My Bio

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Name:Emperor Keith R. Brussett (Me)

Age:5 Centuries Old (517)


Eyes:Both Red

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Eyes:Both Red


Blood Type:Unknown

Species:Half Human Half Kitsune

History:Keith was a Young Kitsune in the 16th Century, he is a complete mystery, when Lapulapu found him in his Fox den, he took him to the Tribe, When Keith saw Ill and Wounded and missing limb people he went up to them and healed them with his powers of greater Heal and the sickness are gone the pain was gone and the limbs grow back, which surprised Everyone around including Lapulapu, It was then he was hailed as the Deity of Healing, when Keith was hailed as it, he doesnt want to be treated like a God, he is just want to be treated like a Friend, as he helps the Agriculture, Food Supplies Boosted Prosperity, but when the Magellan Arrived, he went alongside with Lapulapu and fight off the the Colonizers, After the Battle of Mactan, Keith Went immediently to the wounded Healing all of them despite near death, It was then everything was peaceful till the spanish Arrived, Lapulapu And Keith made a Deceiving plan and it worked the Spanish werent able to get the Philippines... after the victory... Lapulapu passed away leaving Keith in charge of the Tribe and lead the tribe to greater heights... he Decided to Adopt Christianity (Roman Catholic) into the Tribe, and then, A Unification of the Entire Philippines, the Expansion began, which then after the Great Expansion, The Country became isolated abd began Rapidly Creating technology out of the eyes of the world

GATE:Thus the Empire of the Morning Sun Joins the FrayWhere stories live. Discover now