Chapter 31: Ra

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Day 43 (Afternoon to Evening)

The moment Ra got the news that Set had somehow taken down a bunch of Horus' soldiers and escaped from Aaru, the sun god immediately ordered his crew to look for him. Duat was indeed massive, and it was what Ra had planned when he intended The Egyptian to have their own underworld. Nevertheless, it still would not be difficult to track down someone exploring the area, let alone it was a god who was wanted for prison, yet he was desperate enough to avoid it. After spending some time looking for any wrecked objects and carcasses of Apophis's demons, they finally managed to spot Set.

The god of destruction was cornered by three scorpions and six spiders. He was leaning against the rock wall, and he seemed to have trouble breathing. Most likely the state of his divine power was not yet stable, but he already had to use it to attack Horus' soldiers and all the demons in Duat. Not wanting to take any chances, Ra commanded Sekhmet, Bastet and Atum to help Set. Before long, these demons were killed, and those who were getting closer due to the noises and smells began to crawl back to their hiding place.

"I did not need your help," Set said as soon as Ra got off from Mesektet; he still attempted to adjust his breath.

"Set, I don't have much time, as Apophis is almost reborn," Ra said. "You only have two choices here. The first one is to stay all by yourself and be captured by the soldiers. I can assure you, they will punish you, without waiting until your power is recovered."

Set took a moment to reply; his stare was sharp. "What's... the second choice?"

"I will arrest you, but I will let you fully recover before I hand you over to Horus."

"You arrest me?" Set chuckled. "Just a day ago you joined me in my war, and now you're arresting me?" he paused. "That's surely a joke fit only for the peasants."

"Like I told you, I don't have much time," Ra said. "Make up your choices now."

Set glanced away and held his chest. After adjusting his breathing rhythm again, he looked back at Ra. "Then I'll take the second option."

"Go to the sickbay now," Ra said. When Set walked past him, he grabbed his wrist. "And remember, if you dare to do any funny things, I will scorch you with Benben."

Set just smirked. But without saying anything, he pulled his arm and headed to the boat.

"Lord Ra, we have to prepare for Apophis," Bastet said.

"Yes," Ra agreed. "Let's move out now."


Dark smoke emerged from Mount Bakhu; they immediately solidified into a large snake head, followed by a long body. Before long, the smoke dispersed, revealing Apophis with its sharp fangs. Ra had been standing behind the boat's bow; he had just chanted the spell that created a magical shield at the bow. The other crews were already in position too, and Apophis did not wait to lurch towards them. However, all of a sudden it abruptly stopped. At that very moment, a bright light blinded Ra and the others.

"How are you today, my old friend?" someone asked when Ra still tried to adjust his vision. When he finally regained it, he was surprised to see The Archangel Michael was floating just beside Apophis.

"I'm sorry I didn't visit you sooner," Michael said. "You know... being the strongest archangel and the most trusted warrior of Yahweh comes with a lot of responsibilities. It's not just with you and your kind I have to deal with, but with other fallen angels who keep leading humans astray."

"You still talk a lot like the old times, brother," Ra said. He then shifted his attention to Apophis, who had bowed down its head and kept its eyes stuck on whatever objects below it. "And also like the old times, I could see, Apophis is still afraid of you."

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