Chapter 23: Isis

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Day 36 (Morning)

The next morning after the death of all livestock, Horus sent the message to The Great Pesedjet, telling them to gather at the palace hall. Thinking her son would just repeat his stubbornness, Isis sighed in stress upon receiving the message. However, when Horus said he would command Ramses to release The Hebrews, she could not believe her ears. The disbelief was supposedly followed by a sense of relief, but instead it was by an uneasy feeling. Would her son really intend to free The Hebrews without asking anything in exchange?

"I tried so hard to get up from the bed only to receive this news," Nut said. "But it is not what makes me angry."

"What makes you angry is Lord Geb hasn't recovered yet, but I've decided to free The Hebrews," Horus said.

"You're always a bright king, my grandson," Nut said. "But surely you will taint that value if you really decided to free these slaves."

"My command is absolute," Horus said. "Also, whoever threatened Ramses after this, shall be put to prison for three hundred years."

"Son," Isis called. "Do you really intend to let The Hebrews go?"

"I've told you that my command is absolute, mother," Horus said. "However...."

Isis instantly got a sense of uneasiness in her heart.

"I will not simply tell Ramses this command," Horus continued. "I will tell him that I and Yahweh have reached an understanding to have a truce, as no one on our side is winning or losing."

"You're going to lie about Yahweh's position?!" Isis responded hysterically. "Have you been out of your mind?!"

"I decided to do this to make our names stay clean. If I simply tell Ramses that we're on the losing side, he can easily lose faith in all of us."

"Do you think Yahweh will let you make the lie that defames His name?!"

Instead of immediately replying, Horus exhaled a deep breath. "At the very least, Yahweh will get what He wants the most."

"Horus," Ra suddenly called; he then got up and walked towards him.

"The story of your defeat in The Great Rebellion wouldn't change my mind," Horus said, even though Ra had not yet conveyed anything.

"I know you won't listen to me," Ra said. "But please enlighten me on this one thing," he paused momentarily. "Why did the god-king who managed to overthrow Set suddenly become so stupid and unwise?"

"Your insult will not affect my emotion or decision."

"Is that the answer you chose to give to me?"

"Do you really expect me to give you a completely different answer?"

Ra took a moment before replying. "I know I should never have that kind of expectation," he said; he then walked past Horus. "I will leave now, as I believe my presence here will not contribute anything to your absolute decision."

Ra started walking again; unexpectedly Shu and Tefnut also followed him without saying anything.

"Horus, you really have to think twice!" Isis exclaimed right after the three gods had left the hall. "Yahweh's wrath will know no limit if you really execute this scenario!"

"Would you rather have our dignity shatter to pieces?"

"That's the consequence we should take!"

"That's the consequence I can never take, mother," Horus said. He then glanced at Nut and Nephthys. "By nightfall, I will come to Ramses' dream and convey this command. If you support my decision, feel free to follow me."

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