet them, even after they had told her servant about this disaster. It was just like Gabriel had told Sobek: Azrael's coming is absolute, as there was no other way to quickly break Nut's stubbornness.

Entering the day when The Angel of Death would come, most gods and goddesses remained in their residences or sanctuaries, either to prepare for the mourning or to avoid witnessing the tragedy. The judgment of the death also resumed like usual. Everyone, including the 42 judges, had to remain professional in conducting the trial. The only one who seemed troubled was unexpectedly Ammit. Whenever there was a darkened heart, she would munch it as usual, but not as passionately as before.

Nearing the time when Azrael would land, there were no more souls waiting outside. As the next batch would come in the next two or three days, Thoth and Ma'at went back to their residences, and so did the 42 judges. Only Osiris, Anubis and Ammit who stayed. Anubis and Ammit sat on two of the judges' chairs, accompanying Osiris who remained in his throne. For quite some time the three of them did not talk to each other, until Osiris finally initiated the conversation.

"Ammit, what troubles you now?"

"My Lord," the goddess turned to Osiris and nodded once. "I cannot stop thinking about those who will die at Azrael's hand."

"This matter troubles everyone."

"But they might still have long years in their life! If they die now, then they are losing the chance to repent from their sins!"

"Isn't the heart full of sins your favorite food?"

"I do like them," Ammit said; her tone softened. "But if I have to eat the hearts that do not have the chance to remedy their sins, then I won't feel the pleasure at all."

"I can understand that," Anubis said. "After the hailstorm disaster, there are seven young teenagers who became victims. Their sins were all unforgivable. However, they probably committed these mistakes because they were still young and inexperienced. If only they survived, they might still be able to fix their mistakes."

"I remember these young souls," Osiris said. "As you have all known, I can always see how many years a human has. I can see that they all have at least twenty to forty years before their time comes."

"It's really unfortunate for them," Anubis shook his head. "And because we still have to run the judgment professionally, they can't run away from the consequences of their mistakes."

"It's just seven souls and I already can't enjoy their hearts. What if I have to eat fifty or even a hundred of them?"

"I really hope there's something we can do."

"There is something we can do," Osiris said.

"What is it, my Lord?" Anubis and Ammit turned to him.

The King of the Underworld got up from his throne. "We will defend the firstborns from Azrael."


Day 45 (Evening - Pi-Ramses)

After waiting for a little while outside of Pi-Ramses, Azrael finally landed near Osiris, Anubis and Ammit. It seemed his wings were pitch black, which was not strange for The Angel of Death. With a flat expression etched on his face, he said, "Are you going to make Yahweh even angrier to you?"

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