A cop going Bonkers

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When it was morning, Lucky was trying not to blow his top as the Toons were making a mess in his house due to their Toon instincts and all that, like purposely slipping on banana peels or pie throwing and stuff like that. Fawn: "Try not to be mad at them, they're just following their natural Toon instincts, which they were born with the moment they were drawn." Lucky: "Yeah... it's fine... not like this is the first time some Toons gave me trouble in my life..." said Lucky, trying to keep himself from blowing his top. Suddenly, the sound of someone knocking on the door was heard, and Tommy went over to open the door to see a man known as Leonard Kanifky (voiced by Earl Boen) the chief of police himself. Tommy: "Hello sir." Leonard: "Hello young man, is Pickle here?" Lucky: "Chief!, oh my goodness... I wasn't expecting you... um... what brings you here?" Chief Leonard: "Well I got word from last night that a Toon saved Donald Duck's life and I wanted to ask him if he had a job at the moment." Bonkers: "Um... that be me sir, Bonkers D Bobcat... a jobless Toon..." Chief Leonard: "You mean Bonkers D Bobcat, the police officer toon." Bonkers: "Um... you mean... you're offering me a job?!" Chief: "Of course, a toon that was able to fight off those park muggers must have what it takes to be a cop, and of course you'll need a partner." Bonkers: "Really?, hmm... would Lucky here be my partner?, he helped me stop those muggers." Chief Leonard: "You mean Pickle here?" Lucky: "Well it's actually Police Cop Lucky Piquel, sir." Chief Leonard: "You mean Detective Pickle." Lucky: "Um... you mean... I'm being... promoted?" Chief Leonard: "That's right, and here is your detective badge." said the chief, before he gives Lucky the badge, which Lucky was very happy about." Lucky: "Wow... my very own detective badge..." Tommy: "Wow Mr Pickle, that's great!" Lucky: "Thanks Tommy... but uh, it's Piquel." Tommy: "That's what I said." Lucky: "No, you said Pickle, P-I-C-K-L-E... now my real last name is Piquel, P-I-Q-U-E-L." Gidget: "Really?, they sound so similar..." Lucky: "Yeah... I've been told that before." Jokeo: "I'll bet they have..." Chief Leonard: "Anyway, I hope you two will keep this town safe from any Toon criminals." Lucky: "Did you say... 'Toon' criminals?" Chief Leonard: "That's right, we have plenty of cop to deal with normal criminals, but in this town, where most folks are toons, we need a police force that deals with Toons that have gone rogue and all that, and you and Bonkers are the first cops who has a job to keep them in line." Bonkers: "Alright!, Officer Bonkers at your service sir!, and don't worry, my partner and I will keep this city city safe!" Lucky: "Um... chief... I don't know if..." Chief Leonard: "Don't worry Pickle, there might be plenty of toon criminals for you to catch, now I must be off, have a good day." Lucky: "But... sir...?" before Lucky could say anything else, the chief already left, leaving Lucky alone with the toons again. Tommy: "Wow Mr Lucky sir, you just got promoted to a detective." Lucky: "Yeah... though not the kind of promotion I was hoping for..." Gidget: "What do you mean, is being a detective bad?" Lucky: "Huh?, well no, I don't mean it like that... it's just... a detective for Toons... well... it's not the kind of job I find uh... fitting for me." Bonkers: "Come on Lucky, if you wanna know how to deal with Toons, then you're in luck as we're toons ourselves, so we'll teach you everything we know about them, while you teach me how to be a real cop." Lucky: "Well... I guess that's a fair deal... and I can't let you be a cop without knowing the ropes first." Bonkers: "Police have ropes?, like cowboys?" Lucky: "That's not... oh never mind." Fawn: "Hmm... I wonder if I have what it takes to be a cop..." Bonkers: "Hold on Fawn, being a cop is a man's work." Lucky: "Well actually there are female cops too." Bonkers: "Really?... well even so, it could be a dangerous job and... I don't want my beloved Fawn to get hurt." Fawn: "Thanks for caring for my well being, but I'm not really as helpless as you think, for I did took karate lessons." Bonkers: "You did?, but I never seen you use them in my cartoons." Fawn: "Well those were just cartoons, so I wasn't really in danger, but when I do get in danger, I can be dangerous myself... watch." said Fawn, before she took her hand out and did a karate chop on the table, chopping it in half, much to everyone's surprise. Bonkers: "Wow... that's amazing..." Lucky: "Uh... that... was my table..." Fawn: "Oops... sorry about that." Lucky: "That's fine... I was in need to replace it anyway..." Fawn: "Anyway, my point is that I can take care of myself, and besides, I need a job just as much as you do." Bonkers: "Well... maybe, but I would feel better if you tried finding a safer job first, and if that doesn't work, I can help you become a cop." Fawn: 'Deal." Jokey: "Hey, what about us?" Jokeo: "Yeah, we need a job too." Lucky: "Aren't you a little young to be needing a job?" Gidget: "Well that would be true for normal kids, but the thing is, as living drawings, we can't age, in other words even kid based toons need a job to make a living." Lucky: "Oh... really?, I didn't know that... though I guess that would explain that how Toons like Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse haven't looked like they aged much even after all these years..." Jokeo: "Well of course, drawings like us don't show body age like humans can, nor can we die either." Jokey: "Nope... we just get canned." Lucky: "Canned?" Jokeo: "Yeah, you know, getting canceled or locked up in jail, stuff like that." Lucky: "Oh..." Tommy: "Our point is that we still need jobs... but where can we get them?" Bonkers: "You could try doing cartoons, I mean that's the main job for Toons like us." Tommy: "We tried that, but nobody wants us, saying that we're not right for the part and stuff like that..." Gidget: "Yeah, it's a real shame..." Fawn: "Don't worry, I'm sure things will turn up for you kids." Bonkers: "Anyway, we better get to the station and get out new uniforms, we need to look the part after all." Lucky: "Yeah, that's important." Toots: "Ahooga!, Meep!, Meep!" meanwhile, outside of Lucky's house, the Demon trio were watching from on top of a building. ScreamClaw: "So... the Bobcat is a cop now?, and he's got that cop as his partner?" SpaceWarp: "G-g-great... now we'll never g-g-get him..." ThunderSmacker: "Don't be ridicules, we'll get that toon, we just need to figure out how, that's all." ScreamClaw: "Yes... and we need to do it soon, for The Collector is waiting for his prize." said ScreamClaw, as he begins to make an evil laugh while watching Bonkers.

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