Search Of The Missing Kittens

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After putting Cruella into custody, Bonkers and Lucky were having lunch with the toon kids and the 101 dalmatians at a diner, which was a big order as there were like over 100 mouths to feed, which was a wallet ache for Lucky's own wallet. Bonkers: "Wow Pongo, you sure have a lot of mouths to feed." Lucky: "Well of course he would, as they're known as the 101 dalmatians." Pongo: "Yeah... it's not easy, but we manage." Perdita: "We could never thank you enough for saving our puppies from Cruella." Lucky: "Well... you don't have to, we were just doing our job, catching bad guys and all that." Bonkers: "Yup, and proud of it." suddenly, a pair of cats came into the diner, and they were a bit wet from the rain outside. After shacking the water off of their fur, the cats, known as Thomas O'Malley (voiced by Phil Harris) and Duchess (voiced by Eva Gabor) went over to Bonkers and Lucky. Duchess: "Excuse moi mousier, but are you the Toon cops?" Lucky: "Yeah... great... more toons..." Bonkers: "Say... you two look familiar..." Tommy: "Oh my gosh!, it's Thomas O'Malley and Duchess from The Aristocats!" Gidget: "Wow!, we loved your movie!, it's a real honor to meet you two!" Lucky: "The Aristocats?" Bonkers: "Oh course, they're like aristocrats, but as cats, and their film was a Classic Disney film!" Duchess: "Thank you mousier, but can we ask for your help?" Lucky: "What's the matter?" O'Malley: "It's the kittens, they're missing, and we don't know where they could be." hearing this made Bonkers gasped in shock. Bonkers: "What?!, your kittens?!, oh no!, how terrible!" Duchess: "I know, I'm really worried about them..." Lucky: "Where did you last saw them?" O'Malley: "Back home an hour ago, but when we got back, they were gone... and the place was a mess... like it was attacked..." Bonkers: "Are you sure?" Duchess: "Yes... and there were footprints on the ground... footprints that were not of our kittens..." Tommy: "Do you have a picture?" O'Malley: "No, but we can try making it to show what it looked like." said O'Malley, before he takes out a piece of paper, put some ketchup on his paw and started making a painting of the footprint he and Duchess found, which looked like the kind of a dinosaur or a dragon. Gidget: "Wait a second... that looks like it goes to a foot that looked like the kind that... oh no..." Lucky: "What is it?" Gidget: "I think the kittens were toon napped by those demon dragons!" Bonkers: "What?!, you mean the same guys who toon napped these puppies not too long ago?!" Gidget: "Well I don't know for sure if it was them, but their feet did looked like the footprint on the paper." Patch: "You got to be kidding... first us, and now these kittens?" Cadpig: "Oh man..." Perdita: "The poor things... what could those monsters want with them?" Pongo: "Well it couldn't have been Cruella who sent them to take the kittens, for she's in custody now." Cadpig: "Maybe someone else hired them... but who?" Rolly: "And why...?" Bonkers: "Well don't you worry, for Bonkers D Bobcat and Lucky are here to get those kittens back!" suddenly, a little girl came into the diner, and she was soaking wet from the rain. The girl's name was Jenny Foxworth (voiced by young Natalie Gregory) and she was looking really worried. Jenny: "Excuse me?, are the ones called Bonkers and Lucky here?" Lucky: "That's us, something wrong kid?" Jokeo: "Hey... it's Jenny Foxworth!" Lucky: "You know her?" Jokey: "Well she was a girl from the movie 'Oliver & Company', who adopted the kitten star of the movie, named Oliver." Jenny: "Yes, and right now my kitty, Oliver is missing." Bonkers: "Missing?!" Jenny: "Someone stole him, and they left a footprint that looked like this." said Jenny, before showing a picture of a footprint that was similar to the one O'Malley showed them. Bonkers: "Hmm... that footprint looks familiar... where have I seen it before..." Lucky: "It's the same one that the cats showed us for a moment ago." Bonkers: "Hey... you're right!, but that means..." Tommy: "Whoever took the Aristocat kittens also took Oliver!" Jenny: "The Aristocat kittens were stolen too?!" Duchess: "Wee... and we need to find them quick, I fear that they could be in danger..." that was when a rock broke through the window, and Jokey picked it up to see what looked like a note tied to it. elsewhere, at a junkyard, the demon trio were watching over a cage with the missing kittens inside. The first kitten was female with white fur named Marie (voiced by young Liz English), the second one was male with black fur named Berlioz (voiced by young Dean Clark), and another male with brown fur named Toulouse (voiced by young Gary Dubin), and of course there was another kitten that was orange, who happens to be Oliver (voiced by young Joey Lawrence). Now the trio were waiting for the one who hired them to toon nap the kittens, and they were using their umbrella to keep themselves dry. ScreamClaw: "Oh... I hate rain... why couldn't this guy picked a much dryer meeting place...?" ThunderSmacker: "Look at it this way... if the Bobcat shows up, we might get another chance to nap him." SpaceWarp: "I don't know... what if we f-f-failed again..." ScreamClaw: "Don't worry, this won't fail... I mean there's no way the bobcat won't show up to try save these little kittens, and if he doesn't show up... then Sykes will." hearing that name made Oliver gasp and started to get more scared. Oliver: "Sykes...?, not him..." Berlioz: "You know him?" Oliver: "Yeah... he was the guy who kidnapped my owner, Jenny Foxworth for her family's money... he's a really mean guy..." Toulouse: "Well if I see him, I'll show him a thing or two... MEOW!" said Toulouse, before he starts to hiss like an alley cat, trying to act tough. Marie: "Well there's no way I'll do that... it's very unladylike." Toulouse: "Maybe, but if we don't try something... this Sykes guy might send us to Timbuktu." Oliver: "What makes you say that?" Berlioz: "Well our former butler, Edgar tried that to get our owner's inheritance." Oliver: "Well believe me... Sykes will surly try something much worse..." suddenly, as soon as the rain stopped, a car showed up, and out came Sykes (voiced by Robert Loggia) himself. Sykes: "Ah... you must be the Demon trio... did you brought the kittens?" ScreamClaw: "Indeed we have... now we'll give them to you only if you can get us the one called Bonkers D Bobcat." Sykes: "Yes, may I ask what do you want with this Bonkers D Bobcat character?" ScreamClaw: "We're not the ones who want him, it's our boss... anyway, got something that can catch him?" Sykes: "Well... I have toon proof rope, no toon can free themselves from it." ScreamClaw: "Hmm... well... it's a starter." ThunderSmacker: "Yeah, now we just need someway to get it around Bonkers..." SpaceWarp: "Well we better d-d-do it fast, cause he'll be here soon." ThunderSmacker: "How do you know that?" SpaceWarp: "Well... I might have gave him a letter that we'll b-b-be here at the j-j-junkyard so he'll c-c-come to us..." Sykes: "What?!" that was when a Lucky's police car came to the scene, and out came Bonkers, Lucky, the toon kids, Jenny and the cats. Lucky: "How about that... that note was right about them being here..." Bonkers: "Told ya... anyway, you creeps are under arrest!" ThunderSmacker: "Well looky here... Bonkers is here... get him!" shouted ThunderSmacker, before he and the other demons charge towards the now spooked bobcat, who tries to make a run for it. Jokey and Jokeo rolled up into balls to knock over Sykes, while Duchess and O'Malley used their claws to unlock the cage that held the kittens, freeing them at last. Marie, Toulouse and Berlioz: "Mama!" Duchess: "My darling kittens... thank goodness you're safe..." O'Malley: "They didn't hurt you, did they?" Toulouse: "No, we're fine." Berlioz: "But Mr Bonkers is the one in trouble, for they toon napped us to capture him." Oliver: "It's true, we heard them talking about it." Duchess: "Oh dear..." O'Malley: "Oh, you must be Oliver, right?" Oliver: "Yup, how did you know that?" that was when Jenny came to the scene. Jenny: "Oliver!" cried Jenny in joy, as she gave Oliver a hug, which the kitten really enjoyed. Oliver: "Hey Jenny... are you okay?" Jenny: "You're asking me if I'm okay?!, you were the one who got toon napped!" Oliver: "Uh... yeah... sorry for worrying you..." Jenny: "That's okay... I'm just happy you're okay." Toulouse: "Miss!, look out!" shouted Toulouse, as it turns out that Sykes was standing right behind Jenny, who was really scared by the sight of the man who kidnapped her one time in Oliver's film. Sykes: "Well... miss Foxworth... we meet again..." that was when O'Malley jumped up and attacks Sykes, who was trying to get the cat off of him, while Jenny and the other cats tried to make a run for it. When Sykes got O'Malley off of him at last, he ran up in front of Jenny and the cats, before grabbing Marie in his hand. Marie: "Help!" Duchess: "Marie!" Toulouse: "Hey!, let go of our sister!" Berlioz: "Yeah!, you can't do that to her!" Sykes: "If you don't want her harmed... then do as I say." that was when Oliver jumped up and uses his claws on Sykes' face, forcing the man to drop Marie, who was then caught by Oliver just in the nick of time. Oliver: "Hey, are you okay?" Marie: "You... you saved me!, Merci Oliver!" said Marie, before she kissed Oliver on the cheek, which made the orange kitten blush brightly. That was when Sykes got up and glared at the group, but then Lucky showed up and puts hand cuffs on Sykes' hands. Lucky: "Alright you, you're going to the station with me." Sykes could do nothing but groaned in frustration. Back with Bonkers, he was still being chased by the Demon trio, who were determined to stop at nothing to catch the bobcat toon. ScreamClaw: "Come back here!" Bonkers: "No way!" that was Bonkers slipped on a banana peel, before the trio slipped on some more banana peels as well. ThunderSmacker: "Oh... stupid banana peel gag!" SpaceWarp: "Ow... my back... g-g-guys... where's the rope?" ScreamClaw: "Oh right!" so ScreamClaw tries to use the toon proof rope on Bonkers, but a broken down car, which Tommy and Gidget pushed, rolled down from a piled of junk and runs over the Demon trio, who were now flattened. ScreamClaw: "Ow..." Bonkers: "What's the matter?, feeling a little... tired?" this made Jokey and Jokeo laugh, as they found the pun very funny, before the twins take the rope away from the trio, who noticed that they were surrounded. ScreamClaw: "Mark my words... we'll be back and we will get you bobcat, and those little brats too!" shouted ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons vanished through a puff of smoke. Lucky: "Man... those guys are really starting to annoy me... but at least we managed to get this guy." said Lucky, looking at the now arrested Sykes. Soon after the evil Sykes was taken to the station, the cats went to hang out in the diner with the dalmatians, who quickly became friends. Patch: "Man... I guess we have a lot in common, being kidnapped by bad people and have big adventures to find home." Marie: "Yeah, and Oliver... thanks again for saving me." Oliver: "Oh... it was nothing really..." Duchess: "Don't be so modest, you saved my daughter's life, how can we ever repay you?" Oliver: "You don't have to do that, I'm just happy that I was able to help." Jenny: "Maybe, but you did a really heroic deed, just like how you saved me in the film." Oliver: "Oh shucks..." Bonkers: "Hey Lucky, any idea who those demon guys were yet?" Lucky: "No... there are no records of those guys... other than they were the muggers who tried to capture Donald Duck and toon napping the toons we met so far... if only we had more info on these guys..." Gidget: "I'm sure you'll figure them out as they'll come back no doubt." Tommy: "Yeah... those guys sure want a piece of ya..." Bonkers: "Now what would they want with me?" Jokey: "Maybe they're working for someone that wants to add you to some collection of his favorite toons... just saying..." Jokeo: "Well whatever their reason might be... they're sure to come after you again Mr Bonkers sir..." Bonkers: "Yeah... I did wanted someone to still want me... though not like this..." Lucky: "Don't worry about it now, let's just relax for a bit." Bonkers: "Good idea, I could do some relaxing after a hard day's work as a cop." said Bonkers, as he drinks a cup of coffee that made him go crazy and bounce around the room. Tommy: "Uh... Mr Lucky sir..." Lucky: "I know... never give a cup of coffee to a toon... I know that now..." said Lucky as he and the others watch Bonkers continued to bounce around the diner like crazy.

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