A Christmas Night That Went Bonkers

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It was Christmas time, and everyone was getting decorations up to celebrate the holidays. Down the streets, Lucky and Bonkers were in their car, looking for any trouble that might happen. Bonkers: "Oh boy... I can't wait for Santa to come." Lucky: "You actually believe he's real?" Bonkers: "Of course, I should for I once gone ice fishing with him, of course I always seemed to fish out just ice while he got some fish... then again I kinda thought ice fishing meant you fish out ice." Lucky: "Yeah... I'll believe that when I see it." Bonkers: "Don't worry, once you see him, you'll believe." Lucky: "Even if he is real... he didn't gave me a lot of joy..." Bonkers: "What?!, why would you think that?!" Lucky: "Well... you see..." Bonkers: "Look out!" shouted Bonkers, before the car bumps into a man that was in the middle of the street, much to the cops' shock and horror. Once they got out of the car, the cops went over to the man to see if he was okay. Now the man in question was in fact Santa Claus (voiced by Mickey Rooney) himself, but he seemed to be out cold. Lucky: "Oh man... the chief's gonna kill me for this..." Bonkers: "Oh my gosh!, it's Santa!, we hit Santa!" Lucky: "Don't be ridicules, why would Santa be here of all places at this time?" Bonkers: "Well he probably came to give me back my fishing rod that I left behind in the North Pole." Lucky: "Oh please... as if he would come here to do just that." that was when Santa woke up, rubbing his head as he opened his eyes. Santa: "Oh my head... what happened?, and who are you?" Bonkers: "It's Bonkers of course, and this is Lucky." Santa: "Really?, well... who am I?" Lucky: "What do you mean by that?, you don't know who you are?" Santa: "No... it's all a blank." Bonkers: "Oh no!, Santa must have lost his memories when we hit him!" Lucky: "Bonkers, he's not Santa, he's just a guy dressed up like Santa Claus." Bonkers: "He is Santa Claus!, and if we don't get his memory back, Christmas will be ruined!, we gotta help him remember who he is and fast!" Lucky: "Okay, I agree that we need to help him get his memory back, but I doubt he's Santa Claus." Bonkers: "He is, and I'll prove it soon enough." soon, the cop pair takes Santa to the station, where they give him a cup of hot chocolate to warm him up. Santa: "Oh thank you gentlemen, this hot chocolate is amazing." that was when Jokeo and the other kids came to the scene. Jokeo: "Thanks, I do my best." Gidget: "And it's a real honor to meet you, Mr Claus." Lucky: "Kids, he's not Santa." Miranda: "Come on Lucky, don't ruin the kids' fun." Lucky: "But Miranda, he can't be the real Santa, I mean he could just be another guy in a Santa suit, there are lots of them this time of year." Miranda: "Maybe... but if there's a chance that it's him..." Lucky: "Yeah I doubt it... I mean why would the real Santa Claus come now?" Fawn: "Well he probably came to give Bonkers his fishing rod back as he left it behind in the North Pole again." Lucky: "What do you mean... again?" Fawn: "Well he does have a habit of forgetting it each time he visits Santa." Lucky: "Have you actually seen him?" Fawn: "No, but I believe in Bonkers, and this man does seem to jolly enough to be him, and the kids seemed to enjoy his company too." said Fawn, looking at the kids, puppies, kittens and rabbits, enjoying playing with Santa, who was enjoying giving toys that he made for them. Jokey: "Thanks." Santa: "You're welcome... though I'm not sure how I knew how to make such toys..." Gidget: "Well it's because you're Santa Claus, the best toy maker in the world." Santa: "Hmm... you think so?" Gidget: "Of course." Lucky: "Kids, just because he can make toys doesn't mean he's Santa, I mean there are a lot of toy makers all over the world." Tommy: "Something tells me that you don't believe in Santa Claus." Lucky: "That's because I don't, for he's not real." Miranda: "Lucky!, stop being a scrooge and have some Christmas spirit." Lucky: "Yeah well... Christmas was never a happy time for me..." said Lucky sadly, before he walks away from the scene, leaving everyone confused. Bonkers: "Hmm... Lucky never had a happy Christmas?, why's that?" asked Bonkers to himself. Meanwhile, Lucky was in a room all alone, before pulling out a photo of himself, and his late brother Teddy. Suddenly, the sound of someone knocking the door was heard, and then a shadow slipped through the door's crack, which changed into what looked like an elderly Demon Dragon with a cane. His name was Boney 10 (voiced by Mel Brooks), and the sight of his sudden entrance surprised the cop. Lucky: "What the?!, who are you?" Boney 10: "Relax Lucky Piquel, I mean you no harm." Lucky: "How do you know my name?" Boney 10: "I know more than just your name, I also know the reason you hate Christmas... you were allergic to the pine needles of Christmas trees... and Christmas was the time when... you lost your brother." said Boney 10, which made Lucky gasp. Lucky: "Yeah... that's right... but who are you?" Boney 10: "I am Boney 10, a Demon dragon, but unlike the trio, I don't cause trouble for pleasure." Lucky: "What do you want?" Boney 10: "Nothing really, other than telling you that it's time to put the past behind you and move on and celebrate Christmas with the people who love you." Lucky: "Problem is... I don't have anyone to celebrate Christmas with... not anymore..." Boney 10: "That's not true, you have Bonkers, Fawn, Miranda, Tommy, and all of his friends too, they all love you, and they want to celebrate Christmas with you, why can't you see that?" Lucky: "Huh... well... when you put it that way... maybe I do have someone to celebrate Christmas with..." Boney 10: "That's right, now go and help Santa regain his memory." Lucky "I still doubt he's really Santa Claus... but I'll still help him get his memory back." said Lucky, before he runs off to find the others, while Boney 10 smiled and vanished without a trace. Back with the others, they were still busy trying to help Santa getting his memory back, when the sound of someone knocking on the door was heard, and Tommy went to answer it. Turns out the one knocking was a reindeer with a red nose, who was in face Rudolph the red nosed reindeer (voiced by Kathleen Barr) himself. Rudolph: "Excuse me, but have you seen Santa?" Tommy: "Oh my gosh!, it's Rudolph the red nosed reindeer!" Rudolph: "Uh... you've heard of me?" Tommy: "How could I not?, you're the most famous reindeer of them all." it wasn't long before the other kids came and were amazed to see Rudolph, who was amazed that he had many fans. Gidget: "Mr Rudolph, it's a real honor to meet you." Rudolph: "Oh please, just call me Rudolph, I'm not that important." Jokeo: "Don't be so modest, you're a real Christmas hero after helping Santa get through that snow storm." Rudolph: "That reminds me, have you seen Santa anywhere?" Jokey: "Yeah, he's here with us." Jokeo: "That's the good news." Rudolph: "And the bad news?" Gidget: "I'm afraid that he kind of lost his memories at the moment, but we're working on getting them back." Rudolph: "What happened?" Bonkers: "Um... Lucky and I kind of bumped into him with our car... oh and it's nice to see ya again Rudolph, how's Clarice?" Rudolph: "She's doing fine, and I should have known you had something to do with Santa's absence." Bonkers: "Yeah... sorry about that..." said Bonkers, before Santa came over to the scene. Santa: "Oh my... a talking reindeer..." Rudolph: "Santa, it's me, Rudolph." Santa: "So are you a friend of mine?" Rudolph: "Yeah, and you're leading Reindeer since that foggy Christmas Eve." Santa: "Really?, I must say you seem like a very kind soul." Rudolph: "Thank you sir." Santa: "Oh please, need no to call me sir... though I don't know if I could be called Santa Claus either... but thanks for believing that I'm someone important, you're all very kind people." said Santa, before he goes to a door to look around, a door that Lucky that just opened and hits Santa in the face, much to everyone's shock. Lucky: "Hey everyone, sorry for the sudden leave, I needed some time alone... what's wrong?" Bonkers: "You just hit Santa with the door!" yelped Bonkers, before Lucky looks behind the door to see Santa on the ground, making him gasp. Lucky: "Oh man!, not again!" Miranda: "Santa!, are you alright?" asked Miranda, before Santa woke up, rubbing his head. Santa: "I'm alright Miranda... but my head..." Lucky: "Sorry about that... I didn't see you at the door..." Santa: "That's alright Lucky, but right now I better get going, or I'll be late delivering the presents to all the kids around the world." Rudolph: "Sir... you got your memory back?" Santa: "Of course I have Rudolph my boy, the door sort of knocked my memory back, meaning I remember doing this." said Santa, before he whistles out and jingle bells were heard. Everyone went outside to see a magic sleigh being pulled by flying reindeer, which landed in front of the ground. Lucky: "No way..." Bonkers: "Yes way, I told ya he was the real Santa Claus." said Bonkers, before Santa gives the bobcat a fishing rod. Santa: "You really need to learn on remembering not to leave your fishing rod at the North Pole, otherwise I wouldn't have to leave early." Jokeo: "But if that happened, then we wouldn't have this chapter that features you and Rudolph." Santa: "Oh yes, good point." Lucky: "Uh... was that one of those 4th wall breaking things?" Bonkers: "Yup, we Toons love em." Santa: "Well... we better get going, a lot of children are counting on us." Rudolph: "Yes sir, see ya everyone, it was nice meeting you all, and Merry Christmas." All: "Merry Christmas to you too!" said everyone, before Santa got on the sleigh while Rudolph got lined up with the other reindeer, and took off into the sky, which was when snow began to fall. Bonkers: "My... what a beautiful sight..." Lucky: "Yeah... it sure is... I'm really happy to see it with you all, thanks for having my back." Bonkers: "Of course, we wouldn't be here today if it weren't for you Lucky." Tommy: "Yeah, we owe ya a great debt." Lucky: "Oh I didn't really..." Fawn: "You gave us a place to live when no one else would, and you helped me and Bonkers get a new job and helped out all of these kids, we're very grateful." Miranda: "She's right, you might not look it, but you're actually a really nice guy." said Miranda, before she points her finger up to show Lucky a Mistletoe above him, which made her take her hat off to hide the kiss on Lucky from the kids, who some found it gross while others were touched. Rolly: "Yuck... do they always do that whenever they are under that plant?" Cadpig: "Why do they even need to?" Fluff: "I heard it's an old Christmas tradition." Peter: "Yeah, mother said that too..." Flopsy: "Hmm... hey Mopsy... we should give the twins those plants..." Mopsy: "Ooh... good idea sis." said two of Peter's sisters quietly. Oliver: "What are they whispering about?" Marie: "Who knows... and I know Christmas is tomorrow, but I got a present for you." Oliver: "Great, what is it." Marie: "This." said Marie, before she kissed Oliver on the cheek, which made him blush a little. Oliver: "Um... don't you give that every day?" Marie: "It's the thought that counts." Oliver: "That's true... and I like it too..." Patch: "This is one Christmas I won't forgot anytime soon." Jokey: "Nope, I forget it either." Jokeo: "Same here." Gidget: "That goes triple for me." Tommy: "Ditto, Merry Christmas everyone!" said Tommy, waving out to the readers.

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