Chapter 11:None shall be tolerated

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"Do not underestimate the cunningness of the Fox that we have fought againts"
-Spanish Soldier, 1818-


Location:Parallel Earth, Philippines, Manila.

After MHLE Forces crossed the Chronogate, there's been a widespread Search and Hunt all over the Philippines by the IPA, as they arrest multiple corrupt officials and politicians with solid proof, including Rodrigo Duterte for treason.

The U.N. has tried to stop the MHLE,, but failed, as MHLE now poses a threat as Philippines sided with the MHLE, now that USKA is in USA againts the APF and some PILR, it's MHLE's turn to have foot-hold in the Philippines as their mission is to destroy the MiddleEast Terrorist and any sympathizers and Collaborators, meaning, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran


Location:Maluso Municapality, Basilan Prov., Fort Defender

As we head to the Province of Basilan, the MHLE are all prepared to depart to Afghanistan for the Great Airborne Invasion

Gen. Milo MacArthur:Is everything ready?

Conrado:Yes General, the Vehicles are all loaded up, Infantry ready and Aircrafts ready to strike.

Milo:Good. We'll strike at night where they would least expect. And how about her?

Conrado:She is good to go


Gen. MacArthur then boards the Helicopter. Then the Forces took off to Afghanistan with the Cloaking Tech, as the Chronosphere opens to let themin straight to Afghanistan


After a few hours of flight, it was now time for the Airborne Landings... hundreds of Infantry, Vehicles are carried, as well as Hundreds of Aircrafts ready to intercept any incoming hostile Missiles and aircrafts

???:Seems like were here... see you later Conrado!

Conrado:Bomb these Extremist to kingdom come!

???:I will!

The girl then jumps off without a parachute... and then... she shout...


Kirov:Hey fuckers! I got gifts for ya!!

Kirov then releases her bombs, raining down on Taliban position, and then the landing has begun

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