Chapter 6:Coming back to the Empire of the Pearl (IV)

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"Fighting againts the Emperor of Pinoys whom i suppose to fight will be my death, i refuse to take up arms, as i wish to see my family after this conflict"

-British Soldier from 1816-

Location:Maharlika Empire, Manila, Malacañang Palace.

Abueva:The Palace looks the same as ours, but more futuristic

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Abueva:The Palace looks the same as ours, but more futuristic

Aleila:Yeah, but it's heavily protected by Primarchs and Bolter Turrets

Abueva:Bolter Turrets?

Conrado:Yup, now lets get in... the Emperor is expecting you

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Back to the story

The cameras are set in the meeting room to be live, the Ph Ambassador and Ph SRs are prepared to be in the presence of not just an Emperor, a Warrior and a respected leader

Conrado:(Thoughts) i smell something off about this... it feels like Emperor is up to something

Then the door opens revealing the Emperor with Miyano and AR-Team as bodyguards

Keith:I see you have been prepared this time Ambassador.

Abueva:Yes i am, Your Majesty

Keith:Hmmmm? *seeing the cameras*

Abueva:Please no need to worry, our world only wishes to witness our negotiations

Keith:oh no, it's alright, after all, we need solid proof.

The two seated

Abueva:*Takes out the paper and gives it to Keith* Well the Philippines and the United Nations wanted to negotiate about you and your allies


The Philippines wants to trade Technologies and Products including Military Equipment

● Philippines Request of border openings to have visitors/tourist

● UN wants to establish a HQ in the MHLE, Bataan or Quezon

● UN wants to lower your weapons of mass destruction, due to the extreme dangers of use in warfare


Keith stayed silent, as he also knows the Pros and Cons of this deal, he knows that the other superpowers will also pressure philippines and steal the technologies, he can also donate the old Tech of MHLE, but... he has other plans in mind

As for the border openings... he refuses due to the racism, Religious Extremist and Ideology Extremist

And finally the UN, it's an annoyance of the of the UN as MHLE stops wars in the old fashion, as the UN is weak and has no balls and weak, as proof of the Outbreak of the Wars in South Africa, Russo-Ukranian War, and the War on Gaza, as Keith dislikes the UN

Keith:Im afraid to dissapoint, but i refuse these kinds of demands

Abueva:May i ask why?

Keith:The same reason as Pres. Y/N, PERIOD

The room went silent, wasnt long till an MHLE agent informs Keith of thr Taliban and Iran...

Keith:Excuse me, Ambassador, are the cameras live?

Abueva:Yes, why do you ask?

Keith:I have something to say towards Taliban Afghan and Iran, right here... right now

-Comment Section-

"Uh oh, seems like he knows"

"Shut up guys, let him cook"


Keith: Iran and Afghanistan, heed this warning: your belligerence will not go unanswered, and your desire for war will be met with a force beyond your comprehension.

Know this: every step you take towards aggression will be met with a thunderous roar of defiance from the Maharlika Empire. Your incursion into our lands is an affront to our sovereignty, and we will not tolerate such disrespect.

But do not mistake our restraint for weakness. We are the guardians of our nation, the stalwarts of our people. We will defend our borders with every ounce of strength in our bodies and every weapon at our disposal.

From the heart of our empire, we summon the spirits of our ancestors, warriors who fought with honor and valor. Their legacy lives on in us, fueling our resolve to protect what is ours at any cost.

And so, let it be known: should you choose the path of war, you will face a reckoning unlike any you have ever known. We will rain down upon you like a tempest, sweeping aside all who dare to oppose us.

This is your final chance to reconsider your actions. Withdraw your forces, cease your aggression, and seek a path of peace. For if you do not, know that the wrath of the Maharlika Empire will be swift, merciless, and unrelenting.

May the gods have mercy on your souls, for we shall have none.

The whole room went silent including the poeple watching and have chills as they know messing with the Emperor is a bad idea

-Cpomment Section-

"Now thats a threat"

"Iran and Taliban and ISIS better not Fuck around and find out"


Keith:Now then... Ambassador, may i speak with you in private?

Abueva:Of course *gives the Ph SR a okay sign*

M16A1:Alright people out of the room

Ph SR:Okay folks you heard the lady, out of the room

As people are out of the room, Keith spoke first

Keith:i may have an offer for your country which can be benicficial for you, your nation, and your family and friends, but you must never leak this unless you have a death wish

Abueva:*Sweatdropped* of course... let me hear it.

To be continued

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