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Zahra D

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Zahra D. In her prime ages.

Zahra was an famous singer inside of an Club she worked at. People would come late at night just to see her perform live on stage, her voice captivated many. Her voice was heard around the world, an sensation at such an young age. Attracting many men and women, she had an name for herself.

The first thought that came to anybody's head whenever they are heard the name "Zahra" would be her angelic voice and songs. During her times of the late 90's, despite all the hip hop music coming out-- she always had an heart for singing old songs.

From interviews to billboards, you couldn't miss her face. Though, you would be unfortunate to end up on the end of her microphone if you happened to disrespect anyone of her people, including women and men.

Zahra D. was also an unknown serial killer. In her eyes, she disliked being labelled and seen as such instead calling it an "lesson." Whenever she would see any men/women taking advantage of being disrespectful in anyway to an certain person, she would label out an plan.

It would go, wait for everybody to leave. Have them stay longer to have an chat with them. Lead them to the back of the club, and there she strikes. She makes sure to hide her bodies very diligently as she didn't wanna get caught.

This went on for an while, however one day in particular wouldn't go as planned. As she killed an women late at night for harassing an man, an little girl being the mother's daughter caught Zahra. Zahra had an strict "rule" as to not kill children. However.. how could she ever let anyone find out?

Guilt she felt. She couldn't help but see her little sister in her own eyes of the little girl. Ophelia, her sister that she found dead at 4 when she came home from an sleepover during Christmas. She couldn't dare to bare the guilt and shame she felt in her heart.

Having went home that day from an stressful night of preforming, she took an last meal from her adoptive parents. Unknown to them, an few minutes later she would kill herself upstairs with the same gun she used to kill her captures years ago.

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