Chapter 10:You have been Warned

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Location:Maharlika Empire, Manila, Malacañang Palace, 2:09 pm.

The scene goes to Keith having a peaceful tea time

Keith:*Drinking Darjeeling* i somehow have a bad feeling on something...

Miyano then comes in


Keith:Miyano? What is it?

Miyano:You need to see this!

Miyano then puts the holoscroll on the table and turns it on

The Hologram shows the PILR and APF, Keith then frowned upon seeing them, and then he sees the Picture of Him and Y/N and the Flags, burned down and chanting, Keith's anger built up, he then sees the declaration of war...





Keith:Miyano, Organize a state of the Nation Adress

Miyano:Yes Emperor


At the next day, the state of the nation adress begin and it's broadcast live...

-Comment Section-

"Holy shit! I think i know where this is going"

"Uh oh, i think someone Fucked Around and is about to find out"


Keith:My fellow Filipinos,

Today, we stand on the precipice of war, facing an enemy that knows only darkness and destruction. The People Islamic Liberation Rebellion (PILR), a festering cancer within the Alt-Worlds Countries and our Parallel Counterpart, has dared to challenge the might of the Maharlika Empire. Their insolence will not be tolerated, their defiance will not go unpunished.

Know this: we will show no mercy to those who seek to undermine our authority, to those who sow chaos and fear among our people. The PILR and their cohorts, the pro-ISIS and pro-Taliban scum, will be crushed beneath the heel of our righteous fury.

To the leaders of the PILR, I issue this warning: your days are numbered, your fate sealed. We will hunt you down like the vermin you are, and we will make you pay for every drop of innocent blood you have spilled.

There will be no negotiations, no quarter given. We will rain down fire and brimstone upon your strongholds, reducing them to rubble and ashes. Your followers will beg for mercy, but they will find none in the iron grip of our justice.

Let the world tremble at the might of the Maharlika Empire. Let our enemies quake in fear at the sound of our approaching armies. For we are the embodiment of power, cruelty, and mercilessness, and we will stop at nothing to protect what is ours.

This declaration of war is not a mere formality; it is a promise of annihilation, a vow of vengeance. The PILR will learn the true meaning of fear, and they will rue the day they dared to cross us.

May the gods have mercy on their souls, for we shall have none.

The speech given sent chills to the Parallel world... while the Philippines hears this and they support the MHLE

-Comment Section-

"And there it is!"

"The PIlR is fucked!"

"The Middleeast is about to be a War Zone!"

"Seems like the MHLE is coming to hunt down the Houthis, Hezbollah, Taliban, ISIS, and many other Terrorist Organizations, they are fucked!"


At the parallel world, the Philippines declared itself as a part of the MHLE as a Subject State, under the protection of the MHLE, and they are ready for war againts the Terrorist and Other foreign nations

Location:Ley'Avatal Hill

The MHLE Land, Air, and Sea, has been assembled... they are now in position, as they are now going to use the Chrono Gate to be deployed in the Philippines. Then General Luna gives his speech

Gen. Luna:Soldiers, sailors, and airmen of the Maharlika Empire,

Today marks the dawn of a new era, as we prepare to transfer our land, air, and sea forces to the Philippines. But this is not just a relocation; it is a call to arms, a declaration of our unwavering resolve to defend our homeland against the forces of darkness.

For too long, the People Islamic Liberation Rebellion (PILR) has cast a shadow over our land, spreading fear and chaos in its wake. But today, we stand united, ready to face this threat head-on and reclaim our rightful place as guardians of peace and prosperity.

As we embark on this journey, let us draw strength from the bonds that unite us, from the camaraderie of our brothers and sisters in arms, and from the unbreakable spirit of our nation. Together, we are an unstoppable force, a beacon of hope in a world plagued by strife and conflict.

Our land forces will march with courage in their hearts and determination in their eyes, their footsteps echoing the rhythm of freedom as they advance towards victory.

Our air forces will soar through the skies, their wings cutting through the clouds as they defend our skies with unwavering resolve and unparalleled skill.

And our sea forces will navigate the vast oceans that surround us, their ships serving as symbols of strength and resilience as they patrol our waters and safeguard our shores.

But above all, let us remember why we fight. We fight for our families, for our friends, and for the future generations who will inherit the world we leave behind. We fight for the ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy that are the foundation of our nation.

So let us march forward with courage and conviction, knowing that we carry the hopes and dreams of our people on our shoulders. For today, we do not just transfer our forces to the Philippines; we transfer the spirit of the Maharlika Empire, a spirit that will never be broken, a spirit that will lead us to victory.

For the Maharlika Empire! For the Philippines! For a future of peace and prosperity!




The MHLE then cross the Chrono Gate, Entering Manila Bay, as the Philippines Fort Drum, was restored as the Concrete Battleship as it used to be 80 years ago in the 1940s

Multiple Naval Vessels docked the troops to the designated bases, as the War is about to begin, as the Philippines issued/Invoke the Arcticle 2 (I don't know if this is the right thing for war and stuff, correct me)

Amd so.... thus the Cold War to the coming Third World War... has begun

To be continued


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