Chapter 7: Thoth

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Day 8

"My Lord Osiris, the servant has proved what she had said to the 42 judges," Ma'at said as she faced Osiris.

Osiris turned to the female servant; he threw a smile at her. "The good deeds in your life have been proved by the feather descending down. Now you shall step into Aaru and welcome the life you have dreamed of a long time ago."

The wall below Osiris' throne instantly emitted light. The female servant, bowing down to the god of the underworld, getting up to her feet. However, when she was about to walk, six smoke silhouettes of Horus' soldiers flew into the hall, heading straight into Aaru's entrance. The female servant's jaw dropped as she eyed these souls. Ma'at hurriedly approached the servant and guided her into Aaru, and she did as she was instructed without asking anything. When she had entered the realm, Thoth and Ma'at shifted their focus to the hall gates again, expecting to welcome more souls going through it.

"Other wars could either be an investment or a waste," Thoth said. "This war...," he paused momentarily. "Could be a total waste of time and effort."

At that moment, seven more souls came.

"How strong are Yahweh's forces?" Ma'at asked.

"The low-rank angels are mostly on the same level as our soldiers. However, the middle rank and The Seven Archangels must never be underestimated."

"Lord Ra also has told me about how powerful the Seven Archangels are," Ma'at responded. "He said that one of them was even responsible for making Benben shattered to pieces."

Thoth scoffed. "I only needed two years to build Benben, but needed more than five years to fix it."

Ma'at sighed in distress. "If the Seven Archangels are that powerful, how about Yahweh Himself as The Creator?"

More souls came in, but Thoth immediately looked back at his wife.

"I witnessed a moment when Yahweh was surrounded by one hundred three rebelling angels, and Lord Ra was one of them. If all of their weapons were combined, then the galaxies and planets could be obliterated in just a short time."

"They all used the weapons at the same time, but it did not affect Yahweh at all," Ma'at guessed. "Am I right?"

"He was unharmed and remained still until all the rebelling angels almost ran out of their energy," Thoth confirmed. "He then simply swung His right hand, causing a big explosion that tossed away these angels."

"Thoth, Ma'at," Osiris suddenly called. "We should now resume the judgment, as tomorrow we will be expected at the palace."

"Forgive us for being distracted," Ma'at said as she bowed down; Thoth also did the same. She then raised her right hand towards the gates. After they were opened wide, a soul walked in as he fixated on the flying soldier souls; obviously he was not aware of what was happening. When he was already standing before the scale, the gates were shut and the questions from the 42 judges commenced soon after that.


As expected, Egypt suffered a great loss. As expected too, Horus commanded The Great Pesedjet to gather in the throne hall of Aaru palace.

Usually Thoth and Ma'at would not be involved in a meeting with The Great Pesedjet. Nevertheless, this time they were both invited. A message from Horus was then conveyed to Thoth; the content was the command to figure out who was the angel with the fiery sword. As someone who was once an angel also living in Yahweh's Heaven, Thoth knew for sure that he must be none other than Jehoel.

Passing midday, all members of The Great Pesedjet finally gathered and sat on their throne. When Horus raised his falcon-headed-staff, Thoth bowed down and walked from the left side of Osiris' throne to the center of the room.

"I know well who the angel with the fiery sword is," Thoth started speaking. "His name is Jehoel. The flame blanketing his sword is of Yahweh's own breath, making it able to obliterate all deities, including those who actually live by the fire."

"It's undeniably powerful," Nephthys said. "And it's just one weapon and one angel," she paused. "What if our stubbornness angers Yahweh even more? How many of our soldiers will fall victim? How many human victims will also die in vain?"

"If you're suggesting we should surrender, then you can completely forget that suggestion," Geb responded; he did not even look at her.

"Father, we've been defeated last night," Isis said. "We should not repeat the same mistake," she said, then she looked at Ra. "Lord Ra should know better that trying to defeat Yahweh is equal to committing suicide."

"Why do you look at me if none of my opinions matter?" Ra asked, but his eyes were fixed on the sun staff he was rubbing.

"Isis, you should ask only your son as the rightful king of the gods," Geb said.

"Geb," Tefnut called. "Ra is no longer our king. However, the very foundation of Egypt was laid by him. You should stop looking down at him."

"Your mother is right, Geb," Shu said. "Without him, you won't even stand here to give your opinion."

Geb turned to his parents. But he immediately turned back to Horus. "What do you say about this, Horus?"

Horus fixated his eyes at Geb. He then rose to his feet and walked to the center of the room, before putting his attention to Thoth. "Please recite the details of the war against the Titans and The Olympians."

Thoth knew where Horus intended to go. Although hesitated, he still submitted to his king's will.

"After Lord Osiris ruled Egypt for a hundred and fifty seven years, Titan Cronus and his other Titan brethren came to our land and slain almost half of our troops in just two days. Two hundred and forty three years later, under your reign, Zeus and the Olympians came again to us and ravaged our kingdom again. This time, aside from losing more than half of our troops, their brutality almost killed Lord Shu, Lady Tefnut, Bastet and Kephri. However, thanks to the richness of our magic spells, both parents and children ended up retreating after gaining victories in their early efforts."

"Even the magic spells crafted by Hecate are still nothing against our spells," Geb mumbled with pride.

"Could you now tell us about the war against Odin and The Asyrian gods?" Horus asked Thoth, which once again he could not turn down the king's command.

"Odin and The Asyrian gods managed to break the barrier into Aaru and caused havoc for three days, before trying to make their way into this palace. Because we managed to craft seven new magic spells, they have no other choice but to step back to Asgard."

"Thank you, Thoth," Horus said. His eyes then trailed over to everyone in the room "We've been at so many wars. Some we could immediately win, while some others we needed two or three trials before we became the victor," he paused momentarily. "Can anyone tell me what's the lesson we learned from these experiences?"

"No matter how strong our enemies are, we will always defeat them," Geb immediately answered.

"That's correct," Horus said; he then turned to Isis and Nephthys. "While my command now is to wait until Aaron returns here with Moses, I will emphasize that we will keep fighting Yahweh and His troops."

"Son!" Isis exclaimed. "You have to be rational!" The goddess then turned to Osiris. "Husband, you have to remind our son about the imminent consequences!"

Instead of replying to his wife, Osiris shifted his attention to Horus. "As I've told you, I only intend to deal with matters in Duat," he said. "I will just let you and Lord Geb think what's best for Egypt."

Osiris got up to his feet. "I shall now return to Duat," he said before he walked towards the entrance, followed by Thoth and Ma'at. When Osiris was stepping out from the entrance, he stopped. He turned around and faced Horus.

"You restored Egypt from the destruction brought by Set, " Osiris said. "I know you will end up knowing what you truly have to do."

Without waiting for his son's response, Osiris immediately left with Thoth and Ma'at.

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