Tommy Vs MegaTrog

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After The Collector was unmasked, the villain gave the Demon trio the mask of MegaTrog, and once one of them put it on, they transformed into MegaTrog (voiced by Tim Curry), the Dragon Devil, the monster that all toons feared the most. MegaTrog: "Yes... after all this time... I'm back!" said MegaTrog, before letting out an evil laugh, while all the toons were shaking in fear, and Lucky and Miranda took a few steps back. The Collector: "Alright, now keep you end of the deal." MegaTrog: "Very well, from here on, you'll be a real toon." said MegaTrog, before he snaps his fingers and with a puff of smoke, The Collector had become a real toon, looking like the disguise he wore. The Collector: "Yes!, at long last!, I'm a real toon!, now nothing can stop me!" MegaTrog: "Well... almost nothing." said MegaTrog, before he grabs The Collector and used his pitchfork to summon a large pot that was filled with what looked like green acid known as Dip, which can destroy and kill Toons. The Collector: "What are you doing?!, let me go!" MegaTrog: "Nothing personal, but now that I'm MegaTrog again... I no longer need you... have a nice 'Dip' my friend." said MegaTrog, before he drops The Collector into the tank, and the acid inside caused the villain to melt until there was nothing left. Miranda: "Oh my gosh..." Lucky: "Oh man... that's an ugly way to go..." MegaTrog: "Now then... it's time I resume my job on tormenting the toons above, just like old times..." Bonkers: "Not on my watch, we're not letting you harm the toons above!" MegaTrog: "Oh really?" Tommy: "That's right you rotten lizard!" shouted Tommy, which seemed to have really ticked off the Dragon Devil for sure. MegaTrog: "What... was... that?!, what did you call me?!" Tommy: "A lizard!, and a bully!" Gidget: "Uh... Tommy... I don't think making MegaTrog is really a good idea..." MegaTrog: "You should listen to the little lady, for you have no idea of the big mistake you just made... for I... am... not... A LIZARD!" Tommy: "Loud..." Jokey: "I think Tommy made him mad..." Jokeo: "You think..." MegaTrog: "Say your prayers boy... it's fox hunting season for you!" Bugs: "Actually... it's Demon season." MegaTrog: "That's a load of balderdash!, it's Fox season!" Tommy: "Demon season!" MegaTrog: "Fox Season!" Tommy: "Demon season!" MegaTrog: "Fox season!" Tommy: "Fox season!" MegaTrog: "Demon season!" Tommy: "Fox season!" MegaTrog: "Listen here brat!, when I say it's Demon hunting season, it means that it's Demon hunting season!, and I say fire!" shouted MegaTrog, before someone fired a gun and a puff of smoke was around MegaTrog's face. Once the smoke was cleared, MegaTrog's face was covered in ash, before he wipes it off. MegaTrog: "Alright... I like to know... WHO FIRED THAT GUN?!" asked MegaTrog in rage, before all the other toons pointed their fingers at Elmer Fudd, who chuckled nervously. Elmer Fudd: "Sorry... force of habit..." MegaTrog: "Enough of this!, both the fox and bobcat are now on top of my 'toons to kill' list!" shouted MegaTrog, which made Tommy gulp in fear. Tommy: "Uh oh..." Bonkers: "You could say that again..." said Bonkers, before Tommy noticed a large calliope machine, and an idea came into his head. MegaTrog: "Any last words?" Tommy: "Well... it's more of a song... about the toon you're about to dip." said Tommy, before he runs over to the calliope machine and starts it up, which begins playing the 'Merry Go Round Broke Down' tune. MegaTrog: "Huh?" Tommy: "♪Bonkers is his name, laughter is a game, come on down right now, let him go, and watch him go insane~♫." sang Tommy, as he dances around and then gets hit in the face by a broom when he stepped on the head and the handle went up, making MegaTrog laugh. Miranda: "He's lost his mind..." Bonkers: "I don't think so..." that was when Tommy takes out some bowling balls, ready to dance some more. Tommy: "♪This singing ain't my line, it's tough to make a rhyme, if I get stuck and outta luck and♫... uh..." Fawn: "And running out of time!" Tommy: "Thanks, ♪and running out of time~♫." sang Tommy, before he juggles the bowling balls before they landed on Tommy's head, making him fall backwards and crashed into a pile of boxes, making MegaTrog laugh more. It wasn't long before Tommy came back, riding on a pogo stick, bouncing higher and higher until his hits one of the ceiling's lights, electrocuting him in the process, making MegaTrog laughing even harder. When Tommy fell down, he splat into the ground, before peeling himself off like a sticker and his body soon when back to normal. Tommy: "♪I'm through with taking falls, and bouncing off the walls, if it weren't for that pitchfork, I'd had some fun and kick you in the nose~♫." MegaTrog: "Nose?, that don't rhyme with walls!" Miranda: "No... but this does." said Miranda, before she kicks MegaTrog in a certain spot that is the weak spot of all man, which made the Dragon devil fell to his knees and had a hard time breathing, and all the toons winced by the sight. Bugs: "Ooh... that's gotta hurt..." Daffy: "No joke..." Mickey: "Gosh... poor fella..." Peter: "Ow... of all the spots... that's the most painful one..." Fawn: "I know he's a monster... but ouch..." Tommy: "Uh... I don't get it..." Miranda: "Don't get what?... oh that... don't worry, Lucky can explain it when you're older." Lucky: "Uh... yeah... if you say so..." Bonkers: "Um... guys..." said Bonkers, pointing at the now really angry MegaTrog, who had his eyes glowing red and steam coming out of his nostrils. MegaTrog: "Oh... you just made a big mistake... I don't care if you're a human or a lady... you're dead meat!" Tommy: "Um... I think now we should... RUN!" shouted Tommy, before he and the others make a run for it, and MegaTrog jumps up and lands in front of the group, blocking the exit. MegaTrog: "You're not going anywhere... except in my dip." said MegaTrog, before he uses his tail to wrap up Flopsy and Mopsy, who were really scared, until Jokey and Jokeo bite the tail to free the girls. Jokey: "Flopsy, are you okay?" Jokeo: "What about you, Mopsy, nothing broken?" Flopsy: "We're fine... you saved us... again, thank you." said Flopsy, before she and Mopsy a kiss on the twins' cheeks, making the boys blush a little. Mopsy: "You're really sweet boys." Jokeo: "Uh... thanks... but we were just doing what's right..." MegaTrog: "Too bad it was pointless as you're all about to be Dipped." Gidget: "We'll see about that." said Gidget, as she tries to use her psychic powers on the Dragon Devil, but he was not budging. MegaTrog: "Foolish little girl... your psychic powers won't work on a demon spirit like me." Tommy: "Then how about this?!" called out Tommy, as he pulls out a large mallet from his shirt's pocket, and uses it to hit MegaTrog on the head, which nearly puts him out cold, and fell to the ground. Bonkers: "Nice job." Tommy: "Thanks." said Tommy, before MegaTrog gets back on his feet, and picks up the large pot of Dip, ready to dump it on the toons. MegaTrog: "Say your prayers Toons!" Fawn: "Oh dear..." Tommy: "Gidget, use your powers!" Gidget: "It doesn't work against that monster!" Tommy: "Not on him, on the Dip!" Gidget: "Oh..." said Gidget, before she uses her psychic powers on the Dip, which floats up into the air and formed into a ball above the Dragon Devil. MegaTrog: "If you think that's gonna stop your doom, think again." said MegaTrog, before he fires a beam from his pitch fork that hits Gidget, knocking her out. Tommy: "Gidget!" Bonkers: "You can't do that to a girl!" MegaTrog: "You can't tell me what to do." Lucky: "Wait... Gidget was using her psychic powers to make the Dip float up... and now she's out cold... so... what's keeping the Dip up?" asked Lucky, which made MegaTrog slowly look up, seeing that the Dip was falling towards him. MegaTrog: "Oh nuts..." said MegaTrog, before the Dip splashes on him, causing him to melt away until there was nothing left. Bonkers: "Sheesh... what a way to go..." Fawn: "Yeah... while he might have been a monster... even he didn't deserve that... nor The Collector..." Lucky: "Well... one thing's for sure, this case is officially closed..." Miranda: "Yeah... maybe now your brother's spirit can finally rest in peace..." Lucky: "Yeah..." that was when Gidget woke up. Gidget: "Oh... what happened?, where's MegaTrog?" Tommy: "Over there... destroyed by his own Dip..." said Tommy, pointing at the spot where MegaTrog once stood. Gidget: "Whoa... I didn't mean for that to happen..." Jokeo: "It wasn't your fault, MegaTrog did it on himself by attacking you." Gidget: "I guess so..." Bonkers: "Come on everyone, let's go home." said Bonkers, before he and the other Toons left the lair.

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