Chapter 16- Bakugo

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"Whoa, bud! You look like you've been out of it? Are you and Midoriya doing good?" Shitty hair asked as he set his plate down across from me.
Oh, I've been swell, just tired because I had to get to my morning class. After I eat, I have to get to my next class, which is on the other side of this campus. I groaned as I lethargically poked my food with the fork.

"Is it too late to drop out?"

He shrugs as he sits down, "I don't know, do you think you should drop out of college and disappoint your parents. You know what your mom could do if she found out you dropped out."

Goddammit, he's right. I'm not going to say it out loud to him, he'll never hear the end of it. "Whatever..."

"It's that bad, huh. Have you guys not been talking to each other lately?"

I glared right back at him, "Shitty hair, this doesn't concern you. We're both fine. The last time we talked or hung out was when we moved into our dorm." I sighed, "Plus, he's got a blind date coming soon, and by soon, I mean tonight. Maybe that's why I'm so down in the dumps."

His eyes widened at me, mouth opened while he's still holding the fork in his hand with a half eaten strawberry on a fork. "Wha...? And you're cool with it?"

"Fuck no, I'm not cool with it. I just want to say something so bad! But if I do, he's going to try to defend his parents on this."

"Wait, so I'm confused... Why are his parents involved?"

"Who do you think set up the blind dates?" I cocked my eyebrow as I took a couple bites off my waffles.

"So... he's being forced to go on dates by his parents? I don't understand, you guys are dating, right? Why can't he just say no?"

That's what I ask myself every time he brings it up. But, when he tells me he's afraid of standing up for himself, especially his parents, he chokes up. I remember when they would talk and he would get in arguments with his parents when they say he can't take care of himself. He might not realize it, but he gets heated pretty easily.

Sometimes even when he tries to stand his ground, he just gives up, knowing that they won't listen to him. Always saying some bullshit excuse like, they know everything just because they're older than us, and they don't need to listen to their children about things that they're entitled to even if it's morally wrong.

It's been eating me away by what he does, because I want to say something, but I don't want him to think that I'm mad at him, I'm just frustrated. He clearly doesn't want to do the whole blind dating thing and he tried telling his mom about it, and again, she didn't listen.

"It's not that easy," I finally say, "I mean, it's been so long. His parents have been planning it for him since he was a freshman in high school. I just don't know what to do. He means so much to me, and I don't want him to take it the wrong way."

I watched as Shitty hair shook his head and finally ate the strawberry on his fork. He gulped down and exhaled, "Did you tell him that you were okay with it as long as he still likes you?"

"Yes, and I even reassured him that I would be there for him. We talked about what we could do, so that he'd finally get to work up the courage to confront his parents."

He slowly nodded his head, "Well, I may not be in a relationship, but it sounds like you guys need to talk things through. You two need to listen to each other. And I mean really listen to each other. You, especially, need to be upfront and honest on how this makes you really feel. Yes, he may not like what he wants to hear, but he needs to hear it." He proclaimed as he set his fork down on his plate half empty. "Now, I need to get going. I've got basketball today and it's going to be hell for me afterwards. And that's coming from a guy who likes going to the gym.

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