Who Bopped Bugs Bunny?

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It was late at night when Bugs Bunny (voiced by Mel Blanc) was polishing one of his awards. Meanwhile outside of the house, Tommy, Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo were on their way back to Lucky's house with Fawn Deer, when they see Bugs Bunny's place. Tommy: "Hey, that's Bugs Bunny's place, right?" Fawn: "Yup, it sure is." Gidget: "Wow... one of the greatest cartoon stars in history..." Jokey: "I love those cartoons of his, though my number 1 cartoon show is the ones with Sappy Stanley." Gidget: "Who?" Jokeo: "He's a green elephant toon that gets hit in the head by monkeys throwing coconuts at him, Jokey loves the coconut gag." Jokey: "Yeah, those are a really funny gag." that was when they see a car stopping in front of Bugs' place. Jokey: "Hey... who's that?" Fawn: "I don't know..." said Fawn, before the mysterious Toon came out of the car and went into Bugs Bunny's house through the window. Bugs: "There you go... all polished up... hey Lola, check out..." before Bugs could finish his sentence, someone hiding in the shadows took out a baseball bat and bops the bunny toon on the head, knocking him out cold. It was then the mystery figure broke out of the house and made an evil laugh as he gets into his car and drove away, unaware of the witnesses nearby. Tommy: "Did you see that?" Gidget: "Yeah... and that sound a moment ago... it sounded like someone got bopped on the head... but who... and why..." Jokey: "Hey... that guy's shape... I think I know who that was... I used to watch his cartoons..." Jokeo: "Yeah... me too... though I wished it wasn't..." Fawn: "Who?" asked Fawn, before the sound of someone screaming was heard, which spooked the group a lot. The next day came, and Bonkers was watching some cartoons of Bugs Bunny, like Knight-y Knight Bugs for example. Lucky: "You're a fan of Bugs Bunny?" Bonkers: "Of course, along with Mickey Mouse, they're perhaps the greatest cartoon stars in history." suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Lucky opens it up to see a female rabbit toon. Her name was Lola Bunny (voiced by Kath Soucie), Bugs Bunny's girlfriend, and she was looking really worried. Lola: "Excuse me, are you the Toon patrol?" Lucky: "Yes, and you are?" Bonkers: "My word!, you're Lola Bunny!, Bugs Bunny's girlfriend since the Space Jam movie!" Lola: "Yeah, that's me, listen, I need your help!, someone bopped Bugs on the head last night and stole his Oscar award." Bonkers: "What?!, who would do such a thing?" Lucky: "And is Bugs..." Lola: "He's okay, I mean he is a toon after all... but he's really upset that his Oscar award was stolen." Bonkers: "But who took it?" Lola: "No clue, it could have been anyone." that was when the toon kids came to the scene. Jokey: "I have an idea who bopped Bugs Bunny." Bonkers: "You do?" Jokey: "Yeah, I think it was Sappy Stanley." Lucky: "Who?" Jokeo: "A green elephant toon who was always jealous of Bugs Bunny for many years since the Knight-y Knight Bugs cartoon." Lucky: "You have any proof?" Jokey: "Well... last night while were on our way to your place, we saw Bugs Bunny's place, and then we saw Stanley sneak into his house and then... we heard a bopping sound, and then came out before running off into his car." Lucky: "You sure it was him?" Jokeo: "Well not 100%, but the shape was the same, and we did some research on him about having a grudge against Bugs Bunny..." Lola: "He must have stolen the Oscar award as revenge..." Gidget: "Oh my gosh!, you're Lola Bunny!, I'm a big fan of yours!, along with Minnie Mouse and Amy Rose!, can I have your autograph?" Lola: "Oh... well sure." said Lola, before she gives Gidget her autograph, much to the little kitten's joy. Lucky: "So where can we find this Sappy Stanley guy?" Bonkers: "I know where he lives, follow me!" said Bonkers, before he and the others followed him. At a big house, which belonged to Sappy Stanley (voiced by Jonathan Winters), the toon himself was polishing the Oscar award he stole from Bugs Bunny last night." Stanley: "Man... that was too easy... that stupid hare didn't see it coming... but he did had it coming, that stupid cartoon didn't deserve this award... but now that's all in the past... for it's now mine..." suddenly, there was the sound of someone knocking on the door, which Stanley opened up to see Lucky and Bonkers, along with Lola and the kids glaring at him. Bonkers: "Sappy Stanley, you are under arrest for bopping Bugs Bunny and stealing his Oscar award!" Stanley: "What?!, you dare accuse me for a crime I didn't do?" Jokeo: "We know you did it, we saw you break into Bugs' house and bopped him!" Stanley: "You did?!, I mean... what makes you think it was me?, I mean it could have been any green elephant toon." Gidget: "How would you know that the one who did was a green elephant toon?" Stanley: "Uh... well..." Jokey: "Hey guys!, I found Bugs' award!" shouted Jokey, who was in the house and showed the group the award. Stanley: "Uh..." Bonkers: "You know what this means..." Stanley: "Yeah uh... it means that's all folks!" yelped Stanley, before he takes the award out of Jokey's hands and makes a run for it. Lucky: "After him!" shouted Lucky, before he and the others went after Stanley. The green elephant toon went into his car and drives away, while Lucky and the others went into the police car and began the big car chase. Stanley drove down the streets, trying to get away from the cops. Stanley: "Ha!, I think I lost them." said Stanley, before he turns on the radio, only for Bonkers to come out and places hand cuffs on the toon. Bonkers: "Wrong Stanley!, you're not going anywhere but to the slammer!" Stanley: "Get out of my car!" Bonkers: "Alright then, I was gonna get off anyway, don't want to hit the wall too." Stanley: "What wall?" Bonkers: "The brink wall you're driving towards of course." said Bonkers, before he jumps off, and Stanley looks ahead to see that he was indeed driving towards a brick wall, which made him bugged eyed before crashing into the wall. Once Stanley got back on his feet, he noticed that he still had the cuffs on him, before seeing Lucky's car stopping, and Lucky and the others came out. Lucky: "Alright you, hand over the Oscar award and there won't be any trouble." Stanley: "Never!, it's mine!, I deserved that award!" Gidget: "The only thing you deserve is a long time sentence in the slammer after what you did to poor Mr Bugs Bunny!" Jokey: "I can't believe you Stanley, I mean... Jokeo and I were your big fans." Stanley: "You were?" Jokeo: "Yeah... we thought you were awesome... but after all this... we see that you're really a jerk..." said the twins before crying a little, which made Stanley feel a little guilty for upsetting someone who were his fans. Stanley: "Gee... I'm sorry kids... but it's just... all I ever wanted was an award for the wonderful cartoons I starred in... I never meant to harm anyone..." Lola: "Except for Bugs." Stanley: "Well okay sure... but he deserved it!, nobody ever cared about my cartoons when he came around!, I mean that rabbit always gets all the glory!" Bonkers: "You are a fool, we toons don't make our cartoons for the awards, we did it to make people be happy and laugh, you completely forgotten the whole point, but I'm sure you'll remember it after 10 to 15 years behind bars." Lola: "But first... where's the award?" Stanley: "Well you can't have it, and you'll never find it ever." Gidget: "Hmm... it's in your trunk, isn't it?" Stanley: "How did you know that?!" Gidget: "Psychic powers let me read minds." Stanley: "That's cheating!" Bonkers: "No, only bad guys cheat, and Gidget is no bad guy like you... now how do we get the award out of the trunk...?" Jokeo: "Leave that to me." said Jokeo, before he takes out a feather and uses it to tickle Stanley's trunk, which made him sneeze out the Oscar award. Bonkers: "Look!, it's the Oscar award!" Lucky: "Now let's get this Toon scum to the station." said Lucky, before he and the others take Stanley to the station to face justice. Later, the group went into Bugs Bunny's house, where the bunny toon himself was crying as his award was stolen, before he heard the sound of someone knocking. Bugs: "Who is it...?" Lola: "It's me Bugs, may I come in?" Bugs: "Sure thing Lola... come on in..." said Bugs, before Lola and the others came in. Lola: "Bugs, these are the people who helped me catch the one who bopped ya." Bonkers: "Hey Mr Bugs, it's great to meet you, I'm Bonkers D Bobcat, you've been my idol since I was an extra." Tommy: "I'm Tommy." Gidget: "I'm Gidget." Jokey: "And I'm Jokey." Jokeo: "And I'm Jokeo, me and Jokey here are twins." Lucky: "And I'm Lucky, um... we managed to get your award back." said Lucky, before he shows the award to Bugs, which made the rabbit very happy. Bugs: "Oh my baby!, thank goodness you're safe!, thanks Doc." Lucky: "Well don't thank me, it's Jokey and Jokeo here, they were the ones who figured out who bopped ya." Jokey: "Yeah... though I wished the one who did it wasn't a toon I looked up to..." Jokeo: "It's okay bro... sometimes... an idol just isn't the person you believed them to be..." Bugs: "Yeah, but don't worry, there are plenty of toons to look up to." Jokey: "Yeah... I guess so... though they won't have that funny coconut gag..." Bugs: "Then maybe you could have that gag if you get your own cartoon." Jokey: "Hey... that's a great idea!" said Jokey, before he takes out a coconut, throws up into the air, before it bonks Jokey on the head. Gidget: "Are you okay?" Jokey: "Yeah... I got hit by a coconut... I'm my own idol..." this of course made everyone laugh, even Jokey.

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