Chapter 4:Journey towards the Empire who holds the Pearl (I)

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(A/N:This Chapter is when after the trip to German Empire in USKA and Kaiserriech by 410Jackass )



Itami:You told me theres the 4th Gate right?

Tony:Yeah, the Maharlika Empire

Shion:Maharlika Empire? Sounds Filipino

Lena:Thats because it is Filipino

The JSDF 3rd Recon team are shocked by the revelation

Itami:Wait, the Filipinos on your world are Monarchy and an Empire!?

Tony:Yeah, you didn't the 5th Recon Team since they were covering from the Outside of Italica

Pina:What is this Maharlika Empire capable of?

Lena:They are the USKA's Cousin Nation, ranked 2nd in our world

Shion:Damn~ sounds like the Filipinos are strong there

Tony:they're here

The 5th Recon Team Arrives

Yap II:Tony! *Fist Bump*

Tony:Conrado! *Fist Bump*

Itami:You guys are 5th Recon Team?

Aleila:Thats us, Tony told us about you 3rd Recon Team

Itami:I guess that saves time, who are these Girls? (Gesturing towards the AR-Team and Counter-Squad) (Mind:Okay Hol'up, These 4 other Girls are Thicc 😐)

Diego & Amelia:They are the AR-Team/Counter-Squad

Shion:AR-Team and Counter-Squad, nice name for a group, mind the Counter-Squad Introduce themselves?


Rapi:Im Rapi

Marian:Im Marian

Anis:Im Anis

Neon:And im Neon

Itami:And AR-Team?



Sopmod II:Sopmod II


The 3rd Recon Team are shock to hear AR-Team's names

Shion:Wait!? Those are your names!?


Itami:But those are weapon names, were you named after weapons!?

M16A1:We are...

Pina:But why? Why were you named after weapons?

Tony:Allow me to Explain

After Explanation

Itami:Guess that makes sense... well seems like its time to go

Yap II:Lets Go!

The 1st USKA, 2nd German, and then the 3rd JSDF Recon Team then followed The Filipino 5th Recon Team

Timeskip, Brought to you by this

Timeskip, Brought to you by this

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