Chapter 9:(UN)Involved Peace

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Location:Ley'Avatal Hill

After the Operation, The UN Vehicles Parked outside of MHLE HQ


Rommel: and why?

Field Marshal Rommel of the MHLE was standing infront of the UN Personal.

UN General: Look, The Human Rights Organisation wants to order the MHLE to ease the extremes weapons that were used in battle. Besides, One of the Reporters film that scene
saying that you're soldiers using flamethrowers and Chlorine Gas in the
battle and-

Rommel: Look, We are at WAR with Imperial army. Of Course we also use extremes weapons like USKA. Besides! The Emperor order those extreme "weapons" that can kill those fucking saderan empire.

UN General: You know? The UN Didn't like using illegal
weapons! If the world fine out about this. The General Public will been outraged about this and many
nations will consider you all a war criminals.

Rommel: Oh for the- Listen!!

The UN General went silent

Rommel:What makes you think, we'll listen to the UN? Are we even part of the UN? Are we even friends? NO!

UN General:But the UN doesn't want any of yo-


The UN General Shuts up

Rommel:Your UN, has no "Power" over the MHLE, Nor USKA, you have no "Influence" in our World, you also have No "Control" here either, just because we are from different Alternate Timelines, doesn't give you any rights to enforce us to follow your fucking rules! Forcing us to follow your rules is bullshit, the Surprise attack days ago, 2 of MHLE Imperial Guardsmen were Injured by your fakes. And not to mention, The UN Failures, the Failures in De-escaltion of the Ukraine War! The Failures in Stopping N.Korea Launching Missiles! The Failures in the Conflicts in South Africa! The Failures in PRC as they try to coverup their Human rights violations! And finally The Failures in the West Philippine Sea!

The UN General stayed quiet due to the facts are true

Rommel:We MHLE with the OFN, WE keep the things of peace in our way. The UN is all Barking, not a single bite... please leave, The UN has no room here nor our World

UN General: *Sigh* You will regret this Field Marshal Rommel

The General and the Personal Left the building. Rommel sigh in anger after hearing that, It was unfair
that UN will take action against the MHLE extreme measure. Which pisses the MHLE Field Marshal off. He
went to the office and saw the 5th Recon Team, Conrado and Damian.

Rommel:It seems the two of you are here

Conrado:Yes sir... we know why we are here

Rommel:Good, this UN is all Bark No Bite, what a nuisance. *turns on the Holoscroll*

A blue Hologram reveals and two saw something screen. To their shock, Mass protest in Across the world, Inluding UK, France, Germany and USA. Not
only that, In New York, the Anti-USKA movement known as the America Patriot Front (APF) lead by
republicans and rogue democrats became violence the group begins the burn the USKA Flag and burning
the President Y/N picture too. Many shouting "DOWN WITH THE USKA!!!! UP WITH THE TRUE AMERICA!!!!!",
However, There's was another group too, Pro-ISIS and Pro-Taliban groups known as the People Islamic Liberation Rebellion was also a threat to the
USKA. IRU goal was to kill president Y/N and Emperor Keitg as they saw the two boys as an Unholy demons and they have to die. This two extremist groups wanted to destroyed the USKA and their allies. Conrado and Damian were silents at
that and both of them look at each other.

Conrado:These Fuckers, are asking for FAAFO

Rommel:Were alreadly Dealing China, And Saderan, now these two extremist groups, they want all of us dead.

Damian: *Sigh* it seems they wanna know how to FAAFO

Rommel: *Sigh* Yes, Since the world revealed our history. We have our new enemy we need to face.
More dangerous than we ever imagine. And.... *Sigh again* need to be ready for war..... on the parallel


Aleila:WTF? They are really asking for it.

Diego & Amelia:FAAFO

Conrado:,Yup... they are the most imbecile human beings i known now

Damian:One things for sure, the Philippines stayed loyal to us, as they are thinking to be part of our territory, i mean our troops are stationed there and the West Philippine Sea is secured, China better not fuck with our boats.

Aleila:Jeez... welp we better be prepared in advanced... it's time to teach these Extremist what happens if your FAAFO someone who is more common sense

To be continued

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