Bat Times For The Rescue Rangers

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It was morning when Bonkers and Lucky were with Miranda and Fawn at the park, when Chief Leonard came to the scene and looked mad. Chief Leonard: "Piquel!" Bonkers: "Whoa... he actually said your name right... he must be mad..." Lucky: "Yeah... um yes sir?" Chief Leonard: "I have a job for you and Bonkers, find the one who stole my brand new toupee not too long ago." Bonkers: "You own a toupee?" Chief Leonard: "I did, until some cleaning lady riding a flying vacuum cleaner came and stole it." Lucky: "Did you say... a cleaning lady with a flying vacuum cleaner?" Chief Leonard: "Yes, I know it sounds weird, but there are much stranger things here when toons are around." Fawn: "Why would this cleaning lady steal your toupee?" Chief Leonard: "That's for you to figure out when you find and arrest her, now go after her, and while you're at it, please bring me back my toupee." Lucky: "Sure thing sir." said Lucky, before he and the other cops went off to begin searching for the mysterious cleaning lady. During the search, Bonkers finds the toon kids, who were with a group of small chipmunks, mice, a bat and a housefly. The chipmunks were Chip (voiced by Tress MacNeille), and Dale (voiced by Corey Burton), the mice were Gadget (voiced by Tress MacNeille), and Monterey Jack (voiced by Jim Cummings), and the housefly was Zipper (voiced by Corey Burton), while the bat was named Foxglove (voiced by Deborah Walley), and together they were known as the Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers. Gidget: "I have to say it's a real honor to meet you all." Tommy: "Yeah, we really loved your show, especially the one where Miss Foxglove appears." Foxglove: "Thanks kid." Jokeo: "But since when was miss Foxglove a member?" Gadget: "Well she joined us after we became real rescue rangers as a job when our show got canceled." Monterey Jack: "Yeah, if we can't be Rescue Rangers in cartoons anymore, then we could try being Rescue Rangers in real life." Chip: "Yup, it seemed like the best idea we had at the time." Dale: "It was the only idea we had at the time." said Dale, before Chip bops him on the head. Jokeo: "Say what are you doing here anyway?" Foxglove: "Well... in truth we're searching for my former boss, Winifred, who's up to no good again." Gidget: "The cleaning lady who wanted to become a real witch that appeared in the same episode as you did?" Foxglove: "The very same." Bonkers: "A cleaning lady you say?" Jokey: "Oh hi Mr Bonkers, what brings you here?" Bonkers: "The Chief wants me, Lucky, Fawn and Miranda to find a cleaning lady with a flying vacuum cleaner." Monterey Jack: "A flying vacuum cleaner that can fly?" Chip: "There's no doubt about it, Winifred is trying to recreate the spell that will turn her into a real witch." Bonkers: "Huh?" Foxglove: "You see there is a spell that can turn Winifred, the cleaning lady, into a real witch, and the ingredients needed are Elephant's earwax, Lobster lips, lighting bug bulbs, a Chief's hair, and a piece of the moon." said Foxglove, which Lucky, along with Miranda and Fawn heard as they came to the scene. Lucky: "Let me get this straight, this cleaning lady is trying to be a real witch and she need's the chief's hair for the spell to do it?" Foxglove: "Yes, but we better hurry, she already has the other ingredients, now all she needs is a piece of the moon." Bonkers: "Does she have a rocket, cause that's the only way to get to the moon." Fawn: "Wait... isn't there a moon rock on display at the local museum?" Miranda: "You're right, there is!" Lucky: "We better get to that museum quick." Chip: "Let us come, we know Winifred a lot more than you do." Bonkers: "Sure thing, it'll be a real honor to team up with the famous Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers." Dale: "What do you know, Bonkers thinks we're famous." Bonkers: "You know who I am?" Dale: "Sure, I loved that cartoon show of yours." Bonkers: "Wow!, the famous Dale's a fan of my old cartoon... awesome..." Lucky: "Yeah, that's great, but let's focus on getting to the museum and stop this cleaning lady." Bonkers: "You're right, let's go!" so with that, the cops and the Rescue Rangers went off to the museum, in hopes to capture Winifred before it's too late. Meanwhile, inside the museum, a pair of Toons, a Snake named Bud (voiced by Pete Schrum) and a spider named Lou (voiced by Jim Cummings) were setting up a web trap, when Bonkers and the other cops came to the scene with the Rescue Rangers. Lou: "Hey Buddy... hey!" Bud: "What is it already?" Lou: "There are cops coming!" Bud: "That's the whole idea of this web trap stupid, now hide." Lou: "Got it." said Lou, before he and Bud went to hide themselves. As the cops got closer to the trap, Foxglove noticed the web and stopped. Foxglove: "Wait a minute!, Lou's web trap is ahead of us!" Zipper: "Uh oh..." Lucky: "Who's Lou?" Monterrey Jack: "The spider that works for the cleaning lady, he normally hangs out with a Snake named Bud." Miranda: "So they're named about Bud Abbott and Lou Costello?" Gadget: "You could say that." said Gadget, unaware that Lou and Bud heard them. Lou: "Oh no... they know about the trap..." Bud: "No wonder... that traitor Foxglove's with them." Lou: "Oh yeah, it is her!" Bud: "Let's get her!" Lou: "You got it Bud!" it wasn't long before Bud and Lou charge towards Foxglove, only to be stopped when the see Lucky and Miranda stood before them. Lucky: "Thank you boys, you saved us the trouble on getting you." said Lucky, before he and Miranda put cuffs or chains on them. Lou: "Um... maybe we didn't think this through..." Bud: "Gee, what gave that away?" asked Bud with sarcasm in his voice. Chip: "Now the only one left is that cleaning lady." Dale: "Wonder where she could be?" Bonkers: "Perhaps over there?" said Bonkers, before Winifred (voiced by Tress MacNeille) came to the scene. Winifred: "So... the pesky Rescue Rangers... we meet again, along with that traitor." Foxglove: "Not as much as you were!, I thought you were my friend one time before I realized how bad you were, now I shall protect my real friends from you!" Winifred: "Oh really?, how do you plan on doing that, just holding this moon rock makes my magic more powerful." said Winifred, holding the moon rock in her hand, before pointing her other hand's finger at the group. Dale: "Look out!" shouted Dale, as he and the others dodged the beam that was fired from her finger. Lucky: "Why can't we ever get normal criminals in this town...?" Bonkers: "No idea, but it does make the job more exciting." said Bonkers, which of course made Lucky roll his eyes in annoyance. Winifred: "Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!, you rodents can't stop me this time!" shouted Winifred, before she fires another beam from her finger that hits both Dale and Bonkers, turning them into frogs. Dale: "Ribbit!, who said that?" Bonkers: "You did!, ribbit... so did I!" Foxglove: "Dale!" Fawn: "Bonkers!" Miranda: "Oh no!" Lucky: "Whoa... she really is a witch..." Winifred: "Not yet, but I will soon, once I completed the spell, and then show those fools who fired me or locked me up in prison some real magic!" suddenly, the moon rock had a pink glow and was pulled away from Winifred, much to the cleaning lady's surprise. Turns out that it was Gidget, who along with Tommy, Jokey and Jokeo came to the scene, using her psychic powers to take the moon rock. Gidget: "Sorry witch, but that's not gonna happen on our watch." Winifred: "You little brat!, give me back my rock!" Tommy: "It's not your rock!, it belongs here in the museum!" Lucky: "And give back the Chief's toupee and surrender!" Winifred: "Give me a good reason why I should do that." Gidget: "Here's a good reason." said Gidget, before she traps Winifred in a psychic pink bubble, much to the cleaning lady's shock and dismay. Winifred: "Get me out of this!, you little brat!" Gidget: "You'll get out, once you're back where you belong... behind bars." Gadget: "Nice work." Chip: "I had no idea you could do that." Gidget: "Well it's a natural ability when you have psychic powers." Tommy: "Now that the witch has been taken care of... what do we do about Bonkers and Dale?" asked Tommy, looking at the frog forms of both Dale and Bonkers. Fawn: "There must be a way to break the spell they're under." Foxglove: "Yeah... but what could it be?" Jokey: "Hey, I got an idea." Jokeo: "You?, have an idea?" Jokey: "Yeah, remember the Princess and the Frog tale?" Jokeo: "Yeah... it was a tale that a prince got turned into a frog until a princess came and... wait... that's your idea?" Jokey: "Why not?, it worked in the book and movie." Lucky: "What are you talking about?" Jokeo: "He's trying to say that Dale and Bonkers should get a kiss from a princess." Jokey: "Or from a girl who love them the most." Foxglove: "You mean... I have to kiss Dale?" Fawn: "While I kiss Bonkers?" Jokey: "Yeah, they might be frogs, but they're still the guys you love." Dale: "Are you sure that will work?, ribbit." Bonkers: "Well a kiss has been the most common trick to break a spell, so it might, ribbit." Lucky: "Do they have to?" Fawn: "Well it's not like we know another way." Foxglove: "Alright... here goes nothing." said Foxglove, before she and Fawn picked up Dale and Bonkers, and then plant their lips on the frogs' lips, kissing them in the process. Suddenly, both Dale and Bonkers transformed back into their old selves. Bonkers: "Wow!, what a woman!" Dale: "Ditto..." said Bonkers and Dale, feeling dizzy from the kiss and fell down, which of course made the girls and everyone else laugh.

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