Calling All Cars

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At the police station, in the police locker room, Lucky was getting his Detective outfit on, which was a little messy though, while Bonkers was putting on his Police officer outfit on. Bonkers: "Hey Lucky, do the best detectives often dressed like that?" Lucky: "Well sure... I mean if you chief wants me to wear it." Bonkers: "Well it certainly matches the look of your new car." said Bonkers, pointing at the police car that was a bit banged up, looking like it was ready for the junk yard. Lucky: "Terrific..." Bonkers: "Wow!, our first ever real police car!, this is gonna be fun!, let me drive!" Lucky: "Hold on!, I know better than to let a Toon drive, especially a Toon who doesn't know how to be a cop yet." Bonkers: "Come on Lucky, how could I learn if you don't give me a chance?" Lucky: "Well... fine... but be careful." Bonkers: "Sure." said Bonkers, before he floors it, and the car drives really fast and zooming down the street. Elsewhere in town, there was a toon tow truck who was on the run, driving away with what looked like a car bumper. Her name was Ma Parker (voiced by June Foray), and she was laughing with the theft she pulled off, before she sees Fawn and the Toon kids crossing the street down ahead, and was forced to stop so she wouldn't hit them. Ma Parker: "Why hello little ones." Tommy: "Hi miss, sorry if we're in the way." Jokey: "Hey where's the rest of it?" Ma Parker: "The rest of what, sweetie?" Jokeo: "The rest of the car you were towing, all I see is a bumper." Ma Parker: "Oh my... I guess it must have broke off the bumper and left behind, it happens to old cars these days." Gidget: "Hmm... you better find it fast, if it's in the road, then there could be an accident." Ma Parker: "Sure thing little one, bye bye." said Ma Parker, before she drove away, while Gidget glared. Fawn: "What's wrong?" Gidget: "That took truck is up to no good..." Jokey: "What makes you think that?" Gidget: "I read her thoughts... she stole that piece from a car..." Fawn: "What?" Tommy: "Gidget has psychic powers, she can read minds and can make things float with her mind too." Gidget: "Yeah... and her thoughts are not nice..." Tommy: "Should we tell Mr Bonkers and Mr Lucky?" Gidget: "Maybe... but without proof that she's a criminal, they can't arrest her... and we don't know where they are right now." Jokey: "I do." Jokeo: "Where?" Jokeo: "They're in that broken police car that's heading right for us." said Jokey, pointing at the police car that had Lucky and Bonkers inside. Once the group got out of the way, the police car crashed into a fruit stand, while Bonkers and Lucky were covered in mushed fruit, but were okay. Lucky: "Should have seen it coming a mile away... toons..." Bonkers: "Ha... sorry..." that was when Ma Parker came to the scene, who then picks up phone with her hook and calls a certain demon. Ma Parker: "Hello?, Mr ScreamClaw, I found the Toon, he's with a cop that has a police car... mind if I have the car for it's parts." ScreamClaw: "That would be fine, as long as you get the bobcat for us." Ma Parker: "It would be a pleasure, ta ta." ScreamClaw: "Yes, Ta Ta to you too." once the call ended, Ma Parker went over to the group. Ma Parker: "Greetings, looks like you could use a tow." Bonkers: "As a matter of fact, we do." Lucky: "Great... just what I need... another toon..." said Lucky, before Ma Parker uses her hook to pick up the police car and tows it and the cops inside away, and Tommy tries to run after them. Tommy: "Mr Bonkers!, Mr Lucky!, wait!" Bonkers: "Oh hi Tommy!, any luck finding a job?" Tommy: "Well not yet, but that's important now, listen, Gidget's Psychic powers told us that..." Bonkers: "Gidget has psychic powers?" Tommy: "Yes, but..." before Tommy could finish, he fell into a sewer hole, while Bonkers and Lucky were being towed away to who knows where. It wasn't long before Gidget used her psychic powers to lift up Tommy out of the sewer, and the fox was covered in sewage. Jokeo: "Eww... sewer sewage..." Tommy: "Sorry..." Jokey: "Why was there a sewer hole without a cover anyway?" Tommy: "Because the cover was eaten by a certain hyena with a green shirt not long ago." said Tommy, as he and Gidget glared at Jokey, who soon realized who they were talking about. Jokey: "Oh... my bad..." Fawn: "I can't believe he was able to chew the cover in the first place, he must have really jaws." Jokeo: "No kidding, not to mention that he managed to unhinge his mouth like a snake." Jokey: "That must have been pretty awesome to watch." Gidget: "Never mind that, we gotta save Mr Bonkers and Mr Lucky, for they just got captured by a bad toon!" Fawn: "Wait, you mean my sweet Bonkers is in trouble?!" Tommy: "Can your psychic powers help us find them?" Gidget: "Maybe... I just hope it works... alright... just about... [pressing her fingers on her head] got them!, they're in an abandoned car garage!" Tommy: "Then let's go!" said Tommy, before he and the others went off to find the garage. Fawn: "Kids wait!, this could be dangerous!, and you need a grown up!... and since there are noun at the moment... guess it's gonna be me... Toots, can you follow their scent?" Toots: "Meep!, Meep!, Ahooga!" Fawn: "Good, then let's go!" said Fawn, before she runs off to follow Toots, to find the kids and rescue Bonkers and Lucky. Meanwhile, in the abandoned garage, Bonkers and Lucky were tied up, hanging from the ceiling, and below them was a large tank of melted metal. Ma Parker: "Well... this car has seen better days, but I'm sure to put it's parts to good use." Lucky: "What do you want with the parts anyway?" Bonkers: "Yeah?" Ma Parker: "Well if you want to know, I'm planning to use the parts to make a suit of armor for myself so I can win a monster truck rally, with the armor, I would be unstoppable!" Lucky: "All this for a monster truck rally?, yeah that sounds like the kind of plot a toon would cook up..." Bonkers: "Well yeah, she is a Toon tow truck after all." soon, Ma Parker takes the parts out of the police car and used them to create the armor she wants, which made her look a little like a tow truck knight. Ma Parker: "Perfect... now you boys just stay there, while I have a monster truck rally to win." said Ma Parker, before she drove away from the scene with an evil laugh. Of course that was when Tommy and the others came to the scene. Fawn: "Bonkers!, are you alright?" Bonkers: "I'm fine, but what are you doing here?" Fawn: "We came to rescue you." Lucky: "Um... what about me?" Gidget: "Don't worry, we came to help you too, just like how you helped us." Jokey: "By the way, that tow truck toon lady, she's a bad toon." Lucky: "Yeah, after she tied up here, and then stole the parts of my car to make armor for a monster truck rally... I kinda figured that part out pretty quick." Bonkers: "We gotta stop Ma, and fast!" Lucky: "And how are we gonna do that?, the car can't drive without it's parts." Jokey: "I have a car." All: "WHAT?!, WHERE?!" asked the group, before Jokey unhinge his mouth like a snake, put his hand inside and pulls out what looked like a car, much to everyone's surprise. Gidget: "Uh... why did you had a car in your stomach?" Jokey: "Well I had to hide it somewhere, and I built it myself." Jokeo: "It's true, I saw him built it myself." Fawn: "Um... can it drive?" Jokey: "Of course, and if you want to use it, go right ahead." Lucky: "I don't know about this... it has some hyena saliva all over it..." Bonkers: "But if we don't use it, we'll never get Ma." Lucky: "Well... when you put it that way..." said Lucky, before he and the others went into the car and drove off to the Monster Truck Rally, in hopes to stop Ma Parker before it's too late. It was then that the Demon trio came to the scene, and found nobody. ScreamClaw: "Where is he?" ThunderSmacker: "That's funny... this is the place..." SpaceWarp: "You d-d-don't think... they got away do ya?" ScreamClaw: "Come no, they were hanging above a tank of melted metal, they would have been killed if they tried to free themselves while being above that stuff." ThunderSmacker: "But isn't killing a toon nearly impossible?" ScreamClaw: "Yes, but never mind that... we better find them quick, the boss won't be happy if we failed to get that toon again." said ScreamClaw, as he and the other demons went to search for Bonkers. In the evening, at the Monster Truck Rally, Ma Parker came and begins to take on the monster trucks and defeating each one that came in her way. Ma Parker: "Ha!, with this armor, I'll be the winner and no one can stop me!" suddenly, Lucky, Bonkers and the others came to the scene, and sees that Ma Parker has already taken down the monster trucks. Jokeo: "Oh no!, we're too late!" Tommy: "Not yet, we can still stop her." Lucky: "How?, she's got bigger wheels than we do, not to mention she has that armor." Jokey: "I have some monster truck wheels in the trunk." said Jokey, before he opens the trunk, and out came some large tires that were for monster trucks. Once Jokey got the tires on the car, Lucky and Bonkers went to drive towards Ma, while the others stayed behind so they wouldn't get hurt. Ma was indeed tough to take on as long as she had the armor on, but when Bonkers went to her and lifted her hood up, he began taking the parts of her insides to put her out of commission, stopping her at last. Ma Parker: "No... I was so close..." Bonkers: "Sorry Ma, but you're under arrest for car part stealing and kidnapping police officers." Lucky: "Well, you didn't do a bad job Bonkers, maybe you can be a cop... maybe." Bonkers: "Thanks Lucky, but I couldn't have done it without you and Fawn and the kids." Gidget: "Yeah, that's for sure." Lucky: "I still find it hard to believe that you're a psychic..." Gidget: "Well I am based on Mew, and they're psychic types." Jokeo: "Don't look now, but I think we're the winners." said Jokeo, as a man gave Lucky and Bonkers a trophy, as the pair won the Monster Truck Rally by defeating Ma Parker and all that. Lucky: "Wow... I always wanted to win a trophy... though I never imagined it would be for a monster truck rally." Bonkers: "I know, life is full of surprises." meanwhile, outside of the rally, the Demon trio were having a phone call with their boss. ScreamClaw: "Listen sir, we're doing our best, but Bonkers has police protection now [Angry yelling through phone] yes sir... I understand, we'll get him soon." said ScreamClaw, before the call ended. ThunderSmacker: "Wow... he sounded mad." ScreamClaw: "He was... we hired Ma Parker to get those cops while she gets the parts of their car... but they managed to get away..." SpaceWarp: "Well they d-d-did get help from those k-k-kids..." ThunderSmacker: "Yeah, how did they knew where to find them?" ScreamClaw: "Who cares?, right now we need to think of a new plan... hmm... and I think I have one... and it involves some sheep." said ScreamClaw with an evil chuckle, which confused the other two demons.

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