Chapter 22:Op. Dragon Slayer

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After the Bombings of PRC, the MHLE gathered all if it's forces and went full on Blitzkrieg on PRC, Invading Through Pakistan, and Afghanistan, at exactly a the next week, the 2nd Korean War Started, N.Korea Invading S.Korea Again, the MHLE calls For Backup of the USKA and German Empire, at the next Week, D-Day China started.

Near China's Coast

With Keith and the Fleet, as he is assigned his Kids to join him on a Mission as this is where is going to be their First Combat.

Fleet accompanied:
(Super Battlecarriers)
(Related:New Jersey)
North America

Little Bismarck
Little Hood

(Related:Enteprise CV-6)
Enterprise CVN-65 (Daughter)
Enterprise CVN-80 (Grandaughter)
Little Illustrious

Little Eugen
Little Chesire
Little Spee
Little Cleveland
Little Bel
Little Helena

Keith:Alright were here. Remember kids, the other fleets are at the Left and Right, we need to press on the PRC here, to do the encirclement.

NA:Dad! Can i test my Football Shells?

Keith:No, NA, Later, when we head to Korea.

NA:Okay... well what are we gonna do now?

Keith:All Guns to Starboard, Engage Volley fire on my command.

All Warships with guns aim at Broadside

Keith:Take aim!

All Warships take aim as they elevate their guns upward.


Multiple PRC positions were hit, as the Landing Crafts have begun charging at the shores, as the Asian D-Day has commenced.

[After the D-Day]

The PRC is being Push back from multiple Fronts and are desperately trying to get their Nuclear Arsenal back online, the PRC lost 70% of it's territory, it was the beginning of their complete fall.

-Korean Front

In Korea, The War began after the PRC made a surprise attack on the Philippines, Same as before, the N.K. Nuclear Missiles werent working due to sabotage by MHLE Agents.

After 7 weeks, 2 Wars in Asia... The PRC Lost a devastating defeat after the Siege of Beijing was stormed by the MHLE's 7thPzrDiv that came from Korean Front, WW3 has ended, N.K. and PRC has been defeated, as the Aftermath of WW3 lead to the Europe in Medium Level of Damage, while North America suffered many cities damage by the Russian Invasions and the Riots of Islamic Rebels, and in the Middle East suffered a lot of damage due to MHLE's ruthless tactics of invasion, while China suffered the Biggest one by Many Bombers and Naval Bombardments, after WW3, MHLE transfers the 50% of Chinese Mainland to Taiwan reviving the RoC, and the Korean Penninsula, MHLE gave the whole of N.K. to S.K. unifiying the Whole Penninsula. As for Myanmmar it is currently in Occupation of the MHLE due to the War between the Junta and Rebels, the rest of the MiddleEast is under MHLE Occupation... ________________________________________

-Special Region, Ley'Avatal Hill

The Emperor of MHLE, Keith has just returned from the Frontlines.

Keith:Phew, that was a long day...

Miyano:Welcome back, Emperor

Keith:Thanks Miyano. Status Report

Miyano:The War here is over...

Keith:Already? Wow guess i have been busy on the other side.

Miyano:Prince Zorzal has been Killed.

Keith:By my Cousin's Forces?

Miyano:No, but something else...

Keith:Uh oh... i do have a bad feeling something is gonna happen...

Miyano:Pres. Y/N and Kaiser F/N done a few things.

Keith:Enlighten me.

Miyano:USKA is gonna turn the Sarderan Into a Democratic Country as rhey also get some parts of it's territory, While the German Empire Annexes 3 Cities, and same goes for the JSDF having some parts of Sardera. Most likely having Split the land...

Keith:Alright, im down, since i also had roles on backing my Allies and actions *Takes out the map* i think we'll keep this territory, theres no need for further expansion

Keith:Alright, im down, since i also had roles on backing my Allies and actions *Takes out the map* i think we'll keep this territory, theres no need for further expansion

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Miyano:Alright Emperor.

Keith:Contact my cousin, WW3 is over, as well as This is the amount we'll annex.

Miyano:Yes Emperor.

Keith:As well as, set security and be alert at times... there is something going on and be on guard as there's been a shadow that i expect to come out and attack the USKA-German Empire Base... be ready for it.

Miyano:Yes Emperor.

Keith:Now... time to enjoy some Sake.

To be continued


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