Chapter 13: Horus

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Day 25: around 12.30 P.M

Three days passed with no result at all. It made the gods anxious, as the humans had wondered why they did not deliver them any aids. Ramses had also prayed constantly to the gods, but obviously they could not blatantly say that they still failed in countering Yahweh's power. The result was some people started coming to the palace or the high priest's residence, demanding answers on what actually happened. Nevertheless, with no clear answers, the human king simply commanded his soldiers and priests to drive away these answer-seekers.

Horus knew that this method of telling people to leave would not work forever. In the morning of the fourth day, he commanded The Great Pesedjet to gather at Aaru palace. Once everyone had sat on their thrones, he began to convey his concern.

"We cannot keep delaying answers to Ramses," Horus started speaking. "But definitely we cannot tell him the truth about our situation. That's why I gathered you here to discuss what we should do to calm the chaos in the human realm."

"They're just humans. We don't have to care too much about their cry," Geb said. "In fact, problems like this are nothing compared to the generosity we've shown them since the dawn of Egypt. If they keep complaining, then we can just teach them a lesson."

"That's not wise, father!" Isis said.

"Like you said, it might not be wise," Geb said. "But at times like this, we should focus our strength only on defeating our enemies, not on comforting the people. When we've won, we could just pamper them with more blessings, so that they will quickly forget the disaster they've been through."

"I can't say I agree with you, Lord Geb," Horus said. "We can indeed teach our people a lesson for protesting. However, that's not the phase I intend to reach for now," he said, then he looked at everyone in the hall , "Anyone here wants to convey an idea?"

"I have an idea," Nut said, making everyone's attention shift to her. "We can meet Ramses in his dream and tell him that we're indeed fighting an enemy that we've underestimated. We should also tell him that our enemy keeps using dirty tricks to win the battles. After he understands, we simply have to command him to harbor patience and keep his faith in us."

"Mother, it is way more unwise if we lie about Yahweh," Nephthys said. "Just imagine what He could do if we make fake stories about Him."

"Nephthys, we've all known you never agree with the decision to fight Yahweh," Geb said. "But the thing you just said made me wonder whether you've decided to side with Yahweh –"

"Father! I will never betray our people!"

"Are you sure you won't?" Geb said as he rose from his throne; he walked towards Nephthys. "Your husband once betrayed Osiris and killed him. How could I know that you don't possess the traits of a traitor?"

"I won't betray you and the others!"

"Father," Isis rose from her throne. "Nephthys helped me find the pieces of Osiris. If she is like what you said, she won't dedicate her energy and time to me."

"She probably has no intention to betray –"

"Geb!" Nut interrupted. "You should trust our daughter!"

"Trusting a daughter who disagrees we make fake stories about Yahweh?"

"It's just her opinion, we should not –"

"Enough!" Horus exclaimed; his voice reverberated in the hall. "We're not here for useless debates like this!"

Everyone just gazed at Horus, including Geb.

"Now I'm repeating my question. Is there anyone here who intends to convey their idea?"

"To not waste time, I vote for Nut's idea," Geb immediately said.

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